This country won't be fixed until the social issues and the economic issues are separated. In our society liberal economics are going to push us to become a third world country. Yet being a conservative on social issues will never win an election again, even though a conservative President would never be able to overturn Roe V Wade, the liberals will scare everyone to think that the Republican gestapo is going to imprison everyone who doesn't go to church and believe the Bible word for word, and might even reinstate slavery.
This was an election that needed to be based on stregthening our economy, creating jobs, and protecting us from future terrorism. Instead it turned into bashing a man for his morality and religious beliefs. I am not a religious person, but in my opnion this country continues to deteriorate on a social level, and no leader is going to be able to stop that because of the strength of the liberal media and the lack of strong family values alone. So voting on social issues that will probably never affect you anyways was a very short sighted vote in this election. But that is what the left wanted people to do, because it was the only way they could make a case for re election. And as long as certain people feel there is a chance that their rights and freedoms might be taken away by someone, (whether these feeling are reality based or not), people will vote with their hearts instead of using their heads.
Most people, (52%), don't see that the economic engine of the USA is what really gives us our freedom, and are more worried about their individual rights to do anything that they want, than realizing in the big scheme of things you can't do anything you want if you can't pay for it.
I will survive and me and my family will be fine because the only thing that really affects me is me...I learned this when I quit drinking.
