A lot of people mentioned yesterday I should not beat myself up too much but I find it quite difficult not to. OK, I have made a descision to give the quitting as good as I can and I sincerely hope I can stick to it (especially with all this help from you all). What I struggle with is my behaviour in the past - my boyfriends birthday in February where I drank too much in a relatively quiet restaraunt & he had to hold me up on the way out. The verbal I gave him on the way home from the disastrous meal, for absolutely no reason at all. I feel I have let a lot of friends & family down also, not taking their calls in the evening as was incoherent at times. All this feels like a very massive burden I can't begin to apolgise for my actions to them. And they have still stuck by me which makes me feel even worse about the whole thing.
The birthday example is just the tip of the iceberg & yes, maybe I needed to feel bad about all that stuff to stop but I am having real trouble feeling good about myself in light of it.
I attended counselling in October as I had leftt my previous job due to the aggresive atmosphere I felt I could no longer cope with. We addressed issues with my brothers death 2 years ago & my lack of self confidence. Of course I made no mention at the time my drinking was getting out of control.
I would just like to hear how any of you have coped with the black feeling of despair that I've hurt people who care about me & love me.