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Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

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    Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

    First of all thank you for your care of my lovely wife, that just means the world to me. she printed all your wonderful posts and brought them to me at visiting hours which was a huge comfort.
    Secondly I want to say that without this great MWO community, I probably would not have reached out for help and would have spiraled down into my hole, and by thursday I would probably have been dead or in a coma.
    So: my attempts to "drink myself down" kept backfiring and I got worse and worse to the point I was hallucinating and fighting imaginary demons and manifestations in my head, my wife was freeking out and then during some moments of semi-clarity she asked if she could take me in and I finally (thick-headed man I am) said ok. I was scared to death. We came to the clinic in the morning and even though I didn't have a drink for the last 9 hours or so I still blew an .30 on the breathalizer. They took me through to the adult intensive intake unit and took my vitals. My blood pressure was so off the charts I was in risk of cardiac arrest so they took appropriate medical measure to save my life. while I was sitting (weaving) in the chair I saw people staggering by me vomiting and screaming, one guy had to go out on a gourney after loosing consciosness. Needless to say my tortured brain was racing and I just tryed so hard to be a good patient, which I'm happy to say I was. Then they put me on tons of valium and a few other things I couldn't remember or pronounce anyway. The very first night there (in the middle of full withdrawals) I attened my first AA meeting that they hold in the facility. you wanna talk about a nervous, shakey crying peice of dirt...that was me. I actually did speak and admit my alcoholism and read one of their papers out loud. it was strangely relieving and although it's too soon for me to say that I'll be a "big" advocate of that program or not I just don't know yet. During the following days I wondered around in a daze and attened several CD (chem dependance) classes, pysch classes and group activities. I was too withdrawn to really interact but appreciated thier communion anyway. There were all kinds of people there: policeman, lady from the local government, just all kinds. Gradually my consciousness became more clear and my shakes reduced to where I could read and write. The food was even a little better than I expected (and you all know what a gourmet snob I am). it was so fortunate for me that they could give me effective sleeping meds...what a relief at least being able to sleep solidly throught this ordeal. I've made arrangements to see a psych counceller and get a regular doctor (which I've neglected to do my entire life). In terms of additional meetings I'll have to simply visit a few and see what makes sense for me. They also diagnosed me as depressed and are giving me Campral (for cravings) and Citalopram for depression. I learned a lot about how my low self esteem, and my self-hatred/guilt issues have been messing with me all my life and me pushing it down just caused it to erupt in other facets of my being. So, to make a long story short, don't detox at home if you're in bad shape....we need you to stick around a bit longer ok?
    so, I'll be seeing y'all on the AB's board. don't know if I'll ever drink in any quantity again in my life, but it's way too soon to even worry about it now. it's time to change my lifestyle and habbits until I am a new person physiologically and not just "temporarily mentally".

    Thank you all a million more times.


    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

    D, I really could not be more proud of you and your loving wife. Kate is right. This really took such courage. It sounds like your experience was well worth the effort and you now have a "clean slate" to start over again. You are to be admired. Really. Look forward to watching those AF days build up for you. :l
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

      DT - glad that things are working out for you..

      Admitting that you have a problem is the first step, and you are a long way on your journey...
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

        Hi D,
        I just wanted you to know that I was so touched by your post and your courage.
        I cannot imagine how hard it was for you to take that big step but I am smiling
        from ear to ear right now. It is your time to shine and I will keep you in my thoughts
        and prayers. Life is so hard but worth living when we are healthy. Hang tuff my
        friend. Your courage will be an inspiration to many and you have that to be so
        very proud of!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hold your head high. Sending happy thoughts your way!


          Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

          Yeah you're back and I love your attitude! It's a life long commitment to be sober. Welcome to this side of AF street. It really is quite nice and worth the trip over!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

            You are a courageous man with a lot of guts and a good heart. Your wife sounds like a terrific woman with great vision -- she sees the good ithat is you and I am glad you now see it and have made the commitment to take care of you. You are worthy, you are worth it and you deserve happiness and peace. Hang in there!!!


              Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

              D, Welcome back and what a courageous person you are and what a wonderfully supportive wife you have. You sound so good and I am so happy to see you back here.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                Welcome Back!!! You sound like you are off to a very good start! So much better!


                  Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                  Great to have you back!

                  Hi D adn Dx,

                  It is brilliant to have you back on board, and great to hear how positive you are sounding. You have made a very courageous, life-saving first step :goodjob: and we're here to celebrate every other step along the way with you.
                  Warmest wishes to you both :l
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:


                    So good to see you smiling so much for you right now. Really really well done to you and your lovely wife...i wish you both so much happiness

                    Lots an lotsa a love

                    Lou-Lou x x x x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                      D well done man, we are all very proud of you. mrs D you are an amazing lady he is a very lucky man. My absolute best wishes go out to both of you good luck on your journey, together you can get through anything. Love and best wishes Kim
                      Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                        Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                        Bless you...bless you both...:h
                        Boycie is right...together, you guys look like you can do anything...and here's to a very long, healthy and happy anything.
                        Much love Weemelon xx


                          Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                          Everyone has used the words courage but, I will have to use them again...Very Couragous of you and well done! May your path be filled with happiness and peace.
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:



                              Determinator back from the abyss!!!! the story:

                              Reading your post, it struck me what a very strong person you are, good for you to reach out for that help and how great it is that you have a loving wife to be there for you too. I wish the very best to you and your wife. B

