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Hi - my first time here

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    Hi - my first time here


    Hi Struggler,

    Great to have you with us! - We're here whenever you need us - so ask questions, vent anger, celebrate successes, cry disappointments - there's always someone to listen and share thoughts/ideas. It sounds like you have 3 very special people in your life - so what better motivation to make the changes you obviously want to!

    Definitely get the book - it's at Amazon if you can't down load it - and take it from there.

    Good luck with it all, and keep posting - it gets less confusing as you practise!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Hi - my first time here

      Hey struggler,
      So much of what you say hits me close to home.
      It's just to easy to drink and Vodka is the worst for me. I would put it in my coffe in the morning just to take the edge off the hang over. Then come afternoon I was a total mess.
      Anyway there are some very inteligent and insightful people here. Good luck and welcome


        Hi - my first time here

        Hello to all the newcomers. This is a magnificent site for people wanting to deal with their alcohol problems. We all started here with a plan to relieve ourselves from the alcohol problem. We support each other. However, the site began by RJ writing and researching this addiction and I would recommend to all newcomers that you start by reading or downloading the book, taking the supplements, etc.

        It is a challenge to be sure, but most of us on this site are here because we want to get healthy and put alcohol away from us, at the point that works best. Some of us feel we can moderate and some of us feel we have to abstain permanently.

        Whatever your goal is, please do the "do things" that make this site so successful.:welcome:
        Enlightened by MWO


          Hi - my first time here

          Hey Struggler!!!
          Ditto the advice above...
          Read the book, maybe try different supplements this time, go with some of the herbal ones if you feel that the meds disagree with you....try the cd's, even if you're sceptical about things like of the guys here said he didn't care what it took to stay sober...if it meant standing on your head singing the theme tune to the archers whilst waving a flag of Albania in your left hand (or words to that effect) THAT'S what he was going to do! Try everything...sobriety is worth it, and you are worth it...
          You've done great before to go 6 months with no drink...this shows that you CAN do it, but maybe it's the mindset that needs a bit of a boost.
          I've always thought that a life without alcohol was just not worth contemplating....until I read some of the posts from the long term abstainers here, and realised that I always made myself believe I was depriving myself of something important to me...
          I now have switched the thought processes of the old grey matter, and analysed this rationally......why on earth would I be sad at supposedly 'giving up' something that causes me, and so many others who have had anything to do with me over the last 20 years so much misery. Why would I be sad that I would feel physically and mentally healthier without it. Why would I feel sad to wake up every day with a sober, clear head, and a recollection of everything I did last night.

          I now shout with joy inside every day that I wake up and I realise that I don't EVER have to drink again....I can be alcohol free for the rest of my life...and it's a GREAT feeling

          Stick around ......and keep we are all in different time zones, there may not always be someone here when you log on, but rest assured someone will turn up, you are not being ignored......everyone's here to offer any help they can in any way they can..

          Look forward to seeing you round the boards..


            Hi - my first time here

            Hi struggler, I have found that there is always someone around when I need them. Welcome.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              Hi - my first time here

              Hi struggler :goodjob: for coming here

              Get professional help from your GP for your depression or try 5HTP available in health food shops.

              For the cravings , 1000g vit C , Glutamine and vitamin B complex high potency. Buy the book but keep on talking keep on trying to solve this conundrum - thats what we are doing.

              Drink loads of water and exercise for the depression and tiredness.

              Please come back - let us know how you are doing.

              Love S


                Hi - my first time here

                Hi Struggler,

                I know that I get very bad depression when I first stop drinking if I have been drinking for a while. Now I notice it even if I have been drinking for only a few days again! I would definitely say look into other supplements. They have helped me a lot. You can find info on the boards. You might look at the home page here on the forums - I think there is a section on supplements - it is called holistic healing. It would have even more info than what Serenity mentioned, which are all recommended supps. I think Evening Primrose is recommended for depression and anxiety - but you should check on your own to be sure.

                Good luck, you came to a great place. Hope to read more from you soon.



                  Hi - my first time here

                  Hi struggler just start today with a plan to not drink...dont look ahead just do today.

                  Plan to do something else in the dangerous drinking time of day. get fit, go walk, garden, cook anything but drink.

                  You will be amazed how good and guilt free you will feel in the morning.

                  I dont have any amazing willpower otherwise i wouldnt have been drinking for donkeys years but i do have faith that we can change as we journey through life. i find it helpful to allocate time am and evening to pray or do spiritual readings and usually can fing a phrase or quote to gang on to for the day.

                  Day 23 alcohol free for me...i gave up just before lent.dont know where my journey is taking me but for now feel fab about not drinking.

                  I really hope you do day one and then that it you have started on the next part of your journey in life.

                  Keep posting too,

                  Regards Cassy

