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One Step at a Time - December 2012

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    One Step at a Time - December 2012

    You all made me laugh. :H Went in to work for a few hours today. Now hubby is coming down with it. (He is telling me his symptoms in great detail. :H)
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      One Step at a Time - December 2012

      NoraC;1433877 wrote: You all made me laugh. :H Went in to work for a few hours today. Now hubby is coming down with it. (He is telling me his symptoms in great detail. :H)
      His will be 1,000 times worse than yours was...get ready. LOL

      Men are such babies. Wait...could it be my attitude that is keeping men from wanting to rub me?
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        One Step at a Time - December 2012

        Hi Friends,
        This thread is such a great reflection of the fabric of life: one person pours their heart out, the next takes off in some zany direction. Comic relief from real life. Great friends, great stuff.

        We arrived back home today from Christmas at my SIL's, a day later than planned because of the snow storm. We had to shovel for an hour to get the car into the driveway and unload our things into the house. My brother and his lady will be here Sunday, staying 2 nights, our sister will drive here for the day on Monday. So we have tomorrow to get some food into the house and re-group.

        We knew that this would likely be MIL'S last Christmas, but weren't prepared for how bad she suddenly is. We had planned to look at a nursing home while all 3 siblings were together, but due to recent incidents the steps were completed to admit her. She is usually pleasant, not really aware of where she is anymore. Heartbreaking but now she is safer than where she was.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


          One Step at a Time - December 2012

          K9Lover;1433884 wrote: His will be 1,000 times worse than yours was...get ready. LOL

          Men are such babies. Wait...could it be my attitude that is keeping men from wanting to rub me?
          You made me laugh - but at least you can rub them when you want to. :H I am sure that I never gave hubby a blow by blow of how I was feeling. I just went to bed and got up when I was better. It's going to be COMPLETELY different now.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            One Step at a Time - December 2012

            Oh Sun - I am so sorry about your MIL. That has to be so very hard. :l I hope that you can get some relaxing time in before you are so busy again.

            Dottie - I need new glasses too! I had to cancel my appointment the other day because I was sick. There was no sense in trying to have my eyes checked while I was sick. Who knows what the prescription would have been. :H
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              One Step at a Time - December 2012

              What's up with spectacles these days? I have to take my son and myself out to look for frames today. I want something sort of cosmopolitan chic. I wear a lot of black due to performing. I love shopping for frames and I finally convinced my husband it's ok to have more than one pair if you have to wear them every day.
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                One Step at a Time - December 2012

                Oh Sun...I am so sorry about your MIL...
                I am too cheap to get prescription glasses......still wearing readers..Happy Shoppong Nurdl
                just got off phone with Dad to plan New Year's......they live in Coastal Georgia and and we go do the Polar Bear Plunge every Jan 1st....
                glad you are better Nora....have fun with Scott...haha
                Dottie - how are you doing today?
                everyone else...good morning!
                a few more sips of coffee and then off to clean...Joy, Joy
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  One Step at a Time - December 2012

                  I am trying to talk hubs into taking me to see" Les Mis" tonight
                  I adored the show and know every word to every song......wish me luck!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    One Step at a Time - December 2012

                    nurdl;1434137 wrote: .. convinced my husband it's ok to have more than one pair if you have to wear them every day.
                    That logic would never, in a billion years, have occurred to me.:H I thought if you had to wear glasses you wore the same ones until your eyes changed, and then you got a new pair, and that was that. I'll try your logic on my wallet, and see what it says.

                    K-9>I don't think it's your attitude that keeps men away. You're just too damn pretty, quick and smart. Don't change. I'd say you haven't run into the right man, but I'm a bit sour on men at the moment, so I won't encourage you to find one.

                    Sunbeam>Please join our worried children's and children's-in-law club. You're now a member with Dottie and me. It's a club that teaches a different kind of compassion.

                    Oh, DH, bought me wine last night--2 little boxes. I had none. I don't think he's comfortable when I try to be healthy. If I could lose those 15 pounds (yes, my goal is up from 10 to 15), he'd be really worried.

