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    kuya;1408235 wrote: WHAT?! LOL
    Oh Feck, now what? I just had my kitten therapy & came back into the office to check on my student & shut this down for the night. You need to practice. I've left you a nice peaceful picture, perfect instructions, so there shall be no complaining out of you just yet. :H :H :thanks: :bedtime:


      dancing avatar

      *sniff*.......*sniff*. Don't beat me WF.......I will try harder tomorrow .....ise tired now :upset:


        dancing avatar

        kuya;1408282 wrote: *sniff*.......*sniff*. Don't beat me WF.......I will try harder tomorrow .....ise tired now :upset:
        I'm sorry my little student!!! :l I was tired, impatient. If you knew about my little kitten & how they didn't disclose the truth to me. She was a neonatal baby, tho was with Mommy for 1st three wks. Day of Spay Foster Mom who's volunteer Mgr calls me to tell me she has lice. I don't think the Foster Mom ~ Mgr wanted to deal with it, has her own pets. Very rare in cats as you must know being a DVM.

        They offered my money back, or another kitten, not to take care of this. You know me I'm not a pansy, I asked. I panicked thinking what is going to happen to her. I already knew she was special.

        Well yrs back I was head Mama of Health Day at girls school & helped many a panicked Mom, Dad, etc. Went thru this with my girls. Yes, I know it's species specific. Thank Gawd. Almost started my own business Lice Busters, there was a popular movie back then called Ghost Busters. Yucko's ~ changed mind.

        I ask them to take care of this as I have Mr. McGee a beautiful Maine Coon Rescue (diff organization.) He's gorgeous & very well behaved! Yes, they would have been quarantined anyways. I don't believe in over vaccinating indoor kitties. Only (MLV) ones early on. Did a 3 yr on my boy as my little kitten (undisclosed illnesses calcici, herpes, conjunuvitis) until I go pick her up day of spay, read her chart, transfer to this shelter. Which is the biggest no kill in my area. Oh & my boy had already seen his Vet, so I have to go back after we decided not to vaccinate. Yes, I know controversial. Gave 3 yr booster FVCRP. (MLV by Merial ~ Purvax)

        I'm not really mad at them as they do good work saving as many lives as they can & this is a huge problem in society. I've volunteered yrs back diff shelter. It pizzes me off royal!!!... Plzz spay & neuter.

        Anyways, I ended up taking her home & she's small (2.35 lbs), very affectionate, very playful, curious. She's a long hair brown tigger tabby, She looks Wilde a little beauty! She's perfect & will help my boy too. He's such a grrt cat. My little kitten is my rehab baby. I already luv her & she will have a good home!!!.... :h

        I have this shite beat, but know how the life cycle works. Another treatment Frontline plus. I comb, nothing now, but still will treat again. I'm glad it was a mild case. Now ya know why I said feck ta quitting the ciggies that day, well one reason.

        My own female vet is awesome. Non corporate, no BS. I changed this yr.

        I probably should have Pm'd ya but, have had ya on ignore since our Dog & Cat War! Thought ya might be an evil, dark low spirit & I do believe in this stuff & know you don't. It's OK with me that we have diff beliefs. But, I think I was wrong & being paranoid, think your OK, so hell has frozen over :H & I'm releasing ya from my ignore list. I hope we can continue to help, support each other, many others here. I find so many things you write about very valuable, your nice, supportive, you make me laugh. Thank you Kuya. :l

        I have one more post & must get off here. I'm starting to panick as I've spent too much time on here, have business calls, shite ta get done. Wished I could shut up & keep my posts short. Feck, I must be lonely, or really enjoy this place, or both.

        I have alkie thinking & have been worrying about all this & know that kitten will be a carrier all her life, but then again my boy could be to & not show any symptoms. Just don't want him getting ill. His been very healthy the two yrs I've had him. She's FIV & Felv free. Will be getting all her kitten vaccine series. She's almost done at 11 wks now.

        Now if the committee would shut up & quit taking up free rent space in my head. The Hoildays are coming, family is flying in. I will be more scarce, or reading as I must stay connected to my friends here. I know how important it is!!!....

