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The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

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    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    hi everyone!
    That's great Skull with the weight loss! I'm also drinking too much coffee at the moment. But we can't do everything at once, can we?

    I'm finding that with keeping the sugar out of my life, I'm better able to deal with everything. I'm learning to sit and confront boredom, stress, uncomfortableness-- the first days I had to sit on my hands and pace the halls and eat something else in its place. But now I just sit and think about it, the WHY, and wait it out. It's nice to begin to have more control over myself. I'm proving that my mind is stronger thatn I thought.!

    hi to Londoner! and UKblonde


      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

      Dain Wallis: Why Sugar Should Be Reclassified As a Drug


        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

        Thanks for that, Londoner-- did you go on to read the NY times article he had linked there?
        Scary stuff-- I have 8 and 11 year old daughters and the eldest is addicted to sugar as I am. We eat well at home and don't have the added HFCS hidden in our foods-- but with the baking, chocolate, etc. they get too much sugar for sure. I've always known that she had the same problem as me-- an obsession-- and I haven't wanted /don't want to be so strict that she starts to eat sugar in hiding (which she would do), but I need to make more of an effort to talk to her about the dangers-- and work together with her at creating healthy alternatives.

        Anyway, thanks--I'm getting used to savoury breakfasts and will bake some carrot-applesauce muffins with coconut flour and walnuts today. We'll see how they turn out!


          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

          Hi all - I have been sugar free and low carb since sept 5th and last night I ate least 5 peanut butter cookies and an ice-cream bar!!! I feel like crap this morning! Almost like a hangover. Blah!!!


            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

            Oyay Sake-- I hear you with the sugar "hangover". That's why I began this No sugar stint. First I didn't feel like I could control the amount I was eating-- I bought a huge bag of mnm's, ate a few then put them away--they were calling me and I kept going back 'til I'd almost finished off the bag. It was an obsession! Then I felt so shit the next morning. Today is my 11th day without and I feel so much better. I will continue on, no question. Last night I felt like buying a chocolate bar, but decided not to.

            see you soon!


              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

              Urgh, sugar hangovers. Blergh.

              Low energy. Low mood. Water retention. Inflammation. Don't want to get out of bed.

              I honestly think that the way to give up sugar is top give up cold turkey. This means not having any around the house. Taking lunches to work. Being prepared.

              The stuff is addictive. Drug like addictive. But it's cheap. And profitable to the big companies.

              Personally, I now have starches post workout and that is all. No refined foods. All other times is protein, fat, non starchy veg and a couple of pieces of low sugar fruit.


                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                I'm with you, Londoner! I cleared the house of the stuff and it's much easier--I'm also taking my food wherever I go-- not to be caught hungry with no options-


                  The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                  Definitely hear you guys about the sugar hangover. I experience it with both sugar and gluten... I feel a lot better when I'm off of those things completely.


                    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                    Today I made the mistake of going shopping with a hungry stomach and almost blew my plan. There's so much easily available junk food to buy. I bought dried nuts and apricots and mango--ate a huge lunch at home, drank a coffee and now all is good.

                    hope everyone is well!


                      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                      Excellent LC. Feels good to get over that one moment of madness.

                      I had a massive portion of homemade apple crumble last night with Sunday dinner. Not too bad as I know exactly what went into it - apples from the tree, muscovado sugar, butter and a bit more sugar.

                      Definitely notice how it impacts my sleep - I wake up feeling less refreshed. But that one treat is fine as long as I don't start nibbling daily (which turns into binges).

                      Back on track straight away

                      Love this thread btw. Keep it up


                        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                        And whole foods (1 ingredient) taste so much better. The hyper-palatability of the processed foods normally makes real food far less appetising.


                          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                          A couple of Good reads here;

                          Brain Imaging Shows Food Addiction Is Real

                          Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack


                            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                            LifeChange and Londoner, great posts

                            Just checking in to say that today is Day 41 of no sugar (and no gluten, and also thankfully no alcohol). I'm really feeling my body adjusting quite nicely back into a more healthy, balanced system, where sugar isn't playing total havoc. I'm also noticing that whole natural foods are tasting great to me- even veggies taste good now. And strawberries/blueberries are like a sweetness explosion.

                            Keep it up, ya'all!


                              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                              skullbabyland;1557945 wrote: LifeChange and Londoner, great posts

                              Just checking in to say that today is Day 41 of no sugar (and no gluten, and also thankfully no alcohol). I'm really feeling my body adjusting quite nicely back into a more healthy, balanced system, where sugar isn't playing total havoc. I'm also noticing that whole natural foods are tasting great to me- even veggies taste good now. And strawberries/blueberries are like a sweetness explosion.

                              Keep it up, ya'all!
                              Isn't it weird how sweet fruit becomes?? I used to think some berries were so tart and almost sour. Now they are more than enough sweetness.


                                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                                Hello all!-- hi Skull-- 41 days sugar free is great! I'm also eating a lot less gluten now that I'm not eating sugar-- I was eating it mostly in pastries, cakes and cookies. Yesterday a co-worker came back from Switzerland with 3 chocolate bars! I did eat one little piece-- but didn't let it get out of hand. And while I was grocery shopping I had a look at the chocolates but nothing really looked good. Maybe I'm sick:H

                                Grapes are coming in season here--as are apples and plums. And we're into dried mangoes at the moment.
                                I'm going to write some recipes I like (including the chickpea salad) this weekend when I have some more time--
                                see you all soon

