I have been away for a little while after I lapsed. Since my last post here I have been drinking as if it was going out of fashion and felt too guilty to come back.
I can't seem to understand why I went back to drinking after managing over 30 days AF. Why did I think "oh well, I've screwed it up, so might as well carry on".
So here...again...Had a big bust up with hubby last week and I ended up hitting him. whatever the argument was about, I had no reason to hit him. Secondly, we've been invited to 2 parties (next month) which happen to be on the same day, so I suggested to mother-in-law that she's goes to one and hubby and I go to the other. But she said no and I should not go by myself. The reason is she doesn't trust me to go by myself. She's concerned I will end up having a drink and embarass myself in front of the family. And I have got my finance exams in June and I am serioulsy falling behind.
Last time when I started I had loads of enthusiam, but seem to be lagging it this time. I just want to stop drinking. No weekends, social events....I just want to say "no thanks, I don't drink".
Hubby is still drinking and just now he called me to ask what I would like to drink tonight. Why can't I say no or yeah bring me a bottle of water!!!
Sorry for rambling, but just had so many thoughts in my head and needed to write them down. Thanks for taking the time to read through.