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Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

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    Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

    RunningCourage;1407488 wrote: I really only teach LAMDA exam classes (so like get kids to perform monologues for exams) don't do normal classroom teaching (unless sex ed with veg).... though am considering it...
    Och yeah... ye'd be great at Sex Ed with Veg... go for it!!! :H


      Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

      Zenstyle;1407490 wrote: Och yeah... ye'd be great at Sex Ed with Veg... go for it!!! :H
      Will you be me reference?


        Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

        mollyka;1407493 wrote:

        I did a diploma in speech and drama back in the day. If I'd had the confidence I'd have loved to go on to drama school proper like! Would have loved acting - Jilly is a natural -- she played Miss Hannigan in Annie - said she based her on me:H
        So, appears we have some drama queenies in the army. Well, well, well. Who'd have guessed. Maybe why i feel quite comfy in this thread?!

        Dahlings, I LOVE you ALL. Really I do. Yah, SO very much. You were fantabulous. Just wonderful. Mmmm. Groovy. Did you offer the director a courgette, hm? Yah? Of course you did dahling! And an aubergine you say? Well, look at you, you little hussy. Quite the thing aren't you...

        I'll stop now...


          Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

          mollyka;1407499 wrote: Bearing in mind - I truly amn't 'spiritual' or 'mystical' or any of that sort of thing ---- at all --- like AT ALL - I had a sorta 'dream' the night before last - but it wasn't a dream if you know what I mean - my Mum just sort of 'touched' me while I was 'asleep' and said 'hello' with a really happy face - I opened my eyes and smiled and said 'hello' back - that was all - but it was her birthday yesterday. Then when Joe woke up - COMPLETELY out of the blue he just said 'do you want to talk about your sister's? I hate the thought of you harbouring all that anger' (we NEVER talk about my sisters - they are the elephant in the corner) ----- and I just said quietly 'I'm not angry anymore' ----- and I amn't. ----- That's it - nothing earth shattering ----- but absolutely fucking bizarre --- it's thrown me for two days!
          Hey Molls,

          I think some things we just never 'get', no matter how much we try to rationalise it. I think it sounds, to be frank, quite beautiful what you describe. And would take from it the positives - how you feel, what it made you feel - no need for anything more.

          However you make of it, it's your experience and it's for you to judge what it was for you.

          A close friend of mine once described the night his dad died and said that he (my friend) just suddenly woke up in bed in the middle of the night and saw a vision of his dad there, apparently right at the moment his father passed away. Sorry - that's a bit morbid, but just another example of the unexplained. Perhaps there is a rational explanation, perhaps not.

          Anyways, like I say, I think what you describe really is beautiful. :l


            Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

            RunningCourage;1407491 wrote: Will you be me reference?

            Dear Head of Sex Ed Dept.,

            I am writing to confirm that I have seen Mr. Arsey's work in the Sex Ed field. His dedication to duty is unparallelled and his resourceful use of courgettes and other "root" vegetables is enough to make my eyes water with pride. He never hesitates to "extend" himself and I think he would be a great "addition" to your department.




              Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

              mollyka;1407499 wrote: Bearing in mind - I truly amn't 'spiritual' or 'mystical' or any of that sort of thing ---- at all --- like AT ALL - I had a sorta 'dream' the night before last - but it wasn't a dream if you know what I mean - my Mum just sort of 'touched' me while I was 'asleep' and said 'hello' with a really happy face - I opened my eyes and smiled and said 'hello' back - that was all - but it was her birthday yesterday. Then when Joe woke up - COMPLETELY out of the blue he just said 'do you want to talk about your sister's? I hate the thought of you harbouring all that anger' (we NEVER talk about my sisters - they are the elephant in the corner) ----- and I just said quietly 'I'm not angry anymore' ----- and I amn't. ----- That's it - nothing earth shattering ----- but absolutely fucking bizarre --- it's thrown me for two days!
              Jazus Mollers -that's brill - did you ask Oney about it ?


                Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                Zenstyle;1407506 wrote: Sure!

                Dear Head of Sex Ed Dept.,

                I am writing to confirm that I have seen Mr. Arsey's work in the Sex Ed field. His dedication to duty is unparallelled and his resourceful use of courgettes and other "root" vegetables is enough to make my eyes water with pride. He never hesitates to "extend" himself and I think he would be a great "addition" to your department.



                I'm SO gonna get a job!


                  Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                  mollyka;1407499 wrote: Bearing in mind - I truly amn't 'spiritual' or 'mystical' or any of that sort of thing ---- at all --- like AT ALL - I had a sorta 'dream' the night before last - but it wasn't a dream if you know what I mean - my Mum just sort of 'touched' me while I was 'asleep' and said 'hello' with a really happy face - I opened my eyes and smiled and said 'hello' back - that was all - but it was her birthday yesterday. Then when Joe woke up - COMPLETELY out of the blue he just said 'do you want to talk about your sister's? I hate the thought of you harbouring all that anger' (we NEVER talk about my sisters - they are the elephant in the corner) ----- and I just said quietly 'I'm not angry anymore' ----- and I amn't. ----- That's it - nothing earth shattering ----- but absolutely fucking bizarre --- it's thrown me for two days!

                  Excellent outcome... whatever it can be attributed to... eh? Letting go of anger is a brilliant thing. I spent a lot of my life being angry at a certain person and i just can't be arsed anymore and it's great not to have to be bothered with it... so I should imagine you're feeling relief.

                  You know... I was like you in as much as not being that spiritual... but I got to tell you... I've seen a ghost. Ever since that day, I'm a believer and I kind of tune in more to things that I didn't before. And I think it's lovely that your mum came to take that anger away... xxx


                    Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                    Zenstyle;1407515 wrote: :l:l:l

                    Excellent outcome... whatever it can be attributed to... eh? Letting go of anger is a brilliant thing. I spent a lot of my life being angry at a certain person and i just can't be arsed anymore and it's great not to have to be bothered with it... so I should imagine you're feeling relief.

                    You know... I was like you in as much as not being that spiritual... but I got to tell you... I've seen a ghost. Ever since that day, I'm a believer and I kind of tune in more to things that I didn't before. And I think it's lovely that your mum came to take that anger away... xxx
                    Ah here - WHAT ghost ??


                      Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                      mollyka;1407519 wrote: Thanks Zenners - I knew you'd understand! And yeah - it's really wierd not being angry with them - I'd still give them a good slap or summat --- but murder has gone off the agenda:H
                      LMAO!!!! Baby steps Mollers... baby steps... :H Least we don't need to worry about bailing yer out now!


                        Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                        mollyka;1407516 wrote: Nope - haven't been talkin to her recently ---- still freaked when she 'called' it on Laura giving birth:H
                        How's you? Feck it - gettin a second wind now ---- SHUDDA GONE TO BED:upset:
                        I'm great just love to know what going on !
                        I'd say it's you ready to forget and move on and it manifested as your Mam cos you were thinking of her on her birthday.

                        You did it all 'cos you are moving on and don't need to hold on to anger - 'cos anger hurts only you !!!


                          Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                          Och Jaysus... be an ma big gob.

                          I bought a house... with a ghost. I thought it was the ghost of a friend I did CPR on (we lost him) and I used to prattle away to is all day. Few months later I awoke to a HUGE clanging noise at around 3am coming from the hall and when I went out there MacGregor (cat) was sprawled in his own pee absolutely terrified. Cleaned him up, went back to bed scratching my noggin. Cat had never pissed the floor before. Next day was looking in the mirror to sort my hair on the way out the door and saw a black caped figure scoot across right where the noise had come from and the cat had pee'd himself. The hairs on my arms stood up and it freaked me the hell out. Researched... looked like the house was built on an old Indian burial ground... put house on market toot sweet... sold it to Hatians (some of them like voodoo) and fooked off outta there! My uncle also saw a ghost... looked the same as mine. And two friends saw one TOGETHER at the same time... looked the same as mine.

                          Dat's me ghost story...


                            Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                            Was this what you saw Zenners?


                              Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                              Zenstyle;1407526 wrote: Och Jaysus... be an ma big gob.

                              I bought a house... with a ghost. I thought it was the ghost of a friend I did CPR on (we lost him) and I used to prattle away to is all day. Few months later I awoke to a HUGE clanging noise at around 3am coming from the hall and when I went out there MacGregor (cat) was sprawled in his own pee absolutely terrified. Cleaned him up, went back to bed scratching my noggin. Cat had never pissed the floor before. Next day was looking in the mirror to sort my hair on the way out the door and saw a black caped figure scoot across right where the noise had come from and the cat had pee'd himself. The hairs on my arms stood up and it freaked me the hell out. Researched... looked like the house was built on an old Indian burial ground... put house on market toot sweet... sold it to Hatians (some of them like voodoo) and fooked off outta there! My uncle also saw a ghost... looked the same as mine. And two friends saw one TOGETHER at the same time... looked the same as mine.

                              Dat's me ghost story...
                              I posted the foto before reading this...

                              Now i aint gonna sleep a wink.

                              *switches bedroom lights all on again*


                                Army Thread Wednesday 7th November

                                RunningCourage;1407528 wrote: Was this what you saw Zenners?

                                :H:H:H Oh jesus RC :H:H

