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The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

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    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    I just drug out my copy of the My Way Out book. (printed from the Health Store download)

    In brief, here is Roberta's comment about sugar:

    P. 56.

    According to the experts, during the recovery phase eating sugar in any form can be risky, including that found in fruit juices, as it simply promotes craving to drink. I think it's true; in fact, I noticed when I first started the program and was no longer drinking several Screwdrivers each night, I had terrible sugar craving and desired carbohydrates like crazy. I could only imagine my body was adjusting to the sugars it was no longer getting in those evening cocktails.
    I also like this link that Lav shared in another thread. THANK YOU LAV!! Dr. Frank Lipman: 20 Tips to Curb Sugar Cravings and Kick the Addiction

    I did very well following Roberta's diet advice (I actually followed Atkins) from May 2008 through sometime in 2010. At that point I let down my guard and let some sugar back in. It's been a battle royal ever since!! I am not a "normal eater" with sugar any more than I am a "normal drinker" with booze.


    I plan to come here every day and renew my committment to a sugar free life, one day at a time. Anyone else with me on this?

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    Man, I should be

    I guess I just accepted that when I stopped drinking, the sugar would take its place.

    Sometimes I think the sugar cravings are harder to control than the AL, after all, I wont get pulled over for eating too many brownies.

    Aight, Im in "after" today, its our Thanksgiving and Im gonna GORGE!

    I know I know its against even my steadfast advice about stopping now.

    Monday am for sure /jumpin in with both feet
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

      Nelz - I can relate to how you are feeling!! I got "scared straight" this summer when my Dad passed after battling diabetes for years. His last years were not something I want to experience. I got a home blood glucose meter and started testing. I quickly realized that while my blood sugar is (thankfully) not in the diabetic range YET....I am headed in a bad direction with pre-diabetic readings. So..... I simply cannot afford to indulge in this crazy sugar addiction any longer. I'm convinced it's very unhealthy. (I know, I know, my beloved AA old timer friends are glaring at me right now from across the well guarded box of donuts!! :H)


      I am also working to accept that for me, I think any use of artificial sweeteners is just keeping this beast alive. Maybe some of those could come back down the road....but for now I'm abstaning from those too.


      Today is difficult! But I'm determined to hang in here sweet free.

      OK - back to my research paper. I finally wrote 1 paragraph. I hope the 2nd paragraph comes a little faster and easier! :H

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

        Great idea. I have had trouble with sugar cravings and sugar levels. It's one more step to a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for getting us started!
        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

          just let me finish this Krispy Kreme!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

            techie;1413501 wrote: just let me finish this Krispy Kreme!
            :H count me in


              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

              i am IN!!! no sugar yet today, and i won't let myself have any. i will eat small snacks of nuts, or toast with almond butter...lots of tea to keep myself occupied and sensible meals. i walked the dogs (all 4 of them) instead of having an almond roca and came home and threw out the canister! my daughter and i are making our thanksgiving list and i am making a cherry pie from cherries our neighbor gave us this summer. they are so sweet, i won't need to add any sugar, and our pumpkin pie will be sweetened with maple syrup (not that that is any better than sugar, but i won't have any). other than that, it's all savory stuff like wild rice, squash, healthy green bean casserole, veggie mushroom gravy for mashed cauliflower, roasted root veggies with herbs and corn bread stuffing with herbs...the main course is a yummy lentil loaf and of course...tofurky!



                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                i also noticed that too much caffeine can sort of throw me into a tailspin...only red and green tea for me!


                  The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                  Count me in DG. My diet is pretty good for the most part buy I LOVE ice cream. Gotta quit it sometime, might as well be today!
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                    I never got addicted to sugar either AL period or after but added some sweets like honey and juices to fulfil the sugar that I used to get from AL.

                    Just wanted to know , if we withdraw sugar at all what would happen in our mood swings ???.Sugar plays a vital role to up/down our moods ???
                    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                    2013 : So many ups and down !!

                    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                      bettygirl;1413521 wrote: i also noticed that too much caffeine can sort of throw me into a tailspin...only red and green tea for me!
                      BG I've noticed that I associate a coffee with a sit down and a sweet something...thats interesting...just had time to go through the link of Lav's that Doggygirl reposted many of those tips worked for me when I stopped drinking...must have a no sugar plan too... I've also dug up a recipe for chai tea that incorporates the spices mentioned in the link...really looking forward to tracking this...


                        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                        Per-FECT timing DG as usual....
                        I am so in...
                        Perhaps MyHappyPlace and I could keep the thread warm for you all over(your)night?
                        I share your sentiments about sugar substitutes as well. I replaced the devil with diet drinks of all descriptions, but I'm starting to wonder now....
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                          I dont do sugar substitutes...always go for the REAL thing....sadly....

                          Yep, I'm in as a thread warmer....with my evil sugar-twin Bridge...

                          Any thoughts out there on Stevia?? trying to get as much ammo here as possible....


                            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                            We could grow Stevia ourselves....saw it at Bunnings the other day.....hmmm.....
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                              Wow this could get more traction than the penis thread!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

