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One Step at a Time - December 2012

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    One Step at a Time - December 2012

    Sunbeam: thank you. It hasn't hit me hard yet. I'm sure it will though.
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      One Step at a Time - December 2012

      thinking of you Ally
      my husband is being an ass hat tonight, so I am in hiding
      I get so tired if his constant bitching...I adore him, but I have had enough tonight....
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - December 2012

        that was funny ally...the mourning bit!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          One Step at a Time - December 2012

          Busy day from morning til night, but it was a good one.

          Paula, you'll be okay with the steroid shot. Mine didn't hurt much at all. The problem is they don't last. I don't mean to be discouraging, but that's the way it is. I just keep moving; that's all I can do.

          Hi K-9! Missed you.

          So, Mama, your husband bitches constantly, too? So does mine. His co-workers have started calling him Captain Morale, so he's gotten the hint. I walk away when I can't take anymore, and he knows why I'm doing it.

          Dottie, glad you've made it to Day 3. It will get better.

          Hi Nora, Sunny, and Ally.

          I'm sorry but I can't remember who was sad over her father. Paula? I understand completely how you feel. It's just plain sad, and that's all there is to it. These once vibrant people are disappearing before our eyes, and it's difficult. One thing that helps me cope is realizing that the young and strong replace the old and dying in every aspect of biology/life, whether it's a tree, a fruit or a human being. We have to take the bad with the good in life.:l

          I'm beat, and calling it a night. See you tomorrow.:h
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            One Step at a Time - December 2012

            Hello all....

            Not much going on here. Busy, busy like everyone else. Going to a concert on Thursday night and now I'm thinking ' What were you thinking???? Going to a concert on a Thursday night!?!?!?!?!' :H I remember the days when I could party all night and get up & work the next day. Now, I'm just thinking that the concert is starting after my bedtime. :H Oh well, I'm sure it will be fun. I love 'No Doubt'. They put on a great show.

            Guess I better hit the sack now & get my beauty rest.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - December 2012

              What do husbands have to bitch about? Isn't that a wife's job/right?!

              Nora! A concert! Wow, you have a life! I don't know "No Doubt", but you go have a good time! Nice to be able to act young sometimes! (Not that you are old, I don't know your age, except you've been married a long time but maybe you got married when you were 16.)

              Thanks, mama. I thought that was hilarious about how loud you wail depending on how much you inherit! Weird! But I just talked to my cousin. She said it would not be that dramatic afterall. It would be like any American funeral.
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                One Step at a Time - December 2012

                Ally - I'm too old to act so young. :H:H I'm 54 years old and can't believe that I'm going to a concert. Oh least I'll have fun with my niece. Of course, she's about 40. So, she's old too. :H:H
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  One Step at a Time - December 2012

                  I would love to see No Doubt...isn't that Gwen Stefani??
                  sippping coff, shower, then out the door

                  hubs bitches about the economy, his job, being broke, other races, etc....
                  I asked him if anything pleasant happened yesterday and he said NO...I just sighed and looked out the car window...
                  I either love him to death or I want to stick a fork in his eye...
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - December 2012

                    hope you are feeling better Paula
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      One Step at a Time - December 2012

                      Good morning everybody, I'm fine thanks Mama, Nora, you are as young as you feel, enjoy your concert. Hope your ok Alki.


                        One Step at a Time - December 2012

                        Nora>A concert? Have a blast! I don't know if I would like that or hate it at this stage of my life (59). Like you, I used to attend them all the time, party like crazy, and go to work the next day. The Who (4x), CSNY (5x), Jackson Browne, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, John Prine, and on and on. God almighty, I miss those days. No money, even for t-shirts, but I got there somehow. Saw the Beatles when I was in the 7th grade. My first Who experience was when they opened for Hermans Hermits:H I cringed when Pete Townsend starting destroying his guitars. I thought, "What is he doing?" Such strange behavior in the mid-sixties.

                        I wouldn't know Gwen Stefani if she came to my door. I'm old, and I want to see the Stones before I, or they, die.:H

                        Back to reality. Coffee, shower, fat pants, and work. Sigh.

                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          One Step at a Time - December 2012

                          Juja.....we are twins
                          I ADORE The Who...have seen them twice
                          I saw The Stones...nanny, nanny, boo, boo
                          Jackson Brown - check
                          Michael Jackson - check
                          Tom Petty - 4x - check
                          Heart - check
                          The Osmonds!!!! - check
                          it goes on and on

                          skirt and black tights for me today...I want to find some textured ones......
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            One Step at a Time - December 2012

                            3 months AF!

                            Morning All!
                            I can't believe that 3 months ago today I was just starting my new AF life. I couldn't imagine at that time getting through the day without a drink and counted the hours until bed time. Now those thoughts of drinking are moving to the back of my mind. I woke up today clear and ready to get out and celebrate. Not everyone knows how hard we have to work every day. I'm glad I found you all because you have been such a help in getting me to this point... one step at a time peeps... one step at a time. :h
                            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                              One Step at a Time - December 2012

                              Congratulations, Nurdle! I admire you so much! With all you have been through you have made it Three Months :goodjob:



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                One Step at a Time - December 2012

                                Congrats Nurdle! You deserve that party!
                                My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

