Whether a person consumes honey or pure maple syrup or any natural sweetener really depends on what their goals are. In my case, they would wreck the same metabolic havoc (high blood sugar, insulin resistance) as sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and they can keep the desire for "sweet" alive (craving), so I don't eat them very often. (My daughter and DIL use honey when they bake and I of course will taste their treats).
However, if eating foods with honey doesn't affect you negatively, there are benefits. For one thing, honey just isn't used at the levels sugar is in most products given its consistency and greater sweetness. Around here, the difference in price would matter. Sugar is much cheaper so there is no disincentive to using a lot of it. If you don't tend to overeat the honey-sweetened products you make, it seems like that is a good option for you. You are eating homemade, REAL, unprocessed food which is a great plan.
Fiber in whole foods like apples slows the rise in blood sugar but I'm really know sure how that works in a baked product. If you don't have blood sugar problems and don't have a dependency/unhealthy desire for the foods you make, it sounds to me like you're on a good track!
Coconut oil as the fat in baked products is pretty amazing, isn't it??? I wish I had known that back in the day when I ate cookies and cakes!!