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Army Thread Thursday 15th November

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    Army Thread Thursday 15th November

    Recluse;1411801 wrote: I've signed up, zenny.

    Very creative panno! :goodjob:
    Me too Zenny, fabulous thread :goodjob:

    Thanks Reccie, I have to start doing something this boredom will drive me into the ground :upset:
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Army Thread Thursday 15th November

      pingu1997;1411799 wrote: Sorry satzy I know we all do,it our own way but I'd have been gutted beyond belief if I had drunk Malibu unintentionally. My way is to stay well away, don't go near, never put the stuff in my mouth, cos I have bad thoughts about what would happen if I tasted alcohol again

      Anyway thank god Gareth makes only strong drinks and the smell was enough to make me realise...
      I'm with you on that one. I'd be back to day one .....well quicker than you can say day one. I haven't had one sip of alcohol since I went AF. I nearly went off the rails when I had a glass of non-al wine. Never had a craving like it. Wish I could find Molls post about being mentally and physically back to the start.

      Thank god Mr JC doesn't keep booze in the house at all.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Thursday 15th November

        Thanks jc. We always have al in the house. It is drunk around me although less than before. I used to hate seeing wine boxes in the fridge or half empty glasses left lying around, but now it doesn't bother me. I did ask for him to be more careful about leaving poison lying around and he said he'd wondered whether I would realise it wasn't just coke.... Lesson learned for both of us
        Curry soon and I have a nice bottle of fruit sparkling stuff to have.

        I couldn't hack af wine or beer either. Neither do I touch apple or black currant because it reminds me of drinking cider n black.....
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread Thursday 15th November

          Are you me long lost twin. I can't stand sparkling apple juice as it's too much like cider. Have to say I :h blackcurrant juice.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Thursday 15th November

            They're fabby Panno.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Thursday 15th November

              Evening all - hope you're all well
              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                Panno;1411794 wrote: Evening Army, as you can see another productive day at work, I decided to start making the kiddies some advent calendars, this is the youngest, its not finished yet :H
                Panno they are lovely. You are a talented lady . There is your new profession ?:goodjob:


                  Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                  Quest for the key;1411825 wrote: Evening all - hope you're all well
                  Howya Questy - whatya at ?


                    Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                    Zenstyle;1411771 wrote: LMAO @ the enormous penis thread! Mollers... I don't think the thread starter is a woman... Brenda appears to be DG's name for him.

                    Yep, that's had more clicks than any thread I can remember... LOL...

                    Hope everyone is in fine fettle. And can yis go and take a look at the click-to-donate thread I started, and bookmark the site or, ideally, subscribe for a daily email reminder! Pretty please and thanks!
                    DONE ! :thumbsup:


                      Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                      satz123;1411828 wrote: Howya Questy - whatya at ?
                      Hiya satzy - just watching Corry Norry after shovelling a shed load if KFC down me neck !!!

                      And trying not to flip me lid at me over tired sprogs !!!

                      Army's been quiet today hasn't it ???
                      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                        Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                        Recluse;1411775 wrote: :H:H:H

                        Hi zenny Sorry to hear about hamish, it sounds bad, and sorry about your torn ligament too.
                        Yeah... I'm bummed out about Hamish. The good news is that he's responding to the antibiotic and his breath isn't so bad today. It's a heavy duty antibiotic and he goes off to sleep for a few hours after it kicks in... peace... lol

                        Honestly, I'm pissed right off at the breeder. I told him what's going on and he hasn't responded. My roomie is a lawyer and I'm contemplating on suing him for vet's expenses as it states in the contract that he would deliver a healthy animal. We're looking at possible thousands of dollars in vet's fees if this is an immune disorder. If it's bacterial it's no damn big deal.

                        I had him tested for kitty aids and leukemia yesterday and he's negative. And if it was a bad virus he would have other symptoms. So he's not a threat to Dougie thank fook.


                          Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                          JackieClaire;1411784 wrote: Woooooo hooooooooooooo. The Hotel was rather canny.

                          Zens me lovely, I have two of me own pet charities here. Breast Cancer UK and CHUF (Children's Heart Unit Fund) so I'll not be clicking in the link.

                          It's a fab idea to put it out there. If it needs any bumping my fat backside can bump for Britain.
                          Jacks... it doesn't cost nowt to click... the advertisers on the site pay for all the donations! It's free... just takes a couple of minutes every day... :l

                          Basically, if you're clicking you are reading their advertisements. That's how it works...


                            Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                            JackieClaire;1411787 wrote: Gawd bloody great edit coming on. Note to self post.

                            Didn't realise it was free. Not a problem Zens.

                            And I'm reading and responding one by one as you can see! :H :new:


                              Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                              Quest for the key;1411831 wrote: Hiya satzy - just watching Corry Norry after shovelling a shed load if KFC down me neck !!!

                              And trying not to flip me lid at me over tired sprogs !!!

                              Army's been quiet today hasn't it ???
                              Yeah it was. Were you off shopping ? Did you get a life :shocked:
                              Must get meself one of them
                              The other skiver was off making stuff - so I was alone in Skiverville in the afternoon.:H:H


                                Army Thread Thursday 15th November

                                Panno;1411794 wrote: Evening Army, as you can see another productive day at work, I decided to start making the kiddies some advent calendars, this is the youngest, its not finished yet :H:H
                                These are fantastic Panno!!! When I read you were making them I was thinking a piece of A4 card and backing, with cut out windows, bad felt pen drawings, and a stick of glue to hold it all together! :H

