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    I would like to recommend the book What Did I Do Last Night? by Tom Sykes.

    It is about his alcohol and drug-fueled life. At one point he says this:

    "In the end,of coure, ir doesn't really matter when I became an alcoholic. One moment I reached down and the sand was there;the next time I tried I couldn't touch the bottom anymore. Once you are in the deep water the current gets stronger faster. It sucks you farther and farther out,out to a place where you can't really see the land and the people walking around on the beach and building sand castles anymore. All you see is other people who have been caught by the tide. Some of the people are even farther out than you are. And you say to yourself 'Well I could swim back any time I like. But maybe I'll give it another hour or so. It's fun out here. The beach looks kind of boring anyway.'

    I liked this a lot. It's a very good book


    Thanks for this Ann, can you get this on amazon ?
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.




      Yes you can. I got it on my Kindle after seeing something about it on the website The Fix about recovery. He's a Brit and his shenanigans encompassed London and New York.
      Very smart guy. He's been clean and sober for a long time now



        Ann Carolina;1417889 wrote:

        "In the end,of coure, ir doesn't really matter when I became an alcoholic. One moment I reached down and the sand was there;the next time I tried I couldn't touch the bottom anymore. Once you are in the deep water the current gets stronger faster. It sucks you farther and farther out,out to a place where you can't really see the land and the people walking around on the beach and building sand castles anymore. All you see is other people who have been caught by the tide. Some of the people are even farther out than you are. And you say to yourself 'Well I could swim back any time I like. But maybe I'll give it another hour or so. It's fun out here. The beach looks kind of boring anyway.'

        SO tempted to put this as my signature! Thank you Ann for this.



          I have this book...I highly recommend it!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            REALLY GOOD BOOK

            Hey RC

            Isn't that cool? I think what struck me about it is the analogy of the sand under your feet going away and being unable to touch it anymore. Drifting further out...

            The guy drank and did lots of drugs and managed to work (more or less) His wife stuck by him. His experiences were really wild and he, like most, realized he had to stop long before he actually did.

            I was like him at one time long ago, doing coke to facilitate drinking. Nuts.

            I am loving being sober, and my daughter is counting on me to talk her through what she is going through every day. Nice to be fully present


              REALLY GOOD BOOK

              Quest for the key;1417902 wrote: Thanks for this Ann, can you get this on amazon ?
              I think you can get the Dead Sea Scrolls on Amazon too!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                REALLY GOOD BOOK

                Ann Carolina;1417962 wrote: Isn't that cool? I think what struck me about it is the analogy of the sand under your feet going away and being unable to touch it anymore. Drifting further out...

                The guy drank and did lots of drugs and managed to work (more or less) His wife stuck by him. His experiences were really wild and he, like most, realized he had to stop long before he actually did.

                I was like him at one time long ago, doing coke to facilitate drinking. Nuts.

                I am loving being sober, and my daughter is counting on me to talk her through what she is going through every day. Nice to be fully present
                Yup, it is cool. I didn't really do the whole 'illegal' drug thing - as in not in a perpetual way such as I drank. But the way he articulates the need/addiction/drive/want/ for his drug resonates...

                Yup... it does... and I'm really geting the thing about resonating. Absolutely.


