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I made it 67 days

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    I made it 67 days

    The boredom finally got the better of me. For the past two weeks I started drinking on the weekends. I seem pretty stable with my control and the BAC is keeping the cravings away during the week but I still fight the boredom.

    I have noticed a depression set in. I am about to start a new business and should be excited but mostly I feel bored and alone and now in a miserable funk. I wonder if its the booze calling me to the bottle..

    Anyhow thought I would share..

    I made it 67 days

    Hi Helix!

    I don't know if you've posted before, but in any case, welcome to My Way Out! And, congratulations on your 67 days...that's pretty impressive!

    When I first came here, I got the book, which can be downloaded from this site, and pretty much did the whole program, except for the meds..I REALLY recommend the cds, which I think helped to change my thinking.

    The Tool Box thread in the Abstainers section gave me LOTS of ideas, too.

    Boredom was one of the main reasons I gave myself for why I drank at life was boring, nothing to look forward to, tv didn't interest me, I was just...BORED.

    Well,...I hate to say it, but I think my BOREDOM was hiding some other emotions, which I haven't quite figured out yet...

    And one physical thing I needed to do for myself was learn to EAT dinner at 5 pm instead of DRINK alcohol. If by any chance it seems to you that your boredom is actually something else, clue me in!

    So, congrats on your 67 days, good luck on the next AF stretch. FFp
    . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


      I made it 67 days

      Hi helix,
      Just wondering how you are doing and if you have started your new business yet. Let us know your progress! FFp
      . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


        I made it 67 days

        Hi Helix. I too found I had to make a LOT of changes when I let go of the booze. Alcohol was taking up a significant portion of my time living, and I had to be proactive finding other things to do. For me there was a huge mental component to quitting in addition to dealing with the physical cravings, etc. It took time for me to get all that sorted and settled, and also for some of the physical things to pass. I don't know if you've read about PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) but that might be worth a google just to see if it helps you make sense of what you are experiencing.

        Being free of alcohol's grip is worth doing whatever it takes to get there - to TRUE freedom - not just "suffering through not drinking."

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          I made it 67 days

          Congrats on your 67 days Helix!... That's fantastic!.... You can get 67 days again & more!....

          Hopefully, your new business will keep you busy & free from boredom. I too was bored & drank from boredom. Well, I could drink about anything if I'm honest with myself. Happy, sad, mad, boring, no reason, excuses, really anything, or nothing. I too had to work on my thinking & few other things. Have found it's still easier than drinking, stopping then repeat. Have found for myself it's now easier to just stop the cycle.

          I think I may remember you & that you liked to work out. Sorry if I'm confusing you with another poster. There's Meds Forum here with nice intelligent people taking Baclofen. Maybe you could connect with some of them & not feel so alone in this journey. I've learned over the yrs with many stints at sobriety, then slips that it helps to stay connected to like minded people.

          Take good care!


            I made it 67 days

            Yup, bored, tired were among my excuses. Bored actually meant that I felt like drinking instead of doing other things that needed to be done or things I actually enjoy doing. Im currently around day 67 of my final quit, and still feeling strong. I again can enjoy getting things done or choosing to do nothing without drinking. My personal recovery activity list has really helped me maintain the attitude that I really don't want to drink for any reason. I posted the inspiration for this list on the tool box thread.
            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


              I made it 67 days

              Sunbeam;1407779 wrote: Yup, bored, tired were among my excuses. Bored actually meant that I felt like drinking instead of doing other things that needed to be done or things I actually enjoy doing. Im currently around day 67 of my final quit, and still feeling strong. I again can enjoy getting things done or choosing to do nothing without drinking. My personal recovery activity list has really helped me maintain the attitude that I really don't want to drink for any reason. I posted the inspiration for this list on the tool box thread.
              I LOVE your level of honesty with yourself. I too "accepted" a lot of the BS excuse making that the "committee in my head" chattered endlessly about. That kept me stuck in the bottle. I actually learned quite a bit from SMART Recovery about recognizing BS thoughts and developing strategies to replace irrational thinking with rational thinking.


              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I made it 67 days

                Thank you for the reference to the "committee in my head!" I never thought about the chatter like makes me giggle. and thanks for reminded me abt. Smart Recovery...I DO think that's where I first found some insights re my "boredom." will check it out again. FFp
                . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                  I made it 67 days

                  The committee in my head, love it, I now have an image of a group of annoying, dull people who live in my head and are trying to drag me down ;0) I shall use this image often.
                  Helix, your post is full of very insightfulness ( is this even a word ;0) I too go through phases of thinking I have moderation under control and then one day my husband comes home to find me drunk during the day and being a total wally!
                  Also if your prone o depression, as I am, drinking exacerbates it.
                  If you love exercise go for it and do lots, it always makes me feel so much better ;0)
                  Good luck with the new business what a great thing to focus on x
                  AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                  Day by day

