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4 weeks sober,So whats changed

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    4 weeks sober,So whats changed

    Physically I no longer get headaches or heartburn, and my beer belly is not so swollen

    The first 2 weeks without a drink I kept waking up 3 or 4 times a night to pee and was constipated that's stop and started lol.

    I now love going to sleep and dreaming rather than passing out,

    I now crave a bowl of ice-cream every evening, that seems to be my new reward at the end of the day, don't know where that came from but it is what it is.

    I now go for a Sunday afternoon bike ride rather than open a bottle of wine after dinner.

    I still have blotchy skin, bags under my eyes and have not lost any weight :O(

    However reading my own words I realise how much I have changed :O).

    In the next 4 weeks and its going to be tougher with Xmas parties etc I am hoping to say.
    I bike ride 4 times a week I am losing weight my skin is clear and my bags are now gone

    Small steps though are better than no steps.
    Its easier not to start than stop

    4 weeks sober,So whats changed

    You are AWESOME ! Four weeks and soooo positive ...... Go you!

    Watch the sugar though...... Mimics a larger amount of protein and veg/salad for dinner...... I mean a LOT.
    Nightly chocolate blew my last(first) quit, having said that if it stops you drinking fine, just be aware


      4 weeks sober,So whats changed

      kuya;1416266 wrote: You are AWESOME ! Four weeks and soooo positive ...... Go you!

      Watch the sugar though...... Mimics a larger amount of protein and veg/salad for dinner...... I mean a LOT.
      Nightly chocolate blew my last(first) quit, having said that if it stops you drinking fine, just be aware
      KY how do you mean the choc blew your last quit ?
      Surely a bit of choc is a far cry from a bottle or more of wine ?


        4 weeks sober,So whats changed

        My manners.
        Sorry GMC - that is brilliant. :dancin:
        I am a litttle longer at the AF and the weight is taking a long time to come off. I think now I used to blame AL for too much.
        Thought EVERYTHING was down to the alcohol. It appears not:upset: and diet and exercise still needs to be watched.

        But, having said that I LOVE my sober life.
        I settled on sugar-free mints after dinner - less calories - but not sure about sweetners.
        Maybe some of the peeps on MWO can advise ?

        Keep posting - I look forward to seeing what happens in next 4 weeks :yay:


          4 weeks sober,So whats changed

          satz123;1416273 wrote: KY how do you mean the choc blew your last quit ?
          Surely a bit of choc is a far cry from a bottle or more of wine ?
          As I said my last (first) quit was pretty easy but I had not done the research. Within days my craving for sugar had gone through the roof.........this is because sugar mimics alcohol and sugar is the reason the brain starts to seek alcohol for food. The fact that alcohol stimulates GABA and gives us pleasure is additional.

          Anyway I started eating chocolate every night, two bars, and got as obsessed with making sure I bought chocolate as I had with alcohol. I still wasn't eating well or enough and on the day I drank I had only eaten two pieces of toast and a few potato crisps all day!

          This time I am being far more careful and the only sweet I allow is fruit. I have not had any cravings except when I forget to eat ( like today, ironically)

          There is now a link in my signature to a short article which may help people understand a bit more about our f**ked nutrition and how to help it back to normal.


            4 weeks sober,So whats changed

            your thoughts on sweeteners KY? - purely from a weightloss standpoint.
            My diet is exemplary at the moment - Protein, veg, salads, nuts seeds berries etc.
            Exercise 5 times a week. Hard.
            but the only thing I can see that could be stopping the scales is the sugar-free mints at night ?


              4 weeks sober,So whats changed

              Satz ..... There is a little evidence that sweeteners trigger insulin release just the same as sugar ...... But let's get this in proportion, you eat well so that is the main thing. Are you drinking enough water . I think it was doggy girl who posted a very interesting article on that yesterday.... Have a read.

              The link below also points out other things that you may be deficient in so take some supplements or get tested.

              If anything is to be gained by all this science it is that alcoholism is a complex biochemical disease not a f**king spiritual one!

              Nuff said


                4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                Sorry GMC .....we kinda high jacked your thread.....apologies, but I hope the info is useful in some way


                  4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                  kuya;1416288 wrote: Satz ..... There is a little evidence that sweeteners trigger insulin release just the same as sugar ...... But let's get this in proportion, you eat well so that is the main thing. Are you drinking enough water . I think it was doggy girl who posted a very interesting article on that yesterday.... Have a read.

                  The link below also points out other things that you may be deficient in so take some supplements or get tested.

                  If anything is to be gained by all this science it is that alcoholism is a complex biochemical disease not a f**king spiritual one!

                  Nuff said
                  LOL :H:H
                  You are a divil !!!!!


                    4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                    Thanks guys I learnt from both your postings.
                    I guess what is clear is that alcohol abuse is no good for anyone what ever way you look at it.and once your hooked there is no easy way out.
                    Last year I gave up for 5 weeks and thought it was easy, I went to a wedding and a toast for the bride and groom was called, I ummed and arrred then thought it would be rude not to.
                    This led me to being pissed everyday for the next 12 months what is that all about ?.
                    So for now its a bowl of ice cream for me a day lol
                    Its easier not to start than stop


                      4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                      :H:H mate!

                      What it doesn't say anywhere in the dry science is how important a sense of humour is!

                      As to your wedding slip......I was the same( and many here are) one night of booze lead to an eight month battle to get sober again.

                      Let that be a lesson to both of us eh?


                        4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                        Yes I think I have learnt from that time.
                        Totally agree its all about keeping your chin up and having a sense of humour
                        I am really pleased I have found this site for help and advice
                        Its easier not to start than stop


                          4 weeks sober,So whats changed

                          Totally agree is it all about keeping your chin up and a sense of humour
                          I am rally glad I found this site for help and advice
                          Its easier not to start than stop

