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    Whilst reading the posts over the last few months I have seen so many people writing that giving up alcohol has left a gap in their life, or they?re bored, or they don?t know what to do?Well, I have found something now which more than fills that empty space, it overflows.. I would like to share that experience with you in the hope that it may help some of you still searching ?Are you sitting comfortably, then I?ll begin?.

    Recently I have found myself travelling along a path of spiritual beliefs..I was born and raised an Irish Catholic, but, at the age of about 17 I turned away from the church and all organised religions..

    When I reached my fifties I felt that there was something missing from my life, a gap, an empty space, but I didn?t know how to fill it?.My drinking really began to escalate, I thought that by drinking to excess nearly every night I could somehow obliterate these feelings?

    Last September, about two weeks before I stopped drinking for good, and I must say here that at that time, although I knew I was drinking far too much, I had no real intention of stopping, I was in my local library when I saw a poster advertising a talk at the local Guildhall, the talk was entitled THE SILENCE WITHIN, and it was being given by a representative of a group called BRAHMA KUMARIS?It sounded interesting so I went along to it a few days later?.Well, all I can say is that sitting there in that hall I felt as if I had come to the end of a long journey and at long last found a place to call home?..The speaker was an Indian lady, very quite voice, but you could hear every word?She spoke about the group and what their objectives were, basically, world peace through changing attitudes, they work closely with the UN and they are world wide with retreat centres in most major cities? She then spoke about finding that deep silence through meditation which we all have within us, that deep area where we really find out what and who we are? After this we did some meditation? When I got home, I can?t explain it except to say, somehow, I felt different, as if something had clicked in my brain and now I had this map to guide me...

    A few days later I put in a search on Google for the BRAHMA KUMARIS and found their web site?It gives a history of them, but, also they have a page on there which gives daily meditations?. I started to do these and felt really relaxed and happy?.Now, one week after this experience I had a very bad drinking binge, during that evening, somehow, I found this site, registered and posted my first few words?.The following day when I used my computer and clicked on my favourites to find something, there was this website called MY WAY OUT?I had no recollection of it, so imagine my surprise when I clicked on it to find out I was a member?I haven?t had a drink since that day?Sometimes I get the feeling there is something or someone guiding me, why I don?t know, but I?m sure I?ll find out one day?

    At the moment I am doing a workshop in RAJ YOGA MEDITATION with the Brahma Kumaris?.With this it takes you that bit further along the path, discussing meditation, karma and reincarnation amongst other things?Now, all this is new to me, and recently I have found myself wanting to know more, especially about Buddhism, which as far as I am aware is not a religion but more a way of life... In my ignorance I thought that as a glass of water is just that, a glass of water, then Buddhism is just Buddhism?But its not, there are so many different forms, where do I start, how do I start, do I have to follow one particular type of teaching???? I firmly believe that from the night I went to hear that initial talk that my feet were firmly but gently placed on this path I am now following, and this belief has been one of the mainstays in helping to maintain my sobriety, that, coupled with all the help and support I have received here have been mighty weapons in my personal armoury..

    Now, I feel as if I am ready to take some tentative steps further along this path of spiritual learning..I?m sure there are others in MWO who like me, would like to know and learn more of the philosophy and teachings of Buddha? Likewise there will be people who would like to experience deeper meditation practices to help bring peace and calm to the mind..

    So, I guess I?m after two things here?Wanting to learn about the philosophy, the way of life and teachings of Buddhism, and, meditation?Perhaps we could set up a small Buddhist teaching and discussion group.. It would be interesting to hear any views on this?.
    Thanking you in anticipation,
    Louise xx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


    Hi Louise,
    What a wonderful gift you are giving us on the anniversary of your 1000th. post. Thank you for that and congratulations. You give meaning to the word "substance"
    All my love and respect.
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein



      That little lime helmet doesn't look big enough to hold such deep thoughts. Thank you for such a profound offering, and yes, I would be very interested in participating. I too have been searching and reading on my own, attempting to define "my version" of spirituality. Exactly what fits me? Having been raise a methodist, and having tried other religeious experiences, there was always something or things about them that just didn't fit with my beliefs. I will investigate both Brahma Kumaris and Raj Yoga Meditation.

