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Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

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    Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

    Good morning Reccybear, Tippers, Marioooooooo, Runners, Satzuma, Molly the Grumpy Moo,Questy

    Now then Runners, have you had another try at modding?

    I'll get to my food porn in a mo.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

      JackieClaire;1416723 wrote: Good morning Reccybear, Tippers, Marioooooooo, Runners, Satzuma, Molly the Grumpy Moo,Questy

      Now then Runners, have you had another try at modding?

      I'll get to my food porn in a mo.
      Morning Jacs :h
      Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


        Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

        Morning, Quest,hun. I did a quick edit and added your name when I saw you'd posted. Crafty eh?

        Ooh got out of going to see cousin (and dreadful wife) this morning. Didn't wake up 'til late and by the time we got there it would be time to come back. One of my other cousins is going instead. Yes I do have at least 8 million cousins and that was at the last count.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

          JackieClaire;1416725 wrote: Morning, Quest,hun. I did a quick edit and added your name when I saw you'd posted. Crafty eh?

          Ooh got out of going to see cousin (and dreadful wife) this morning. Didn't wake up 'til late and by the time we got there it would be time to come back. One of my other cousins is going instead. Yes I do have at least 8 million cousins and that was at the last count.
          Big family huh ? Awhhh Christmas must be magic !!!

          Well all our boys rugby matches are called off due to water logged pitches - so I think I'll grab a coffee and head for a bath

          Gotta go see me mother later - that's a joy all on its own !!!
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

            We're dotted all over the country and the world apart from one or two oop in Noocastle.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

              Quest for the key;1416722 wrote: That sounds like my idea of food heaven :h

              Good morning everyone - I've only just wandered downstairs - slept like a log - couple of wired dreams but I blame the kebab :H

              I've been thinking about a plan - the backbone of it has got to be 3 square meals a day - good nutrition and maybe a bit of exercise. When at work, to have a snack at about 4pm to take the edge off till I get home.

              And I might make an appointment to see me GP - but I'm not sure about that one yet

              I honestly don't know where I'd be without you guys - and I know I'm gonna struggle later so ill be popping in lots !!!

              RC - hopes your schedule eases up soon - you've been missed !!!

              Molls - I hope yer mood improves as the day goes on - with a meal like that to look forward to - sounds delish !!!

              Satzy - where's me brekkie ??? (That's ok - hubs just brought last nights leftover pizza in - om nom nom ...)

              Tipster and mario - hope yer have lovely peaceful Sundays xxx

              And where's mrs a ??? No bubba yet ????
              Hi Questypants : take heart today & do make a plan. Mine was to join a gym and was tortured for 6 months. :upset: but took my mind off the grog .:goodjob:

              Molls sent me AB that she didn't take and they helped take the decision out of it.
              Every 3/4 days I 'd take one 'specially coming to Friday and then I COULDN'T drink. Got me over my first weekend then it got easier after that as I changed my routine to stuff that did not include AL.
              Maybe ask doc (?) for them ? or get on line?

              Look at your signature and see that you are not there yet but maybe not back where you were ?:l


                Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                Morning Army

                Food porn this time in the morning...bring it on :H talking of which, shout out for our Zennie, that must have been one hell of a thanksgiving dinner, not seen her since, hope she did not blow the backyard up with her smokey thingy!!

                Families and Mothers..

                Although I have been thinking lately, stop laughing you lot, I'm wondering if I have a real bad case of the empty nest syndrome, unless I'm with the grandkiddies I have no motivation whatsoever for anything :upset:
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                  mollyka;1416732 wrote: OH YES!!! WHAT ABOUT THE MRSA BABY???? (that reeallly doesn't sound right --- amend to the 'Anon baby') What's the news Whiz?
                  She could be up to her neck in eeewwwww won't say it!! but fingers crossed x
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                    mollyka;1416729 wrote: Right - mega multi-quote looming! Where oh where is the queen of multi-quotes??


                    Well girl - funny that you should say that:H 'Twas a topic I saw being examined in the nest recently and this is my tuppence worth. All my life I've had an 'uneasy' relationship with food - not quite a 'disorder' - drifted in and out of mad dieting back in the day, but when I arrived in rehab, the first thing I noticed was the amount of food to be eaten. And I sorta panicked - the food was magnificent - real solid Irish cooking - but it was 3 full proper meals a day, and I don't think I've ever consistently eaten like that. I realised that to eat in my normal pattern would draw attention to myself, so I just bit the bullet and decided I'd eat what was put in front of me. As I was fairly underweight at the time it was ok-ish with me. The difference that made was immense. It sort of satisfied me - and I realised that being hungry brought on a desire to drink just as much as to eat, and to this day - whereas I wouldn't always have the 3 full meals - I do eat regularly and (mostly) well. I think it's a key factor - certainly in early recovery.

                    PTL for that --- sounded like a bit of a chore to say the least! Do what I did, and dump your whole family ---- saves a fortune on Christmas presents as well:H:H

                    That was another one. Visiting my mum as she got older actually started me 'day-time' drinking. She loved A glass of wine with her lunch - so of course I had to join her --- didn't take long before we'd split a bottle - and then another while on from that I'd 'just have one' when I got home before I started cooking the dinner - I adored my mum, but gawd she could be an awkward one - the oul 'glass' seemed to mellow her (and me) big time!!!
                    Dya know that is exactly me !!! Except for the underweight bit :H

                    And as for me mother - she's great and I love her to bits but sometimes she can be very bitter - and that sets me off !! I'm walking a fine mood line as it is - I just hope she's in a good mood herself !! And, instead of refusing the goodies offered - I'm gonna eat them !!!

                    Oh heck, ill end up on a fat farm at this rate :H
                    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                      Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                      Panno;1416731 wrote: Morning Army

                      Food porn this time in the morning...bring it on :H talking of which, shout out for our Zennie, that must have been one hell of a thanksgiving dinner, not seen her since, hope she did not blow the backyard up with her smokey thingy!!

                      Families and Mothers..

                      Although I have been thinking lately, stop laughing you lot, I'm wondering if I have a real bad case of the empty nest syndrome, unless I'm with the grandkiddies I have no motivation whatsoever for anything :upset:
                      Ah yes Panno I can relate to that. I have no grandkids so feckin' shopping is the only thing I LOVE doing these days. And now I'm broke :upset:


                        Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                        Quest for the key;1416735 wrote: Dya know that is exactly me !!! Except for the underweight bit :H

                        And as for me mother - she's great and I love her to bits but sometimes she can be very bitter - and that sets me off !! I'm walking a fine mood line as it is - I just hope she's in a good mood herself !! And, instead of refusing the goodies offered - I'm gonna eat them !!!

                        Oh heck, ill end up on a fat farm at this rate :H
                        Yeah I think Molls hit the nail on the head. I have always watched my weight. I started the drink to stop me nibbling while cooking - jazus !!!
                        I suppose I have that 'panic' thing Molls talks about around food still.

                        Thanks Molls !

                        So Questy - eat , eat , eat. The food prolly has less calories than the feckin gallons of wine we drink
                        First day I went AF in July - I ate almost a whole fruit cake ( Tea Brack to the Oirish contingent) in work - got home & didn't even miss the wine. Not joking. It works.
                        And the weight can be tackled at a later date ?


                          Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                          JackieClaire;1416723 wrote:

                          Now then Runners, have you had another try at modding?


                            Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                            I agree too, if I eat my dinner before drinking the wine stays unopened but if I have one when I get in from work, well you all know what happens then, food is definately the key
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                              Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                              mollyka;1416738 wrote: I would sell my soul for an empty nest Panno! Truly! I just feel 30 years is long enough to have had babies/teenagers in the house - worn out with them I am.
                              Came home last night from wasting a whole night on the SHITEST movie ever seen, to find the back door left wide open by Joey when he went out - and somehow that's MY fault
                              Yep, where is our Zens?
                              Must away shortly and get ready for AA.
                              I really agree with what Benjy says as well. It IS tricky getting the first month or so under our belts - it's easy to forget that sometimes, but it really is. Everything is geared against us really. Our bodies and minds are in turmoil from the drink. Our thinking is delusional at best, and totally irrational and bonkers at worst. Decisions seem unmakeable, and naturally the thing that would 'appear' to solve all that is - a drink. Sometimes we just have to do ANYTHING for that first month to get through ---- and then, and then, magically and uncannily --- it just starts getting easier. Day by day - week by week ---- it just does - and then the magic - the truly magic day arrives, when drink becomes irrelevant --- it has ceased being the 'natural' go to thing ---
                              I was told all this for years, but as I was a liar when I was drinking, to myself and everyone else, I presumed that everyone was lying to me. When in treatment, my counsellor eyeballed me and just told me I 'had to' trust him on that point - so I did ----- and he was right!
                              Like taking a leap of faith I spose ?

                              Crap how our minds are wired though innit ? Having said that, I spose true appreciation is cultivated through experiencing the hardships - omg that's a bit profound for this time on a Sunday :h
                              Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                                Army Thread Sunday 25th Nov 2012

                                Bacagain! Hello to all the latecomers.

                                Sorry you're feeling grumpy molly, but your dinner sounds brilliant, so maybe that will make you feel better?

                                Great that you got out of your visit Jackie. :goodjob:

