Welcome Kimmy, just as Nattie + you I have joined only yesterday, and I can feel the weight lifting off my chest - I'm not alone in this! It feels funny in the beginning to do this but I hope + pray that we all will become used to it soon. We're in it together, and there's a brilliant bunch of people out there to help + support us
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New here and feeling like hell
New here and feeling like hell
Welcome Kimmy, just as Nattie + you I have joined only yesterday, and I can feel the weight lifting off my chest - I'm not alone in this! It feels funny in the beginning to do this but I hope + pray that we all will become used to it soon. We're in it together, and there's a brilliant bunch of people out there to help + support us
New here and feeling like hell
Welcome Kimmy, Hope you stick around. This is a wondeful place to get a lot of support from different people in different parts of this journey. One thing that stands true is that we are all in this together.
Best of luck"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
New here and feeling like hell
I remember so well when my husband told me that I had a drinking problem and that I was putting our family at risk. It was crushing -- I have always been a "good girl." That was such a jolt that I knew I needed to make a change - so, after months of trying for moderation, I found MWO and have embraced abstinence (for now). My experience has been that kudzu kills my cravings, the members make me feel proud not guilty and knowing there are so many others for whom alcohol is a real-deal challenge makes the journey empowering!
I check in here every day and learn a little bit more. The thing that I keep coming back to is exactly what you asked -- is it progressive? I'm sure it is. I haven't always had an alcohol problem, I really worked at developing it!! Now, I'm really working at developing an exercise and nutrition "problem."
Anyway, enough about my thoughts. Welcome to MWO -- it works!Mama T.
Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007
New here and feeling like hell
Betty Blue - and others
Hi Everyone
All I keep saying is thank you I did feel alone and boy the response is great - My late mom always use to say "It gets hold of you" She grew up in an alcoholic home and so did I in fact my dad is and we have been trying to help him for years now. In SA (Betty Blue) I am sure you can relate - Brandy and Coke is the in thing and we have braais (Barbeques) on Saturday afternoons with the Beers, brandies and wine flowing.
My Mother died on the 29th September 2005 of infazemia she smoked for over 40 years but when she put her mind to it she just stopped it did give her another 11 years to spend with us and her grandchildren she still suffered in the end when it came to drinking for years I remember her drinking Cane or wine and passing out on the couch, my dad was and as I mentioned still is a heavy drinker so mom would say ?If you can?t beat them join them? but when things started to ?get a hold? she just stopped.
Her death was and still is very hard on me and if I have to be honest with myself it was the start of my problem. I don?t want to blame anything or anyone ? it is me who just can?t handle things and it is at the moment my crutch and this crutch has now ?got hold of me?.
My husband is not the most supportive person and looks down on my weaknesses, but I have my children and myself to STOP for.
Speak to you all later.
KimmyThough no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending
New here and feeling like hell
Kimmy, I vote that you don't involve your husband in this forum, so us gals can have bitch sessions together :H
Kimmy, I think there is a lesson for you to learn from your beloved mum by getting a handle on the situation now, as opposed to joining them simply because you can't beat them. Make this your journey and as you can see, you're going to get plenty of support from the rest of us here. Before long, you'll be lending your support to newcomers too.
As per Mamatee, this group is empowering.
Doo:heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:
New here and feeling like hell
Hell No! I will never tell him about this site - and I know that things will get better the support is great - at the moment I am just letting it all out - so for now every time I post I cry - I will keep everyone updated on my past, present and the future is starting to look a little brighter. KimThough no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending
New here and feeling like hell
Hey Kimmy,
Great to have you here. I was in a bad way when I found this site - but was at the point where i'd had enough and realised I had a problem - that was the place to start and it really works...
See ya round
xxx"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon
New here and feeling like hell
Strength comes from within????
Yes Popeye this is a very lovely place - people always say the strength comes from within - but you need to find it, and this place help with that.Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending
New here and feeling like hell
Hi there i to am doing this AF for lent with hubby and a frend..it sure helps to have them on board and even sillier it makes me show a competitive streak. I dont care what it shows as long as i dont drink. promised ourselves 40 days off it and money to charityl, started just before lent..so on day Day 24 commencing
Initially was irritable and unsettled and not sleeping. Now much more content and sleeping well.
always felyt in the morning on the way yo work..have i got a guily look or as a woman am i developing the alocoholic red flushed skin!!
Now get up happy..start the day with a spiritual reading(i cant do it on willpower alone ..as a catholic i place my hope and trust in God ..with a bit of help from myself!!)
Find I am less likely to release negative emotions...when i drink I can niggle at my hubbyy about emotions that normally lie under the surface . Now i try and discuss instead of niggle and moan!!
Keep fit and walking. Got some new outfits and makeup. Off to the pub tonight for a meal with the friend who is on board for lent. Confident I wont be drinking.
how lovely to go out and not fear bumping into anybody I know in case I look or sound drunk!!How lovely to remeber and appreciate the company I am in. how lovely to go home at the end ogf the evening and not want a night cap!!
I now go home to hubby after a night out and no chance of an argument.
i even look after myself better and take the make up of before bed(used to wake up with yesterdays make up on when sloshed)
So lots of positives. I dont know where i am going on this journey after 40 days but my thoughts go towards moderating...maybe try a drink with a meal out at weekends(it would be lovely) but still scared to think too far ahead.
My opattern was drinking at home with hubby after 9 a few wines most nights and a bottle full on a friday and saturday....the pattern was well entrenched for years/
Good luck to you all...we can do it
regards Cassy
New here and feeling like hell
Dear Cassy
Thank you for those words, I can relate to the makeup thing and the niggles with the hubby - we don’t talk anymore. I need to first sort myself out and then us - the strength I spoke about is just enough for me and the kids right now.Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending
New here and feeling like hell
Hey Kimmy,
Yes, tell me about the drinking habits in SA! I'm German and quite used to drinking. But after 11 years in Los Angeles things had settled to a comfortable moderate drinking pattern for me - I even managed to stop for 4 years altogether. But when I moved to SA 3 years ago it sure got a hold of me again; and working in the film industry here doesn't help either. But I'm hoping that MWO will enable me to rid myself of this habit and be happy again - I do feel a little bit stronger every day. I wish you all the best!!! bb
New here and feeling like hell
Betty Blue
My nex braai invite I send out will statev "chop and soda" all around SA they call it a "CHOP and DOP" for those who dont know a DOP is a drink in Afrikaans - the problem is not many of my current friends will come. Thats life.Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending