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The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

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    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

    Hi Patrice! great job! AF is definitely first on our list of priorities-- no question about that. I went crazy with sweets the first weeks I stopped drinking and then at some point realised it wasn't doing me any good. Now I've come to see that sugar for me is also an addiction! Damn! But slowly and surely, I'm beating this one, too.. Can you order stevia over the internet? Keep us up to date on how you're doing!!

    Allan, for me, it's age!:H I'm sure of it! Good luck on getting done what you have ot get done. Do you have a plan in place for the sugar cravings that are sure to accompany the stress? Let's think of some good brain food! Maybe Londoners bone stock!


      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

      Just had a stressful phone call. I can feel my stress levels have risen a lot.

      My brain wanted to turn to sugar straight away.

      I took a 1/4 tsp of L-glutamine and am gonna let my stress levels drop.

      Have also just made up 2 big vats of bone broth

      Not gonna be beaten this time.


        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

        Vegetables are starting to taste again.

        Sugar has been so hyper palatable that it had numbed the taste sensation from Mother Nature's produce.

        That is why I believe cold turkey is so important. We start to get reward from nutrient dense food.


          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

          Another 100 gram Lindt dark chocolate block down the hatch

          Hey, i desperately need to try and go sugar-free!

          I never considered myself a "sweet tooth" but since quitting al i am going crazy on chocolates and other sweets. As the title of my post attests, i just ate yet another whole block of chocolate. I just know that this sets me up to want more of the stuff again tomorrow, but am having difficulty breaking the cycle. I've tried the glutamine capsules without success. Will try taking just the powder as other posters have done.
          AF free since April 29, 2013


            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

            Hey Stead

            Quitting AL really makes me crave sugar. I believe it is all to do with my reward circuitry in the brain. I need it to give me a brief comfort. Before I know it I am needing more and more sugar, more frequently to bring about the same effect.

            Not a good place to be.

            I believe cold turkey is the route to go. It may sound tough, but you have to plan for it. Keep giving your brain a hit of that sweet, sweet sugar and it will want it more and more.

            I would recommend:

            1) Do not buy any sugar added foods.
            2) Shop - plenty of protein, non starchy vegetables and healthy fats. Be sensible with your starch intake.
            3) Try the l-glutamine powder. Homemade bone broth is a real life saver for me. It aids in fixing your digestive system and provides many essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals that help to improve the functioning of your body.
            4) Exercise. Lift some weights and perform some cardio.
            5) Become mindful of your triggers. When do you eat sugar? Why do you eat it? When you sense a trigger coming, have a strategy to rid yourself of that trigger i.e. meditate. Go for a walk. Do some work.
            6) Sleep well on a regular pattern.

            I really believe excess sugar intake is bad for the body and mind. Just like alcohol. Just like drugs. We can become dependant on it.


              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

              Thanks for your advice, Londoner!

              Yeah, it's hard to quit the sugar; i tend to tell myself "Well, at least you're not drinking Al." But now the sugar is a strong addiction!:upset:

              I'm sure you are right about going cold turkey. Might have to work my way up to that one! i.e perhaps set a quit date, and have strategies in place, much like quitting Al.

              Thanks again for your response; best wishes to you!

              AF free since April 29, 2013


                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                I'll second Londoner's recommendation- cold turkey is the way to go. Just like many hard drugs, it's best to not keep slipping little doses "in moderation", because the substance itself keeps you addicted.

                It sucks donkey balls for a few days, but then everything gets really really good. I promise.


                  The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                  Also... this is a saying that I often tell myself when cravings hit, that reminds me that my body/brain will try to trick me sometimes (as most of us drunks know, all too well).

                  Dear Stomach...


                    The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                    skullbabyland;1592556 wrote: Also... this is a saying that I often tell myself when cravings hit, that reminds me that my body/brain will try to trick me sometimes (as most of us drunks know, all too well).

                    Dear Stomach...
                    Nice picture Skull. So true.

                    After 2 weeks of no AL, a lot more vegetables and 5 days of no Sugar my energy is definitely improving on the whole. My skin is also looking more vibrant.

                    Mood is a bit tetchy today. Getting annoyed by little things, but that is to be expected occasionally.


                      The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                      I'm in the same boat as Londoner... Mood is touchy, a bit off... I'm easily annoyed and my energy level is low. I'm trying to just sit on my own with coffee and MWO and just let the clouds pass as they will. As I indulged in sugar and tons of nicotine over the Thanksgiving weekend, these withdrawals are to be expected after cutting them both out... so, I'm doing "double duty", withdrawing from two addictive substances cold turkey... not fun! But it won't kill me, and I'll be happy in a day or three, that I did so.


                        The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                        Hey guys! Hope you're feeling better. I hate it when I feel moody and edgy! Especially when I don't know why I'm not feeling great. I guess everyone feels like that sometimes, don't they? I just think that if I'm taking such great care of myself, I should be feeling great, right? Don't understand which part of that doesn't make sense!

                        Anything special you did to pull out of the mood? or did it just pass?

                        I made some yummy kale chips tonight and a veggie soup. Gonna finally try the bone broth tomorrow.
                        Londoner, maybe your body needs some more good carbs..?? I know that also affects my moods.


                          The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                          Hey life

                          The mood stuck somewhat today. One of my mates blew me off today. Maybe that annoyed me, but I think my hormones are still trying to balance themselves.

                          Definitely getting enough good carbs Had 250g dry weight of white rice at dinner today.

                          How are you getting on?


                            The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                            Hey Londoner!
                            I'm doing well, thanks! Running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to prepare for our upcoming trip. I've procrastinated so it's a lot to do. But tomorrow I'm heading to the gym again! I've been trying to get in there 4 times a week which feels great.
                            Look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

                            Hi to everyone else stopping by this evening!


                              The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                              QUESTION for you all..

                              What do you do if you're hungry at 11:30pm? Right before bed? What's good to eat at that time? Or should you not? I never know what to do. I'm hungry now, but I want to sleep and I don't want to eat something that is going to turn to FAT! any advice would be greatly appreciated!


                                The Sugar Free Challenge - Who is in??

                                Big old spoonful of coconut oil. Your body will burn it right up. Or, if that is just too gross, a handful of unsweetened shredded coconut. Or a spoonful of natural nut butter of some sort.
                                Would any of those do it?

