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Weight Losers

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    Weight Losers

    Freefly: 19 lb
    Ally: 13.5 lb - 1 = 12.5 lb
    Limers: 9 lb
    New day: 13 lb
    Pauly: 20 lb
    Jinglejo:10 lb
    Paula: 7 lb
    Hippy man: 30 lb
    Dottie 20 lbs
    Phin: New goal 46.8
    Stella: 1 lb
    K9: ? Lb
    Librarygirl: 60 lb
    Tree: 22 lb
    Play 30 lb
    Nelz : 19 lb
    Rainyday: 14 lb
    Cinders: 20 lb
    Siren 35 lb
    Red nose: 25 lb

    Hi, weight trainers:

    I did what siren and rainy day and some of you suggested, just a few pounds of biceps and triceps 10 reps, not hard at all, I hope it increased my metabolism and will keep burning calories at rest

    Rainyday: what an ordeal! Bet you are tired after a night like that. Sometimes I don't think we will ever be too old to need our daddies...

    Pauly: how is your mood this morning? Are you on your bike MWO'ing?

    And Siren, new day, phin, all the rest still to come... Probably just waking up or just getting ready to work.... Hope everyone stay AF....

    About alcohol and metabolism... I agree, everyone is different. When I drank, I had tons of energy so all the calories from the alcohol just burned into energy. I neither gained or lost weight off alcohol, but certainly lost the energy and reverted back to my normal lazy self once I quit...

    The one day eating more calories/one day less calorie or the occasional fast diet makes sense to me.... It's kind of tricking the body to increase metabolism. Or people say vary your diets, stick to one until your progress plateaus then switch to another.

    I have to try that cabbage or veggie soup diet. It's so delicious but I'm just so lazy to chop and shop. Wish they would just sell it packaged already and you can just drop it in a cooker thing...
    Alcoholic (or Ally)

    "Only a fool knows everything.
    A wise man knows how little he knows."

    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


      Weight Losers

      hey guys,i was watching dr.oz yesterday and it was all about diet and exercise and the person he had on there said one cheat day every week is good for the metabolism,sounds pretty good instead of my everyday cheat day,ally no exercise for me today,my day off tried to sleep in a bit
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Weight Losers

        Hi everyone!
        I would love to join this group!
        Have about 50lbs to lose.

        First goal 30lbs


          Weight Losers

          Hi - can I please join, too? I have bout 40 pounds to lose. I lost 100 over the course of a few years, but have put back on 40.

          Here's the plan

          first step - quit drinking (done). Stay quit (in progress); second get well enough (been v unwell) to
          exercise (so close!); thirdly get motivated to move (done - joined new gym with incredible classes and my 15 y/o son is coming with me!); fourthly add fruit, vege and lean protein @ every opportunity (slow start...); fifth back to WW (oh God that means scales) sixth start tracking points (gonna be do much easier without the wine, which is practically a meal's worth), seven just keep turning up in the places that remind me why it matters to
          stay on the path (here, WW).


            Weight Losers

            welcome mya and quakegirl! this is a fun thread to keep up with and also a distraction from counting booze free days,ive only lost a pound so far but im a work in progress i guess
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Weight Losers

              Yay! More "ladies I presume?" to join our fun!

              It is definately a great distraction. Sometimes the other boards are too much about alcohol. This focuses more on good physical health! (and beauty, right fellow friends

              Pauly - I love Dr Oz! I think he's right about everything! (wish I would of married either him or Dr Phil! Probably Dr Phil more than Oz... LOL) And I definately think the cheat thing is right on!
              I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                Weight Losers

                Freefly: 19 lb
                Ally: 12.5 lb
                Limers: 9 lb
                New day: 13 lb
                Pauly: 20 lb - 1 lb = 19 lb
                Jinglejo:10 lb
                Paula: 7 lb
                Hippy man: 30 lb
                Dottie 20 lbs
                Phin: New goal 46.8
                Stella: 1 lb
                K9: ? Lb
                Librarygirl: 60 lb
                Tree: 22 lb
                Play 30 lb
                Nelz : 19 lb
                Rainyday: 14 lb
                Cinders: 20 lb
                Siren 35 lb
                Red nose: 25 lb
                mya: 30 lb
                quakegirl: 40 lb

                welcome mya and quake girl!

                was it you siren who recommend fit bit scale? it was quick! got here today.... i'm going to try to hook it up to see if my old scale is accurate, maybe i have more pounds to lose than i thought.....
                Alcoholic (or Ally)

                "Only a fool knows everything.
                A wise man knows how little he knows."

                Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                  Weight Losers

                  we all try to quit alcohol to get healthy, for some of us, weight loss is the next step isn't it? even if we don't have to lose weight, getting fit is a good thing for all of us....
                  Alcoholic (or Ally)

                  "Only a fool knows everything.
                  A wise man knows how little he knows."

                  Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                    Weight Losers

                    Freefly: 19 lb
                    Ally: 12.5 lb -1 = 11.5 lb
                    Limers: 9 lb
                    New day: 13 lb
                    Pauly: 20 lb - 1 lb = 19 lb
                    Jinglejo:10 lb
                    Paula: 7 lb
                    Hippy man: 30 lb
                    Dottie 20 lbs
                    Phin: New goal 46.8
                    Stella: 1 lb
                    K9: ? Lb
                    Librarygirl: 60 lb
                    Tree: 22 lb
                    Play 30 lb
                    Nelz : 19 lb
                    Rainyday: 14 lb
                    Cinders: 20 lb
                    Siren 35 lb
                    Red nose: 25 lb
                    mya: 30 lb
                    quakegirl: 40 lb

                    welcome mya and quake girl!

