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Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

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    Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

    Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

    Ok. Who's hitting the snooze button?

    Morning Troops. Hope you're all well. Tips, you ought yet?

    Have a top Tuesday folks.

    Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

    Morning RC and all to come. Yep i'm awake early, cudn't get back asleep so just had coffee and put cats out. May as well stay up as i have to go out this morning anyway. Just bill paying and good shopping. Another bitter cold one biut still dark here. Top of tuesday mornin to yis all.:cupajoe::catroll:


      Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

      Good mornin arsey, foxy and all to come

      First off...many congratulations to mrs a and daughter. Very pleased for you both.

      And great to hear you'll be seeing jamie tomorrow molly.

      Sorry you're down in the dumps questie. I agree with what the others suggested...a course of ADs and counselling. I know we're all different and have different problems, but it worked for me at least.

      Didn't help much with the drinking, unfortunately. here. I went off on one yesterday and then got overenthusiastic in the kitchen with a chefs knife and damned near sliced my thumb off. Blood everywhere. Luckily it was a tomato sauce I was making, so the colours kind of went together. And then later on I tripped over the bin in the kitchen and banged my head on the floor! :upset: And something else must have happened as well cos I've got a big lump below my left knee and it's rather sore. No one to blame but myself so I'm not looking for or expecting any sympathy, just reporting the latest goings on in pandaland.

      Oh...and I'm really sorry to hear about hamish too. Sue the bugger zenny (the breeder, not hamish :new.

      Perishing cold today.

      Anyway...have a good Tuesday everyone.


        Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

        Morning Reccie oh dear hun be careful in the house when drinking. I know i have been there with tripping and accidents and as we live alone its more risky. I fell and hurt my back a few years while drunk alone in the house and i had to call an ambulance to get me to hospital for x-ray. Lucky no damage only bruising and soreness. It was embarrassing having to ring family to get home. I'm on to day 9 af so far tho i'm not really counting days as such just trying odat. I haven't gotten back to AA yet just busy catching up house chores and laundry but i do intend to get to meetings specially this month but any time is tough for alcos:H. Anyway take care and have a good day get plenty of rest.


          Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

          Firefox;1421448 wrote: Morning Reccie oh dear hun be careful in the house when drinking. I know i have been there with tripping and accidents and as we live alone its more risky. I fell and hurt my back a few years while drunk alone in the house and i had to call an ambulance to get me to hospital for x-ray. Lucky no damage only bruising and soreness. It was embarrassing having to ring family to get home. I'm on to day 9 af so far tho i'm not really counting days as such just trying odat. I haven't gotten back to AA yet just busy catching up house chores and laundry but i do intend to get to meetings specially this month but any time is tough for alcos:H. Anyway take care and have a good day get plenty of rest.
          Yep, we are a bit more vulnerable when we live alone, although there are some advantages too. Nine days is brilliant foxy...keep up the good work. :goodjob:


            Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

            Morning guys, sorry I haven't been online much between doing loadsa overtime at work and uni and counselling and a load of essays ive been doing not much else but showering nd sleeping, lol
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

              MOrning folksies - running start here. Mrs. T and I overslept.

              Vrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom till later!
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                  morning pingu, hows life treating ya
                  I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                  Audrey Hepburn


                    Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                    Good morning Runners, Foxyloxy, Reccybear, Pinkles, Tipperooooo, Pinguuuuu, Mollymooo and I'm sure I've missed someone.

                    Got the early shift this morning so off out in a moment..........I am needed and for a needy person like me being needed makes me feel well quite chuffed.

                    Crikey the things I've done drunk and sober has convinced me over the years I've got someone or something looking out for me. Be careful Reccy, hun. Get back to the tapering and get off the grog. You know I fret.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                      Good morning JC,RC,Foxy,Wreckie,Pinky,Tips,Pingu,and Molly.
                      Mr A recovered from his op. Off to see daughter and baby with some nice food in tow.
                      Reccie take care. I think I had a guardian angel looking out for me over all my drinking years. I am sure many people have not had the good fortune to stay safe.
                      Molly so true what you say about what goes on behind closed doors. Everyone thinks we are the ideal family.I think now we may be getting to be the family everyone always thought we were!
                      Hope RC and Questie are doing OK?
                      Thank you all for the congratulations on my lovely (enormous) grandaughter. She was nearly born in the lift going up to the delivery room and it was all over in 6 minutes. PHEW


                        Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                        mollyka;1421490 wrote: Morning army!!! Recster - sounds like a bit of a disaster of a day. Like Foxy says you do have to be more careful when on your own. Mebbe yesterday will focus your mind a wee bit - not wishing any of it on you of course - you know that - but sometimes we just need a 'wake-up' call?? I remember a few years ago being on the kids roller blades flying round the garden and fell backwards and literally knocked myself out on a window-sill. At the time I was delighted the kids weren't there to see me - they'd already gone inside for something, but in hindsight - I literally could have smashed my skull open - scary stuff really
                        Hi to everyone else. How's Arsey today? and hope Questers is feeling a bit brighter? It's a gloomy time of the year when things aren't going well. The rest of the world seems to be ho ho ho'ing all over the gaff and happy and shite, and the days are short and dark - and d'ya'know, even at the best of times that can be depressing. But I do think that looking at 'others' playing happy families can just be so difficult. Don't forget (me included in this) that NO ONE knows what goes on behind closed doors, so don't presume the rest of the world is happy and leaving us behind - it truly isn't like that:l
                        Morning molls That sounded like a really nasty accident that you had on the roller skates...same goes for foxy's accident. As for myself, I will just have to try and be a little more careful.

                        Regarding Christmas, I try not to get too over-excited about it because if you're having a bad time then the fact that it's Christmas can make things seem worse than they are. But I totally agree with you about how no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. For me, Christmas is mainly about good food cooked by my mum.

                        Will you be at work today?

                        Hello to everyone else


                          Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                          Oops...missed you there Jackie...have a good day at work. You too molly.

                          6 minutes, whizzy? Bloody hell!! Bet your daughter was glad it was all over so quickly. How was Windermere?


                            Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                            mornin I aint late..been up since daft o clock messin a bout ...Molls. your quote It's a gloomy time of the year when things aren't going well. The rest of the world seems to be ho ho ho'ing all over the gaff and happy and shite, and the days are short and dark - and d'ya'know, even at the best of times that can be depressin you know I wrote virtually the same at the R Send of my post this morning

                            Firefox..well done on 9 keep it up :l mornin JC,arsey Reccie, pingu, anon (aka Gran :H),Tips, little pinkcat
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Army Thread Tuesday 4th December

                              mollyka;1421528 wrote: Wow!! 6 mins:wow: That beats my mum having me. Apparently I was almost born in the cinema as she was half way out the row to go to the hospital --- she was at a re-run of Gone with the Wind:H - I kid you NOT ---- now even ONE 'hilarious' shaggin joke from Mick or Arsey bout that --- you'll be off me christmas card list:H
                              My brother used to teach at a school where one of his colleagues had a problem with flatulence. His surname was Gunn and everyone called him Gunn with the wind!

