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Army Thread Sunday 4th November

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    Army Thread Sunday 4th November

    I heard it. The one telling me not to be a twat. I just didn't want to believe it...
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread Sunday 4th November

      Very late evening all.

      Fascinating subject. The gene thing. My Ma & Pa were both alkies but do you know I don't think it was a gene thing. My Pa was such a gentle soul that you'd never know he'd had a drink I was about 20 when I found out he was addicted. I come from such a huge family it was just that they stuck the national average in the 4 of us. Me brother's completely normal.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Sunday 4th November

        mollyka;1405648 wrote: And so far - my 4 sprogs seem totally disinterested in booze - s'pose it's early days for them tho --- so fingers crossed!!
        Mine are obsessed. It's what they do for a living. Naww not worried about either of them. They have too much now and again but after a big sleep, plenty of fluids, vit C and a bacon sandwich and they're right as rain.

        Actually the only one in my whole cousins?aunts/uncles thing who's an alkie is a cousin. Although it could be that my family is addicted to brushing things under the carpet.

        Anyhoo I'm sober. All that matters to my nearest and dearest.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Sunday 4th November

          Hello everybody (posh voice!!)how are we all today?back home now...bloody freezing it was..Yep Questy ice and frost alles uber the platz this morning....Just been fed..awaiting Downton with baited breath..Antiques roadshow...couple turned up with a shedful of postcards to get valued...a mere 40 grands worth!! pinks love the killers too.

          Rabsy.....think thats part of the giving up mate.....get to a certain stage and think this is a dawdle..I can control my drink..why cant I drink..its not fair an all that crap...but for most of us one drink doesnt exist

          Hello the McGintys.......yous ok?
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Army Thread Sunday 4th November

            Mick;1405650 wrote: Hello everybody (posh voice!!)how are we all today?back home now...bloody freezing it was..Yep Questy ice and frost alles uber the platz this morning....Just been fed..awaiting Downton with baited breath..Antiques roadshow...couple turned up with a shedful of postcards to get valued...a mere 40 grands worth!! pinks love the killers too.

            Rabsy.....think thats part of the giving up mate.....get to a certain stage and think this is a dawdle..I can control my drink..why cant I drink..its not fair an all that crap...but for most of us one doesnt exist

            Hello the McGintys.......yous ok?
            I was watching Obama on bbc 2 but now switched over to Anitques roadshow.

            I agree with your comments re comments on "the dawdle"

            Hi Army No alkies in my family until me and none since thank goodness:goodjob:


              Army Thread Sunday 4th November

              yo where are yiz all ?


                Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                Watching Downton!


                  Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                  Hey Satz,

                  I'm jist running in to say hi before keeling over to bed. Sorry, haven't had a chance to catch up on previous posts form this arvo.

                  Hi a'body else. Mick - thanks for the words. Still cogitating it all.

                  Cogitating... hahaha... that word always makes me thing of that masterchef man... whatisface... posh Boston dude.

                  Right gonna trip the light fantastic in lalaland... :bedtime: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


                    Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                    x-post hi anon.

                    sleepy sleepy


                      Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                      Another milestone done!
                      Family for Sunday dinner ..... usually once food all ready or even before the wine would be out !!
                      Enjoyed it today and no wish to drink . Well maybe a little when I saw the wine out tbh but would not give in to it ! A lot of comments on no drinking too !

                      Realised I HATE staying in on Sundays - spending one of my only 2 days off cooking annoys me no end.

                      Need to get out & about - Monday morning comes too soon if I stay in !

                      God I'm an awful moan bag today ?


                        Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                        RunningCourage;1405683 wrote: Hey Satz,

                        I'm jist running in to say hi before keeling over to bed. Sorry, haven't had a chance to catch up on previous posts form this arvo.

                        Hi a'body else. Mick - thanks for the words. Still cogitating it all.

                        Cogitating... hahaha... that word always makes me thing of that masterchef man... whatisface... posh Boston dude.

                        Right gonna trip the light fantastic in lalaland... :bedtime: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                        Jeez that mad party must have taken a lot out of RC last night :H:H
                        And he was slagging us for going to bed early


                          Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                          satz123;1405686 wrote: Jeez that mad party must have taken a lot out of RC last night :H:H
                          And he was slagging us for going to bed early



                            Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                            Night Mollers & RC - sleep tight !
                            Just text JimJohn to say won't be there in morn - leave 'till Tuesday !
                            The relief not to have to set alarm for 5.30 :yay:


                              Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                              Mick;1405650 wrote: Hello everybody (posh voice!!)how are we all today?back home now...bloody freezing it was..Yep Questy ice and frost alles uber the platz this morning....Just been fed..awaiting Downton with baited breath..Antiques roadshow...couple turned up with a shedful of postcards to get valued...a mere 40 grands worth!! pinks love the killers too.

                              Rabsy.....think thats part of the giving up mate.....get to a certain stage and think this is a dawdle..I can control my drink..why cant I drink..its not fair an all that crap...but for most of us one drink doesnt exist

                              Hello the McGintys.......yous ok?
                              Hi Mick. You prolly gone bye byes too !
                              LOVE Antiques Roadshow :h....... missed it tonight though :upset:


                                Army Thread Sunday 4th November

                                Ok talking to myself AGAIN ....... so off for a read of my book !!!:sulk:

