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Santa's Little Underoos

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    Santa's Little Underoos

    myhappyplace;1430954 wrote:
    That is gorgeous Froglette....I want
    Erm ... best go to ebay then ... "3 Panel Bird on Branches Silhouette Black Fireplace Screen Fireplace Guard. NEW" and pay 3 x what I did


      Santa's Little Underoos

      Aspy, you may know of Bob Jones, who was a well known Zen do kai practitioner in Melbourne in the 70's/80's, and may well still be going.

      yer G ive met him a few times, he was on the floor for my brown belt grading.
      a mates husband trains wit Malcolm Anderson one on one , just got his black belt under his tutelage. SP.

      zen do kai split into two groups, bushi kai is malcom's school now.
      AF since 10/26/2009

      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


        Santa's Little Underoos

        aspman;1430991 wrote:

        zen do kai split into two groups, bushi kai is malcom's school now.
        Don't ya just throb it when the blokes talk dirty? :h


          Santa's Little Underoos

          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


            Santa's Little Underoos

            tawnyfrog;1430956 wrote: Erm ... best go to ebay then ... "3 Panel Bird on Branches Silhouette Black Fireplace Screen Fireplace Guard. NEW" and pay 3 x what I did
            I reckon the Frogs market contact might have as their supplier. What else do they sell?

            Aspy, yes, i remember Malcolm Anderson, and Richard Norton. If i'm not mistaken, Bob put together the zen do kai style? I wonder what Bob's up to now? And the burning question for me, is he related to our Bridget?

            Wishing you and family a great christmas Aspy.

            Noice family dinner here. G'night.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Santa's Little Underoos

              Morning all,

              ***waving to missing Undies*** and hoping you're all just caught up with last-minute crappery.

              Apart from baking some baguettes, I'm done and ready for the traditional tomato & onion sangers on Christmas Day. Couldn't be happier.


                Santa's Little Underoos

                Morning All.
                MIA for festivities.
                I don't think Bob Jones is a relo Mr G as he does e.x.e.r.c.i.s.e. My branch of the Jones don't like it at all.
                Today is a cooking day, which I'm going to enjoy immensely, and at a leisurely pace.

                Good sidestep on the beer Aspy. Funny at one time I just assumed that everyone drank because I did, and that was the lazy easy gift of choice. God knows how many alchies I gifted with their downfall

                The baguettes sound absolutely perfect Froglette, as do the sangas. Is your silence loving friend coming over for tomato sangas again this year?

                I'll be around today, zipping over to for recipes etc.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Santa's Little Underoos

                  Morning Frog, Jonesy, and all to drop in,

                  Couple of questions. How's Nigel Frog? And how are you? How is everybody leading up to christmas day?

                  Grinder? Cozza?

                  And.....Techie, how are you mate? Can you check in somehow when you can and let us know how things are going?

                  Sanga's and baguettes sound deadly mate. Gotta get 2 things real soon for this joint. A bloody air con, and a barby. Might go yer weber style.

                  Happy recipe surfing Bridget. Are you gonna be getting some rest/me time in over the festive season?

                  A bit cooler here today, and after a noice sleep in, and when i finish me cwafee, guess what i'm doing? Yep, a swim in the bay. And there'll be bugger all folk around as it's grey sky's and cooler here, but it'll be magic in the water with the odd stingray, possible port jackson shark straying in from orf Beaumaris where they have been coming to breed, nibbling at me heels, and yer gawking tourist with a camera when i exit from the water Craig,D. style yelling....OMG, OMG That guy is swimming when us mere mortals are all rugged up. What they don't know, is it's warmer in the water than out.

                  Pictures on the website, or follow me on twitter for the latest updates.

                  Have a bonza day Roo's and Innashnalists.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Santa's Little Underoos

                    morning all,
                    Been up since 3:30. Leon still has a cold and is teething. Then whisked the dog off to the emergency vet at 6ish. Been a day for sure. At the grocery store an older woman came and unpacked my cart. Her kindness almost made me cry. Candy cane brownies and pumpkin bars with spice glaze will soon be in the oven.
                    Wishing all Undies and overies a wonderful day. Leon picture to come!

                    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                      Santa's Little Underoos

                      K, so we celebrate Christmas on December 25th because it is a traditional mid winter time of festival. And everyone needs a party because it's so glum and grey and cold etc.
                      But undies celebrate Christmas in the heat of summer.
                      Soooooo, enquiring minds want to know. Do undies have a winter solstice celebration of their own?
                      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                      November 2, 2012


                        Santa's Little Underoos

                        Wally22;1431302 wrote:
                        . Do undies have a winter solstice celebration of their own?
                        Sadly, Wally, we do.

                        It's called the "Shit - it's Winter, let's have a Beer" celebration.


                          Santa's Little Underoos

                          Wally22;1431302 wrote: Do undies have a winter solstice celebration of their own?
                          G'day Wally,

                          Yes. In my part of Australia we have winter solstice on june 21. Basically it's a pagan ritual which involves throwing some christians to the bears. Koala bears. Sure, there are some nicks and cuts, but everyone has a great time. The bears are constantly monitored by local animal welfare authorities, St. Johns ambulance are in attendance relentlessly every year, and there are plenty of hot drinks, and sandwiches available courtesy of the C.W.A.

                          We've had christians converting to paganism. We've had pagans converting to christianity. It's all win/win, and a great family day out. The smiles on the kiddies faces says it all.

                          Merry christmas.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Santa's Little Underoos

                            Mr. G is quite correct, Wally. Over time the "It's Winter, let's have a Bear" celebration became bastardised into "let's have a Beer".


                              Santa's Little Underoos

                              Guitarista;1431271 wrote:
                              Couple of questions. How's Nigel Frog? And how are you?
                              Nigel's reasonably good, considering. A first furtive attempt at cooking yesterday was a dismal fail. He's still far too unco - great pity because he's fantastic with Thai and Vietnamese stuff. Also, he's majorly pissed off that he can't drive. I'm ok - glad I'm not a 5' little person because folding up the walker gizmo and wrestling it in and out of the car takes a bit of oomph. I'm still to find a comfortable rhythm. Thanks for asking.

                              Undie cooks - here's a new salad to try. I have it on good authority that it's a pisser. She used quinoa instead of freekah and also canned lentils.

                              Cypriot Grain Salad recipe - Best Recipes

                              Can't wait for a Leon pic update.

                              Hah! The baguette bell tolls ... and yes, Bridge - same silent tomato sanger eater will be here.


                                Santa's Little Underoos

                                Well, here's some rythym for you. Get yer hot pants on Frog.....

                      [/video]]JAMES BROWN Hot Pants & Sex Machine 1973 - YouTube

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

