Goodnight Pingu
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Army Thread Saturday 17th November
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
mollyka;1413140 wrote: Yea - hate feeling like this - I'm usually fairly level these days --- a silly cow annoyed me at work - there was a lovely art display up in the library and she wanted to put up her own display of crochet hats. When I told her she couldn't she got all cranky cos she thought I was insulting her hats. I was in me head alright - but she didn't know that:H Had a right go at me she did - ignorant cow!
Goodnight Pingu
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
Tonight molls. Hope you are ok btw. My mother right pissed me off earlier and my oh is in a bit of an unexplained grump too. Bleh.I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
satz123;1413118 wrote: Attempting to eat my weight in crap this weekend
Jim John putting me on 4 week - boot camp jobby from Monday
I'll be off to childcare gym on Monday. With any luck there'll be a Jim John but I very much doubt so... I reckon I'll have some Santa Clause type feller instead... :upset:
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
If we're talking about mithers... mine called me a bitch on Wednesday. She was annoyed that I got a second cat and that he's sick and when I told her it was none of her bidness she called me a bitch. :upset: I hung up and haven't spoke to her since. She called back but I didn't pick up. I'm trying to teach her a lesson but I am of the impression that the only one that is getting hurt out of this exercise is myself! Fuck it!
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
Oh yeah... and she was pissed off because I had to go get my knee seen to. Getting knee seen to may equal not being able to go home in December if surgery/rehab involved. She did NOT like that.
Quite frankly, my mother is a pain in the effin arse. Oh! And i bought my damn ticket already. I expect commiserations for my waste of money... being called a bitch don't do it.
*passes the talking stick to someone else*
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
mollyka;1413161 wrote: YuckWell the only thing about that is that she's obviously in the wrong - my mither always wrong-footed me - fell into the trap every time!!!! Best let her stew a bit methinks??
Ach well... yeah.... let her wallow in her own mire....
There is something about me that makes me easy to pick on methinks... and I don't get it cos I can be quite a bitch myself when I feel like it!!!
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
mollyka;1413162 wrote: I can OUTRANT ANYONE tonight:H Have you lost all your flight money?
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
Zenstyle;1413166 wrote: Gonna call the bleeders tomorrow. Been waiting to hear from me pain in the ass parent but took an executive decision earlier. Why should I freeze me arse off going home in the winter... I'll put it off till the spring. How about THEM apples?
Army Thread Saturday 17th November
mollyka;1413171 wrote:
Dunno bout you, but I think I'm a 'people pleaser' - I want people to like me so agree to things for those reasons - then I feel resentful, even tho I've agreedAnd coming across as a confident bolshie sort of cow seems to give people a license to make me feel small - even tho inside I feel 'small' most of the time ---- does ANY of that make sense