                    Hello to eveyone else.

                    It's snowing! It's snowing! Good day for the the crockpot, so I'd best get moving.

                    Gosh, I love you all! I had that glowing moment again yesterday while thinking of you.

                    Enjoy your day.
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      One Step at a Time - December 2012

                      Hi Folks, granddaughter's birthday today, so I am chief cook. Recently got new glasses, got two pairs as they were doing two for one promotion, still expensive though. Glad your better Nora, sorry about your mil, Sun, I worked with a lot of elderly people and always found it very rewarding, but very sad. Love Les mis, Mama. Hope you all have a good weekend.


                        One Step at a Time - December 2012

                        Juja, great idea on the crockpot. Hubs will want chicken soup but I've got a nice recipe for mac-n-cheese in the crockpot which means less work for me. Plus we have the girlfriend here and she's a veggie like me. Thanks! Dinner is done!
                        we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                          One Step at a Time - December 2012

                          Survived Friday night.
                          New glasses are giving me a headache...guess it will take time to get used to them.
                          Got several more inches of snow..doubt we will venture out today. Dh needs to blow off the driveway so we can get out tomorrow.
                          Slept better last night. Have lots to do around here today that I didn't get around to last week. Need to get to my dads and pick up some more stuff to sort through...I can do this....

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            One Step at a Time - December 2012

                            Nurdl - can you send me that receipe please? I've been trying to find some vegetarian crock pot receipies. :thanks:
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              One Step at a Time - December 2012


                              If you're interested, I'm doing a vegetarian stew in the crockpot today, and here's the reciper. I use veggie burgers (thawed, and crumbled) instead of hamburger.

                              Vegetarian Crockpot Stew

                              4 c diced potatoes
                              1 c sliced carrots
                              1 diced onion
                              1 c frozen peas
                              1 c frozen lima beans
                              1 can green beans
                              1 can corn
                              1-2 c cabbage, sliced fine
                              4 veggie burgers, thawed and crumbled.

                              1 large can tomatoes (I chop the tomatoes. You could use diced.)
                              I can vegetable broth

                              Layer vegetables and veggie burgers in crockpot. Combine tomatoes with juice and vegetable stock, and pour over vegetables. Add salt and pepper, as desired. Cook on high for 6 hours, or on low for 8 hours. Serve with warm bread.

                              I change this each time I make it, depending upon what fresh vegetables I have on hand. Today, I added a green pepper. Sometimes more potatoes, etc., sometimes less. I usually put the crumbled veggie burgers on top, but this time I put them in the middle for more flavor.

                              I've made it for years, and love it.
                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                                One Step at a Time - December 2012

                                Juja;1434326 wrote: Nora,

                                If you're interested, I'm doing a vegetarian stew in the crockpot today, and here's the reciper. I use veggie burgers (thawed, and crumbled) instead of hamburger.

                                Vegetarian Crockpot Stew

                                4 c diced potatoes
                                1 c sliced carrots
                                1 diced onion
                                1 c frozen peas
                                1 c frozen lima beans
                                1 can green beans
                                1 can corn
                                1-2 c cabbage, sliced fine
                                4 veggie burgers, thawed and crumbled.

                                1 large can tomatoes (I chop the tomatoes. You could use diced.)
                                I can vegetable broth

                                Layer vegetables and veggie burgers in crockpot. Combine tomatoes with juice and vegetable stock, and pour over vegetables. Add salt and pepper, as desired. Cook on high for 6 hours, or on low for 8 hours. Serve with warm bread.

                                I change this each time I make it, depending upon what fresh vegetables I have on hand. Today, I added a green pepper. Sometimes more potatoes, etc., sometimes less. I usually put the crumbled veggie burgers on top, but this time I put them in the middle for more flavor.

                                I've made it for years, and love it.
                                Oh my gosh - I love this!!! I am going to try it tomorrow. I just started making veggie chili for today. But, that sounds wonderful for tomorrow. :h
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

