Hi all!
Allan, for me binge eating is also emotional-- I don't know what the answer is, except to go about quitting in the same fashion as with quitting alcohol-- cutting it out cold turkey and finding other ways to deal with the emotions that lead to the binge. And I guess making ourselves as knowledgeable on the subject as possible, as NS has done. Will repost an article from a while back-- Is sugar toxic? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/17/ma...nted=all&_r=1&
Knowing that the consumption of sugar/fructose can lead to a fatty liver is scary! But somehow when the "urge/craving" is there, it's very much like that of an alcohol urge/craving. I'm at a little bit of a loss as to what to do at this point. I am just back on day 16 after months of relapsing, which has caused my entire being, psychologically, emotionally, physically to be run down. Like you said, Kensho, the last time I had a successful quit (beginning last Sept) it WAS easier and I felt worlds better when I gave up the sugar. But right now, I'm a bit afraid to completely give it up, as I've been "using" it to curb cravings for alcohol-- which is surely counter productive-- but I don't know how else to get through it if I've tried all my other tools..
Will read more of the Link you posted, NS-- I haven't yet read the Nutrition and Alcoholism. Did you join there, NS? Or have you read the book? edit: I really like this site-- loads of great information! Thx.
Anyway, I would like to get back on the sugar free boat!! I would like again, to have a consecutive amount of days without to see if the cravings become less-- and I would like to find other ways to deal with the discomfort/boredom/stress/anxiety that I feel. I don't want to continue to deal by consuming. In the long run, whether it's alcohol or sugar, the effects are negative. They only seem to be short term solutions.