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One Day One Night Sober

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    One Day One Night Sober

    It takes the first step to begin the journey; I woke up this morning hung over as per usual, exhuasted, guilty and hating myself. But this is the norm. What really pushed me to say, "ENOUGH!" was I started to notice my memory going; I can't remember where I park my car many times, lose my train of thought, and often cannot complete a thought at all. I will be 26 in December; this isn't supposed to happen for at least another fourty years! And how do I expect to retain all the reading I do or become a diplomat like this?

    No more! No more making my life any harder than it already is! My luck is running out. Time to say, "No, not in my name, not on my watch!"

    Wish me luck!


    One Day One Night Sober


    Good luck! One hour at a time... Read what helped others. If I didn't start kudzu and l-glutamine 3 weeks ago, I'd still be drinking.
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      One Day One Night Sober

      Thank you Good luck in your endeavors too


        One Day One Night Sober

        hi soosa, have you popped into the Newbies Nest yet? Have a read too of the Tools Thread. Links below.

        "One day one night sober" would make a great title for a song/album/film by the way!

        Newbies Nest

        Tool Box



          One Day One Night Sober

          Thank you RC! I will do that right now!


            One Day One Night Sober

            Soosa best of luck to you..Rabsys right..cant do better than the Newbies nest
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              One Day One Night Sober

              Best of luck Soosa - keep posting - keep reading .
              Never beat yourself up if you fall - ( not everyone does ) but just up again & brush yourself off and continue on to next day. SMALL STEPS
              Eventually your thinking will change and you will be ready to keep the AF going !!!
              The penny will drop one day.
              This is what happended to me.
              I started posting here and realised that people who used to drink daily - stopped - but continued to have 'normal' , everyday lives.
              This is what I craved.

              I gave it a go and guess what - the world didn't end.
              It was one night at home AF - ok
              Then one night out AF - ok
              Then one weekend AF - ok

              Just don't lose heart - keep trying - SMALL STEPS !!


                One Day One Night Sober

                Soosa, welcome. Come join us in the newbies nest. We are all here for the same reason. One step at a time.
                we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                  One Day One Night Sober

                  Welcome to MWO Soosa. This place is awesome. Extremely supportive and a great way to keep yourself accountable for your drinking. Being "only 26" means nothing. I was a raging alcoholic at 24 after only 2 years of drinking heavily. I was missing work, screwing up relationships, losing jobs, driving drunk CONSTANTLY because I was always get the point. Good luck to you and I hope you find MWO as invaluable as I do!!! There's a lot of wisdom and experiences to be had here!
                  One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:

