I agree with you molls :-)
No announcement yet.
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
back in the saddle RC......I admire you for coming here and being honest
tell me....did you enjoy it? was it worth it??
I usually found it wasn't...
hugs sweetieI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
Heres a topper...me n madam have been together for 19 yrs..got married last year..Twas anniversary last week,..as youll recall forgot the card etc etc..Shot out and got a card...finally got a not guilty.Heres the best bit...The card was still up on mantlepiece today..I, in tidying up mode did that and so and thought well anniversary is over..ripped said card up and chucked it in the bin!! Madam comes home tonight and says wheres card to which I replied in the bin..omitting the words.ripped to bits!Says she Iwanted to keep that ..it was our first anniversary card!!!!
Looks like I will be shopping early doors tomorrow!!!!:H:H:Haf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
Mick;1410706 wrote: Heres a topper...me n madam have been together for 19 yrs..got married last year..Twas anniversary last week,..as youll recall forgot the card etc etc..Shot out and got a card...finally got a not guilty.Heres the best bit...The card was still up on mantlepiece today..I, in tidying up mode did that and so and thought well anniversary is over..ripped said card up and chucked it in the bin!! Madam comes home tonight and says wheres card to which I replied in the bin..omitting the words.ripped to bits!Says she Iwanted to keep that ..it was our first anniversary card!!!!
Looks like I will be shopping early doors tomorrow!!!!:H:H:H
thank you for the laugh
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
mama bear;1410698 wrote: back in the saddle RC......I admire you for coming here and being honest
tell me....did you enjoy it? was it worth it??
I usually found it wasn't...
hugs sweetie
Enjoy it?
Well, yes I did... I got the buzz... and enjoyed going away for a while. Nothing happens, other than this feeling i feel which is kinda warm and fuzzy likes. And i cannae concentrate to buggery when I'm there. I just stare at the compooper/ tv and whatever I'm watching sure as hell doesn't go in to me noggin... oh and then when i wake up, there's first the...
Feck, where's the anadin/paracetamol and water... Then there's the
How bad is it? ... Then there's the
Wave of guilt and self-hatred that engulfs me.
And that's before I've moved a fecking muscle. The day itself - definitely the morning - is one long dreary "oh why?!" And then it starts, again. Bonkers.
Worth it?
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
mollyka;1410715 wrote: OMHMLG!!!!!!! I'da KILLED YOU!!!!! I remember Joe writing a shopping list on the back of a birthday card once --- I really nearly did throttle him ---- BUT YOUR FIRST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CARD ---- ARE YOU BARKING:H:H
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
Orf to beddy bye so ill bid yer goodnight :-)
And molls - I never thought about the hour thing - ill be thinking about that some more.
Mick - if my hubs did that he'd be walking with a limp.
RC - keep on keeping on mate - like I said were all human, none of us is perfect.
Laters gaters :-)Trying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.
Army Thread Tuesday 13th November
satz123;1410736 wrote: And er em on the delicate subject of wind - try being addicted to sugar-free mints. Then you'll know all about fartin :H:HTrying again from 22nd September 2014Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.