I've always believed the full moon could trigger excessive drinking for me and others. I try to be very conscious of it's cycle as a proactive measure.
I just googled and found this link. Pretty interesting correlation to ions and the effect on our bodies. Particularly this:
Psychological side effects: Emotional unbalance, irritation, vital disinclination, compulsion to meditate, exhaustion, apathy, disinclination or listlessness toward work (poor school achievement), insecurity, anxiety, depression (especially after age forty to fifty), rate of attempted suicide about 20% higher, larger number of admittances to clinics in drug cases.
Physical side effects: disorders in saline (salt) budget with fluctuations in electrolytical metabolism (calcium and magnesium; critical for alcoholics)
I use to know an ER nurse & she said they all got nervous during a full or new moon, due to gravitational pull being closer to the Earth. I know I get edgy during these times. I had a recovery group tell me it was nonsense tho. I disagree.
IAD;1416437 wrote: I agree RC the full moon gives a lot of us some weird ideas ! Ha!