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Army Dread Thursday 8th November

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    Army Dread Thursday 8th November

    Evening all, just gonna go pop me jammies on and see what Questy can do. Because she's certainly not buggering orff anywhere.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Dread Thursday 8th November

      Questy: are you still out there? Look how many people care about you. Please respond....
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Army Dread Thursday 8th November

        On the phone and on the bus! I still feel daunted when I see how long people have been AF and maybe questy feels a bit overwhelmed st the moment. However, we have all been where she is now. So Questy just stay here with us lot


          Army Dread Thursday 8th November

          OMG I hope I'm not overwhelming. Although I know my beauty and charm is overwhelming.

          Remember I used to think a long term abstainer was someone who could wait 'til lunchtime for their first drink.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Dread Thursday 8th November

            And moderation was white wine for breakfast.:H

            No work Thursday or Friday.

            Ooh think I'm 33 days today. Is the Champix making her feel sick when she has a ciggie
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Dread Thursday 8th November

              JackieClaire;1407907 wrote: OMG I hope I'm not overwhelming. Although I know my beauty and charm is overwhelming.

              Remember I used to think a long term abstainer was someone who could wait 'til lunchtime for their first drink.
              Jc, lol, you crack me up!
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                mollyka;1407908 wrote: Hey Jackie and Al!

                I absolutely agree mrsa. Achully one of my problems with AA is that - god I dunno - they are sober so long - like 20-30-40 years - it beggars belief where they get the 'success' rate of 5% --- now these are the people that I do believe - there's some that you'd be very dubious about --- but they still congratulate peeps with 3 or 4 years as 'newcomers' to sobriety. Sorta sometimes I feel ffs I'd have to live to be 195 to NOT be a newcomer.
                But it was put in context to me by a lovely man one day --- he was doing the chair -- and he just sort of said 'well we're all sitting here in this room today with the same sobriety ---- today'
                --- and I thought that was lovely.
                I so wish I could 'gift' the head the treatment centre put on me to anyone struggling -- and it IS all in the head - outside factors become irrelevant when your head finally 'gets' it - imo
                Thank you Molls, I knew you'd posted that before I couldn't for the life of me remember where. Going to stick it me little book of wise words.

                Don't do statistics. If you'd done a poll in my house on the success rate of people who've been to AA and had got sober it would be 100%.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                  mollyka;1407914 wrote: No - she's not smoking - she musta done the pre-bit already. She was regaling me with her gagging and her ailments about it - and then I asked her if she was coming out for a smoke:H FFS ---- really hope this is vitamin deficiency - I'm gettin more like Blanche from Corrie by the day:H
                  I stuck the pre-bit (don'tcha love it that so scientific here) until day 14 of the damned tablets. Seems that the most peeps can get to are day 6/8. I'm an addict through and through.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                    Has anyone noticed the title of the thread today.:H
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                      mollyka;1407916 wrote: I reckon you shud be Allo Every 'head' in Ireland gets an 'O' put after their name if they're coooool:H
                      So allo Allo

                      I added Allo to my signature just for you. You are the first to suggest it!
                      Alcoholic (or Ally)

                      "Only a fool knows everything.
                      A wise man knows how little he knows."

                      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                        Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                        Evening army.

                        Have read back. Questy - well i aint got much more to say than what these burds have said already. Listen to 'em. They're pretty wise. (First and last compliment of the evening ladies). And they're pretty and wise. (OK, take previous comment back, that'll be the second and final compliment). What I will say is try not to compare your journey with anyone elses. They are all different. Some, for sure, are more similar than others.... But where JC has years of abstention and others have many, many months, they have both a)been here for centuries and working the fight for longer and b) that is THEIR journey.

                        You gotta find yours.

                        Am still finding mine. So... hey, fess up time - i had a drink Sunday, with my folks. First drink in 7 weeks, since i first opened ma gubbins on this site and began to annoy folks with utterings indeed. Now, I'm not altogether sure where I'm going next with the journey, but it's mine. Maybe's i find i need to abstain for ever and ever (amen), or maybes i find something else works for me.

                        But cos i'm here, i have found folks i can share stuff with - whether on the threads, or whether through PM's. (When i say "stuff" i mean AL stuff... as opposed to "Have you seen the price of tomatoes at friggintesco?!" sort of stuff.) These folks here are particularly understanding of my journey - as we are of yours. So, look for and use all the opportunities for support here. Speak to folks, OM them - sorry, meant PM - join Alco as a buddy for some AF time.... whatever it takes.

                        Just my tuppence worth. :l


                          Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                          Have you seen the price of tomatoes at friggintescos?


                            Army Dread Thursday 8th November


                            You are hilarious. Your mind goes from A to 5635 and sometimes you lose me completely. But gotta agree w you about those friggin' tomatoes. You never answered my question: how are March and Orange associated ?
                            Alcoholic (or Ally)

                            "Only a fool knows everything.
                            A wise man knows how little he knows."

                            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                              Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                              It's funny when you talk about sober buddies. Mine was Opal all them many moons and just because I love white opals and that was her avatar. Oh and of course I followed Startingover like a puppy as she's just got her first year anniversary when I started posting.

                              Me and Molls bonded over our livers.

                              Oh what is the price of tomatoes at friggintesco?
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Dread Thursday 8th November

                                mollyka;1407931 wrote: :H:H:H - you ARE ridiculous:H
                                Seriously tho - how did you feel about drinking after the 7 weeks? Was it a conscious decision or just a spur of the moment thing? And what are you plannin to do now? NOSY ---- MOI!!!!!:H
                                Well, I've kept pretty shtumn about it cos it's easier to be blurting out AF! AF! AF! on a site for those with problems with the devil's drink, than shouting "Eh... I had a drink... and right now... i'm ok with it."

                                It was conscious decision. I PM'd a buddy from the NN about it before hand, and they were very supportive of my testing the water (which if i were Jesus, might have meant me turning the fecking water to wine, which may not have been the most conducive thing to do at this stage).

                                I don't have a formed plan, but to be honest. i would like to try and see how modding goes (you hate "journey" i hate "modding" ... makes me think of whatisface... Rod Stewart) for November - no, let's be honest.... November and December. Then, come the new year, to review where I am.

                                I have started to keep a chart of what i drink and how much i spend on it. I'll be up front with you all, that after 12 years of ending each and every day with a bottle of wine + (the equivalent of another 1/2 bottle, or some pints or something else AL), that there is still a desire to just go back there. And, when i had that drink with my folks, I would have had another if i had been offered. But they are the quintessential moderate drinkers. A bottle of wine will easily last 3 nights between the two of them. So little chance of me getting another sip. (Though 7 weeks ago, i;d have helped myself, or brought my own stash).

                                Question... We all have our own stories of how we arrived at our problems with AL (genetic or circumstances or habits or something else)... and i often wonder whether had my journey, sorry, traverse... nah that's shit too... had my voyage...nah too Narnia... had my odyssey - yeah! like that! So, I often wonder if my odyssey to today had been different whether i'd ever have had an issue with AL...??