        I need to get her out of main bathroom into daughter's empty bedroom, get a new kitty condo to keep the little mischief happy & out of trouble. I have baby gates from when girls were little & used them for our puppies to.

        PS. I was just teasing about the image upload. I know you can do it!!! You just copy & paste the code into this screen where you type. Keep those brackets [img] then there will be the sites www or photobucket maybe some #'s in between [/img] If you see anything else delete it.

        Hope you have a great day. :l


          dancing avatar

          On ignore?! You missed all my jokes :upset::upset: :H

          Will reply, in more detail later as have work soon. Can you SHORT list the query! :H:H


            dancing avatar

            Dancin avatar, cant be as bad as a dancin Nelz................oooooheyy.

            Amazing, I can play the drums, but I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld: for those who havent seen it.

  [/video]]Elaine Benis Dances from Seinfeld - YouTube
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              dancing avatar

              Wildflowers;1408558 wrote: I'm sorry my little student!!! :l I was tired, impatient. If you knew about my little kitten & how they didn't disclose the truth to me. She was a neonatal baby, tho was with Mommy for 1st three wks. Day of Spay Foster Mom who's volunteer Mgr calls me to tell me she has lice. I don't think the Foster Mom ~ Mgr wanted to deal with it, has her own pets. Very rare in cats as you must know being a DVM.

              They offered my money back, or another kitten, not to take care of this. You know me I'm not a pansy, I asked. I panicked thinking what is going to happen to her. I already knew she was special.

              Well yrs back I was head Mama of Health Day at girls school & helped many a panicked Mom, Dad, etc. Went thru this with my girls. Yes, I know it's species specific. Thank Gawd. Almost started my own business Lice Busters, there was a popular movie back then called Ghost Busters. Yucko's ~ changed mind.

              I ask them to take care of this as I have Mr. McGee a beautiful Maine Coon Rescue (diff organization.) He's gorgeous & very well behaved! Yes, they would have been quarantined anyways. I don't believe in over vaccinating indoor kitties. Only (MLV) ones early on. Did a 3 yr on my boy as my little kitten (undisclosed illnesses calcici, herpes, conjunuvitis) until I go pick her up day of spay, read her chart, transfer to this shelter. Which is the biggest no kill in my area. Oh & my boy had already seen his Vet, so I have to go back after we decided not to vaccinate. Yes, I know controversial. Gave 3 yr booster FVCRP. (MLV by Merial ~ Purvax)

              I'm not really mad at them as they do good work saving as many lives as they can & this is a huge problem in society. I've volunteered yrs back diff shelter. It pizzes me off royal!!!... Plzz spay & neuter.

              Anyways, I ended up taking her home & she's small (2.35 lbs), very affectionate, very playful, curious. She's a long hair brown tigger tabby, She looks Wilde a little beauty! She's perfect & will help my boy too. He's such a grrt cat. My little kitten is my rehab baby. I already luv her & she will have a good home!!!.... :h

              I have this shite beat, but know how the life cycle works. Another treatment Frontline plus. I comb, nothing now, but still will treat again. I'm glad it was a mild case. Now ya know why I said feck ta quitting the ciggies that day, well one reason.

              My own female vet is awesome. Non corporate, no BS. I changed this yr.

              I probably should have Pm'd ya but, have had ya on ignore since our Dog & Cat War! Thought ya might be an evil, dark low spirit & I do believe in this stuff & know you don't. It's OK with me that we have diff beliefs. But, I think I was wrong & being paranoid, think your OK, so hell has frozen over :H & I'm releasing ya from my ignore list. I hope we can continue to help, support each other, many others here. I find so many things you write about very valuable, your nice, supportive, you make me laugh. Thank you Kuya. :l

              I have one more post & must get off here. I'm starting to panick as I've spent too much time on here, have business calls, shite ta get done. Wished I could shut up & keep my posts short. Feck, I must be lonely, or really enjoy this place, or both.

              I have alkie thinking & have been worrying about all this & know that kitten will be a carrier all her life, but then again my boy could be to & not show any symptoms. Just don't want him getting ill. His been very healthy the two yrs I've had him. She's FIV & Felv free. Will be getting all her kitten vaccine series. She's almost done at 11 wks now.

              Now if the committee would shut up & quit taking up free rent space in my head. The Hoildays are coming, family is flying in. I will be more scarce, or reading as I must stay connected to my friends here. I know how important it is!!!....

              I need to get her out of main bathroom into daughter's empty bedroom, get a new kitty condo to keep the little mischief happy & out of trouble. I have baby gates from when girls were little & used them for our puppies to.

              PS. I was just teasing about the image upload. I know you can do it!!! You just copy & paste the code into this screen where you type. Keep those brackets [img] then there will be the sites www or photobucket maybe some #'s in between [/img] If you see anything else delete it.

              Hope you have a great day. :l

              Just reread this post......boy you can gab, woman! :H

              First - lice are not hard ......frontline spray is best (also works a treat on kids! Oh no I DIDN'T say that)
              Vaccines ...... Do the flus every 3yrs and before mating. I don't push anything else here for various reasons


                dancing avatar

                kuya;1409162 wrote: Just reread this post......boy you can gab, woman! :H

                First - lice are not hard ......frontline spray is best (also works a treat on kids! Oh no I DIDN'T say that)
                Vaccines ...... Do the flus every 3yrs and before mating. I don't push anything else here for various reasons

                Must have just missed ya. Yes, I can Gab. :thanks: Sometimes I think writing it out & getting it out, helps me to figure it out. I often have the answers & am just unsure, then after I get it on paper, or the screen, it clicks. Thanks for reading my gab & concurring with what I'd already knew.

                I need a panic button. :H Actually I think my girls will get me the Zumba DVD set for x-mas, as I never ordered it, plus I think it will help motivate my quit to giving up those nasty ~ ciggies.

                My gabbing can be a gift or a curse. I've been known to be a top sales woman. I also have good listening skills & negotiating ones. I also sometimes know when to never let them know more, than I need to let them know to. Sometimes it's good ta keep my mouth shut & keep em guessing. Depends on subject matter & my trust level.

                Plzz don't take your time to PM me, my Vet reassured me that my kitten will be fine & she's going to see her Mon. Plus I talked to a good girl friend who lives out of state, she called her Sis with tons of exp, & also confirmed. Kitten is doing really grrt. Sorry about my rant & rave.

                I don't want you to ever feel like you have to come here before or after work & help me!!!... You should be coming here for support, encouragement, skill building towards your sobriety ~ recovery & have fun!!!! Along with offering the good advice & fun you already give to this grrt community!!!!

                Oh & if ya do Pm me with jokes, I may not respond, not out of anything negative. I have about 300 fwds at least in my e-mail now. Friends, old business colleagues, that I've known for yrs & haven't gotten to. So, plzz don't think I'm ignoring you, just lack of time. My Mom had a 5hr iron infusion this wk & I'm behind.

                I can imagine you being a busy career woman & Mom. How difficult it is for you to keep up some days! I was there myself at one point in life & it's can be tough, but atlas you are a strong woman & you can manage. Glad your hear Kuya. Remember to try & find time just for you & maybe part of that is coming to MWO.

                Take good care & again sorry about my mother hen unloading. Wished I didn't have this dang anxiety crap, but so happy to be sober. I will quit smoking one of these day to!

                :thanks: Again for reading my long Gab! :-)



                  dancing avatar

                  Nelz;1408655 wrote: Dancin avatar, cant be as bad as a dancin Nelz................oooooheyy.

                  Amazing, I can play the drums, but I dance like Elaine on Seinfeld: for those who havent seen it.

                  /watch?v=HQu_NLRvULM]Elaine Benis Dances from Seinfeld - YouTube[/url]
                  Well, Mr. Nelz howza about ya put a new Avatar of yaself playing the drums then?

