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Army Thread... Monday 26th November

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    Army Thread... Monday 26th November

    Mick;1417409 wrote: Originally Posted by RunningCourage
    she's a feckin oirish bint she is...

    bloody hell...

    oh dear Rabsy...think youve finally found the means to stop drinking.....forever :H:H:H:H
    but then me faither is a priest...


    all things considered.... Well, bloody hell, you'd need a fecking drink... But NO! ......

    God, it's nae easy, eh.


      Army Thread... Monday 26th November

      mollyka;1417412 wrote:
      Now - how bloody funny would that be - Molls and Zens on tour in Tenerife - we could leave Joe in the hot tub!!
      Feck that... let's leave him in the shagginshowerwotslikemyshagger at home and I'll use his ticket! Heeeeee... yeah!


        Army Thread... Monday 26th November

        mollyka;1417419 wrote: BETTER AND BETTER!!! ---- you'll have to pay the 300 yoyo's ta swap the ticket:H:H:H --- oops - sounds like 'there's a hole in the bucket dear Lisa'! AND you can explain why he's spending 10 days in a shower:H

        Here... just a thought. I reckon the 10 days imprisonment can be put to use better than that. We can get him to demo it and put a bath in instead... ya know, while he's waiting for yer to come home.

        Hah! And yer thought I wasn't smart... :H


          Army Thread... Monday 26th November

          Do you think that's the B12 kicking in then? That's giving you more energy?

          Ach yeah, the fags have to go. Seriously... not even missing them now myself. Well... not stricly true... I've had a few moments... but nothing that sent me over the edge.

          I'm the one that's shagged out now. I've been dragging my arse for weeks... all I want to do is go to bed. It's really taken my energy down not being able to get about (knee) and go to the gym. Took a couple of weeks for it to kick in but now... bloody hell... I am permanently tired from resting.

          Aye... I reckon we're needing that hollier in Teneriffe!


            Army Thread... Monday 26th November

            Okies... I have to go and sort some stuff out in the gaff. Had a big clean up yesterday and now cleaning up after the clean up... lol

            Will check bacinabit....


              Army Thread... Monday 26th November

              Yeh there were quite a few there half board Molls..we read trip advisor before we went and thought..shit theres some bad reports here..but tbh I think most of them mustve been made up by punters wanting royal treatment.....I can honestly say its one of the few places you have got to get up before you go to bed to get a sunbed..theres enough for everyone
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Army Thread... Monday 26th November


                Santa was very upset. It was Christmas Eve and NOTHING was going right!
                Mrs. Claus had burned all the cookies. The elves were complaining about not getting paid for the overtime they had while making the toys. The reindeer had been drinking all afternoon and were dead drunk. To make matters worse, they had taken the sleigh out for a spin earlier in the day and had crashed it into a tree.
                Santa was furious. "I can't believe it! I've got to deliver millions of presents all over the world in just a few hours and all of my reindeer are drunk, the elves are on strike and I don't even have a Christmas tree!"
                He continued, "And I sent that stupid Little Angel out hours ago to find a tree and he isn't even back yet! What am I going to do?"
                Just then, the Little Angel opened the front door and stepped in from the snowy night, dragging a Christmas tree behind him. He said, "Yo, fat man! Where do you want me to stick the tree this year?"
                And thus the tradition of angels atop the Christmas tree got its start...


                  Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                  Are we not going to get to see you in April zenners? :upset:


                    Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                    Evening Reccie and the rest still here. Zen i'm feeling a bit better thanks. In bed with a hot water bottle watching tv. Day 2 back on the wagon. Are you planning to come to Dublin in April too Reccie be lovely to meet you if you are able. How are you doing with drink have you tapered or managed any af time?


                      Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                      Night molly. Sleep well.


                        Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                        Nite Molly i'm not tired yet so i'll hang about for a while between here and fb.


                          Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                          Firefox;1417449 wrote: Evening Reccie and the rest still here. Zen i'm feeling a bit better thanks. In bed with a hot water bottle watching tv. Day 2 back on the wagon. Are you planning to come to Dublin in April too Reccie be lovely to meet you if you are able. How are you doing with drink have you tapered or managed any af time?
                          Hello foxy. Sorry you're having a tough time at the mo. Yes, I'm hoping to make it to Dublin next year and it would be lovely to meet you too. I was really hoping zenny would be able to make it as well. I'm ashamed of my lack of progress on the drinking front, but I shan't stop trying.


                            Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                            Night all x
                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                              Quest for the key;1417455 wrote: Night all x
                              Night questie.


                                Army Thread... Monday 26th November

                                :hallo: MICK :hallo:

                                Just had to jump in and say am I ever glad you're back safe and sound.

                                I too look forward to the pics.

                                I've kinda moved into the Army Thread as I'm having a tough time posting on the AF Daily for reasons we can chat about later.

                                The Army has been great to me, JC even started my 100 AF Day thread.

                                I am sooooo glad you're back.......PPQ