                    How's everyone this Saturday am!

                    I cannot get my Fitbit Aria scale to sync right! I contacted support and hopefully they will help us.

                    Right now I'm still just dieting and occasionally getting out of bed to clean my room as exercise... I do wear wrist weights around. I will do more biceps and triceps strengthening exercises w weights this morning before work as I like the idea of resting muscles burning calories.

                    How's the rest of the gang doing? Post here what you will do as a commitment and go do it!!!!
                    Alcoholic (or Ally)

                    "Only a fool knows everything.
                    A wise man knows how little he knows."

                    Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                      Weight Losers

                      Good morning peeps!

                      So no exercise for me yesterday, AND I went out for dinner! I have some serious house cleaning and laundry today, so I should just get out of bed, and head to the gym, or maybe change it up a bit with my Bob Bootcamp DVD. I think I'm going to try that and see if that can confuse my body into losing more weight. Though last nights Prime Rib and mashed potatoes didn't help the diet much, lol.

                      How's everyone doing? Maybe not it diet, but just in general, .


                        Weight Losers

                        OMG! This is neither diet or exercise related but need to seriously VENT! Just got into a HUGE fight with hubby. He's yelling at me because he says I'm being a bitch, which I probably am because I'm frustrated because my 10yr old is panicking because she didn't get the number of a friend she's doing a project with and it's due Monday. The number isn't listed. I'm frsutrated with her and being impatient, but he's telling me I;m not doing anything to help, as he has his ass parked on the chair drinking coffee and reading the paper. Um, hello? How about you give a hand? Before the meltdown I am cleaning!!!!!!! I asked him a question twice, finally answered me-snapping, so I threw something on the table, and it slid and spilled his coffee. Ok, shouldn't have done, but come on. Apparently I am a bad person, who needs to change my ways....I am bringing everyone down. Yesterday he was acting like a dick to me as well. He is a very defensive person. I might say something, and he totally gets his back up and comes out with the frigging claws out.

                        You know, I am really trying to be a better person. It really hurts not to be recognized for it. Especially from him since he's one of the reasons why.


                          Weight Losers

                          Hey Phin.....good place to vent.....and it is's a relief to vent, and this thread is not only about losing weight, it's about being healthy too. Stress is one of the leading causes of poor health.

                          Is there a friend of a friend that would know this friends phone number? Surely she can be tracked down via the network of friends your daughter has.

                          Re the spilled coffee.......many many years ago, when I was so angry and frustrated with my hubby's stead of continuing to argue with him, I took a quart of milk that I happened to have in my hand, and slowly poured it over his front of my 2 girls. They thought it was hysterical, and we all ended up laughing.....hubby not so much, but I will never forget how good that felt....LOL! Never done anything like that wouldn't have the same shock value if repeated.

                          You are being a better person. I know that from our conversations. Hang tough!


                            Weight Losers

                            Thanks so much. I just have this feeling that there's something more. I'm not sure. Since I've started this job this week, I am up at 4:14am and am in bed by 8 asleep by 9 at the latest. We've not spent any time together. We are wrapped up with activities with the kids that make it tough to spend time together from when he gets home until I go to bed. I know that isn't what's bothering him, that kind of stuff doesn't get to him.

                            We had our yelling match in front of the kids, my daughters boyfriend and my mom. Ya that was nice. Then of course I start to cry after he leaves all pissed off to work. Then I text him, and well, he won't speak to me until he gets home.

                            I wish I could just laugh this off. This isn't the only fight obviously.....I am often wondering if we should be together. Times like this it seems no one is happy with the other. I honestly think he's just not happy with me anymore but since he makes a commitment and sticks to it, he will stay even though he's miserable. There's no closeness....we are both stubborn, beither will make the first move. I try sometimes, but I never notice when he does.


                              Weight Losers

                              Phin.....yelling and arguing isn't the preferred form of communication, but at least there still is some. IMHO It sounds like many long term marriages.....we forget what it as that attracted us to our mates and we have years of taking each other for granted......not appreciating what each brings to the relationship. A lot of times it's due to work, raising kids.....our focus is no longer on each other

                              Is there any way your Mom could stay with your kids for a few days while you and hubby got some time alone together? If so, don't just go away and do stuff......really talk to each other about how you see the relationship and what can be done to improve it and bring you closer once again.

                              I speak personally from a very rocky point in my marriage not too long ago that was close to ending ours.

                              Let me know how you are doing.......PM if you wish

                              New Day:l


                                Weight Losers

                                We are definately a long term relationship. We've been together for 25yrs, married for 15 1/2. So I know things aren't always rosey. My mom lives with us, so her taking the kids doesn't work too well. One is out with her BF, another with her friends for a bday party, and the youngest just got home from her friends.

                                He got home from work and we talked. It's not perfect, but it never is. I'm still grouchy but I am pretty tired right now. He's going out tonight, so I called a friend to go out, out of spite, but I don't think I am.

                                On the diet, exercise front, ate KD today, damn it was good! I also didn't work out, but I did clean the house, so that's a bloody work out in itself. I hope to work out tomorrow. I'm just really tired....

                                Thanks for chatting with me about this New, I really do appreciate it. I needed to vent so badly and you really were there for me.

                                Thank you