                  I was a Seinfeld fan & wouldn't want to see ya dancing now that I'm sober! I might even become :upset: :H


                    dancing avatar

                    I am SO confused - it doesn't take much to confuse a Bear Of Little Brain
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      dancing avatar

                      sunshinedaisies;1409213 wrote: I am SO confused - it doesn't take much to confuse a Bear Of Little Brain
                      Hi Sweet Bear,

                      I'm not sure what your about. As I'm about what your confused about. I think we will have to let Mr. Nelz come by & help the Little Sweet Bear & Wildflower.

                      Now I'm off to go take care of some other matters. Lovely to see you!!!.... :h :l


                        dancing avatar

                        sunshinedaisies;1409213 wrote: I am SO confused - it doesn't take much to confuse a Bear Of Little Brain
                        Awwww what you confused bout little bear?

                        WF 'twas just a tip for the lice problem and the vaccine problem is always tricky as there is no clear cut answer with cats.

                        Now I am sober I must get more active. Coming here is awesome to focus on sobriety but gotta get out and about more. Joining a gym is current goal and looking at all the ciggie quitting options. Like you I struggle with anxiety BUT I think a lot of it is CAUSED by smoking.
                        Gonna get recommended supplements this week and will keep you up to date with progress. I am hoping to start this Friday and will ask my son to babysit my daughter for the weekend to keep her outta harms way! :H:H


                          dancing avatar

                          kuya;1409280 wrote: Awwww what you confused bout little bear?

                          WF 'twas just a tip for the lice problem and the vaccine problem is always tricky as there is no clear cut answer with cats.

                          Now I am sober I must get more active. Coming here is awesome to focus on sobriety but gotta get out and about more. Joining a gym is current goal and looking at all the ciggie quitting options. Like you I struggle with anxiety BUT I think a lot of it is CAUSED by smoking.
                          Gonna get recommended supplements this week and will keep you up to date with progress. I am hoping to start this Friday and will ask my son to babysit my daughter for the weekend to keep her outta harms way! :H:H
                          I do appreciate your advice & help. :thanks:

                          I see somebody rated this thread with one star. Well, Boo Hoo. I've voted & bumbed us up to 3 stars. :H I really am LOL. The cat thinks I'm nuts! I swear ~ I luv being sober!!! I'm having way more fun this way most the time. My thinking is way sharper too. Like Byrdie says she's doing better than she was when she was a whipper snapper. She's one of my heros!... :-)

                          Hope I'm not jinxing myself!... Going to knock on wood now!...

                          Yes, I too have been spending a tad too much time here as of late, but do know I need it. Winter is approaching here so I'm not as motivated to go gung ho on working out & such. I think it's your spring time. My fave time of yr now. I do need to focus on other health priorities to. I'm getting there.

                          Glad your son is responsible to watch your 13 yr old daughter! Think you said one son is 23. Great age. You deserve to take care of your needs to. Very important!!! Wise may I add!!... I love my kids & miss my girl, youngest girls bf is 27 & like my son. He's a health nut freak. They will be here 12/7. So excited for 10 wonderful days. :-) Tom big dinner with other girl & new Bf.

                          I agree with you again & have had this nagging feeling, a strong inclination for a long time that the ciggies have been contributing to my anxiety. How could they not, look what there filled with. If I was planning on continuing, I should go buy the natural type or learn to roll my own. I smoke Marlboro lights, oh there called Golds now. Our govt requires this now, to not mislead the public. Lmao.

                          Have a good night!


                            dancing avatar

                            Oh look somebody didn't like me bumping the rating to 3 stars. Considering there was only one unpaid subscriber on-line & 4 paid on-line. Not to hard ta figure out. Well geez this is just so nice & supportive. LMAO. :H :new: :thanks:


                              dancing avatar

                              I never get the rating thing anyway.
                              I just notice how calm I feel in the morning and get more edgy as the day goes on. I did quit for 9 days CT a few years back and was VERY calm but was still drinking (although interestingly my drinking went DOWN) but then I have been told by a counselor years ago that smoking is my primary addiction .....maybe that is why quitting Al was not too hard......

                              Dunno but gotta do this thing soon............Laters


                                dancing avatar


                                Which one?:H

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

