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The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

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    Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    Im totally in, I actually started back in December, doing a little working out as well, and my body is thanking me~~

    Lets do this!!!
    Glad to be back with my second family :sohappy:
    Last dance with the devil 5/02/11


      Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

      Great, Nelso! What is your version of "sugar-free"? Unlike with the booze, there's a little wiggle-room here (thank goodness!!).

      Satz, I agree that the out of control bingey feeling is scary. Years before I drank I would do that with e.g. shortbread cookies, granola, etc. to the point of feeling like my abdomen would burst and I'd have similar feelings of shame and regret as with drinking. AND -- confusion as to why I would continue to do such a stupid thing to myself despite a huge desire not to. I'm not sure whether sugar is addictive per se but I am convinced it does things to my brain that are similar to what alcohol does -- both can lead me to act against my best interests and plans!

      Mario, using visualization is a good idea. After awhile, none of the "bad" stuff looks good anymore, just like I now think that wine smells gross. Our perceptions really can change.

      That said, I feel like I'm starving and have been for about 3 days despite eating plenty. My body must need something I'm missing (and I'm pretty sure that's not sugar :wink.


        Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

        My definition is.......I wont add any sugar to anything I eat, and will try VERY hard not to put any processed foods in my templ.....ahhhhhhh body

        I cant say as I am 100 SF, (I allow myself some breathing room on the weekends) but Im pretty strict the rest of the time
        Glad to be back with my second family :sohappy:
        Last dance with the devil 5/02/11


          Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

          For the first time in my adult life I HAVE TO give up sugar for Lent.
          I am going back to my Catholic origins for next 40 days & 40 nights. By the end I will have formed new habits.
          Out with sweets, Chocolate, cookies, dates ( yum) cake and anything processed food with added sugar.

          Unlike the grog I am DRAGGING Mr S with me and there will be no temptations here till I'm reprogrammed.


            Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

            Day 1 of my renewal done :thumbsup:
            It's great 'cos I'm not alone.
            The whole country 'gives up' something for Lent ......... to repent for our sins


              Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

              Go for it satz you sweet thing :-)

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                As part of my detox for Lent I had a hydrotherapy session today. - that's colonic irrigation. Google for info
                Interesting to say the least. :egad:
                She asked if I ate a lot of bread - no. Did I drink a lot of alcohol - no.
                Turned out I had yeast overgrowth that can lead to sugar cravings that then feeds the yeast and causes all sorts of other nasty things. Who knew.
                2 more sessions and that will ll drain away ......

                Edit : A Brief History of Colon Cleansing - Blessed Herbs
                Last edited by satz123; March 4, 2017, 03:21 AM.


                  Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                  Light at the end of the tunnel :yay:
                  The Good-for-You Chocolate Guide | Goop


                    Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                    Oooh Satz you are brave! How did it feel? I would worry about a tube up my bum I think! Was it uncomfy?


                      Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                      Wow, Satz, nothing bad going in and getting the pipes cleaned from the other end sounds like you'll be in good shape! High blood sugar and yeast overgrowth are linked so getting the BS down with diet should help.

                      I love dark chocolate but I keep "adjusting" to whatever I'm eating. For a long time, a square or 2 of 88% dark chocolate seemed like a great treat but then I kept eating more at a time. I could easily eat a whole bar if I let myself. So... I moved up to 90%, then 95%... I now have Lindt Excellence 99% and I SWEAR there is no way I'll ever be able to eat more than a couple squares at time (but I said that with all the others that seemed so bitter at first...). The only next step is to 100% chocolate (which is pretty awful) so I hope I don't get used to the 99% bar!


                        Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                        Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                        Wow, Satz, nothing bad going in and getting the pipes cleaned from the other end sounds like you'll be in good shape! High blood sugar and yeast overgrowth are linked so getting the BS down with diet should help.

                        I love dark chocolate but I keep "adjusting" to whatever I'm eating. For a long time, a square or 2 of 88% dark chocolate seemed like a great treat but then I kept eating more at a time. I could easily eat a whole bar if I let myself. So... I moved up to 90%, then 95%... I now have Lindt Excellence 99% and I SWEAR there is no way I'll ever be able to eat more than a couple squares at time (but I said that with all the others that seemed so bitter at first...). The only next step is to 100% chocolate (which is pretty awful) so I hope I don't get used to the 99% bar!
                        :haha: NS : was thinking the same thing re. dark chocolate. I'm only on 85%.


                          Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                          Day 8 here!


                            Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                            Up like a lark today and gym @ 7am. The extreme lethargy has gone ....... not sure if that's down to less sugar or the 'other' thing


                              Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                              Good on you all, sugar free peeps!
                              I'm getting ready to join you soon.. have been trying to back off slowly.
                              My goal was to start on day 7AF.. which is tomorrow! Let's see.. I have the Lglut in place and all the healthy food I need.
                              You're inspiring me with your energy, Satz!


                                Re: The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                                We'll be waiting for you Elsie :hug:

