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What If?

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    What If?

    What if there was nothing to fix? If you were well whole and balanced. No more endless hours of of self hatered? SELF HELP BOOKS SELF HELP PROGRAMS. What would you do?:eeks: :heart: Tom

    What If?

    help others.


      What If?

      I would never know my friends at MWO - and they wouldn't know me.. I would be the lesser person for not knowing Rocky, Lush, Duck. Fran, MBD -- I wish I could name you all and know that you are in my thoughts...


      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        What If?

        Agreed AA. Sometimes I think it has been worth to be on this drinking journey just to "meet" people like you and the rest. Good stuff!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          What If?

          If I had been born perfect, and my life had been the perfect life, I would be so much the poorer for it...

          Right now my life has never been richer, but, if it had been perfect all along, how would I now be able to appreciate this richness???
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            What If?

            Like irishlady said you don't appeciate the good if you have no bad. The more varied our experiences, the richer we become.


              What If?

              Good question!

              I think I'd manage to find something wrong.:duhme:

              AA. and all.:l


                What If?

                Hi Tom,
                I kind of like Popeye's response.
                And like the others, if I hadn't had this drinking problem, I wouldn't have met the wonderful people in MWO who have now become my friends.
                You ask What would I do? Help others, help animals.


                  What If?

                  Can't say anything better than what AA did. Can't imagine not having any problems I think I would implode.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    What If?

                    Wot do you mean IF I had no problems.....?????????????? I always thought I WAS perfect!!

                    Nope...I agree with the general.......look back on the 'bad' times, coz you usually find that a) they either weren't so bad...or b) something FAB came as a result of them (eventually!!!)

                    I believe we help others more effectively because of what WE have been through....a truly empathetic listener is rarely one with few troubles of their own.....

                    Melon xxx


                      What If?

                      Ditto on all the above, without my problem I wouldn't have friends all over the world.

                      It is our lives and what we do with them that make us the person that we are today xx


                        What If?

                        Hi All
                        I allways manage to find a positive in every negative otherwise life would be very grim indeed. I'm happy to be here just shame about the reason why.


                          What If?

                          I have a feeling the type of people we are we would always find something to do, and even the most well balanced whole people I know have been thru their share. ITS CALLED LIFE. Just my thoughts on the subject of what would we do.



                            What If?

                            Yes agree, if it wasn't for the bad times we would not recognise the good times - ie how would we know how good it feels to wake up after a day AF if we were not problem drinkers??
                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