      As always, Louise, thank you for what you give of yourself, to each of us.

      Hugs, :l

      Best (Sherry)
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        JUST A THOUGHT..

        Lets journey together

        Hi Louise

        Your words have often been of comfort to me - you are so articulate but then again I have always had a soft spot for the Irish and their way with words!!!

        I started transcendental meditation when I was 19, lost and had a big whole in my life which I later filled with alcohol.

        I loved the way it made me feel but let it slip as partying and drinking took its place. I have always worried that if I gave up alcohol what would fill the void. At first I thought exercise but you reminded me ......

        So what I'm trying to say - longwinded I know is that I would love to join you on this journey.

        PS I am sure my posts will get shorter as I get used to this site but I get a bit excited as it is all new and I have somebody to listen at last!!!!
        Love S


          JUST A THOUGHT..

          Wow Louise - Thanks!

          We have similar backgrounds. I was born and raised Catholic (Irish by descent) and turned away from the Catholic church at about the age of 10 or so and have a scientific approach to life, but have been wanting to feel something...

          I googled it for Australia and have just booked myself into a local retreat (the Meditation Part 1 course) for the weekend after next. I'm on their waiting list as it's booked out but fingers crossed... this sounds exactly like my kind of thing!

          My fiance and I just got back from a holiday in Thailand 3 weeks ago, and in the room there was a book on Buddhism. I read most of it, as I've heard so many wonderful things about the Buddhist way of thinking and way of life.

          I absolutely love meditation, and have done since the age of (coincidently) 10 or so, through drama and acting classes. My mum and sisters have all enjoyed it too and between the 4 of us have built up an extensive library of tapes and CD's. In my 20's I used to practice the self guided tapes daily and it gave me an overwhelming sense of wellbeing, while life experiences surrounding me were difficult. Somewhere along the line, I dropped it from my routine. My meditation practice wasn't built on an overall philosophy. When I joined MWO, I was thrilled to see that meditation/self hypnosis was a part of the programme. The MWO CD's are brilliant and by far the best quality I've experienced, so far as tapes/CD's go.

          Anyway, back to the subject, I can really see how this could fill that void (or whatever you want to cal it) for you. I'll most definitely join a sub-forum on the subject.

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            JUST A THOUGHT..


            I would certainly be interested, I don't have time to do the research involved for the teaching, but would certainly be interested in learning more.


              JUST A THOUGHT..

              Dear Louise,
              What a fitting 1000 th post.
              I may be able to help a little here.
              I took what is called refuge in 2003.
              I then took some of the precepts a few months later. But that is for another time.
              I think the idea of a little group could work well.

              The core principle of Buddhism is freedom, liberation of the self. And more.
              Now, that entails more than I can write in a post, so I’ll direct you to some reading material..
              There's so much I and others could write about, but, let's get some reading material going:
              There is a beaut book (along with the myriad that are out there) called :
              The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Buddhism: By Gary Gach. I think it is a better read than Buddhism for Dummies.
              A must get is:
              Introducing Buddhism: By Chris Pauling.
              It is a thin volume, but very good.

              Another book I enjoyed is:
              Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness: By Sharon Salzberg.
              I had a suppky of Kleenex next to me by the end of this book!

              Jack Kornfield is another VERY good writer and teacher. He has a lot of books and audio. His audio meditation tapes are great. Google him and it will come up with Spirit Rock meditation centre as well as Amazon etc. Take a look in there.
              He also wrote and did a tape series called Meditation for Beginners.
              And a terrific little book is called
              Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. by Thich Nhat Hanh
              You’ll love it. GUARANTEED. Google him and you’ll see he’s a prolific writer. Doing a retreat at his centre at Plum Village is on my list of things to do.

              And Breath by Breath by Larry Rosenberg
              is a bit of a classic.

              Martine Batche
              lor who was a Buddhist nun for many years has a good book called Meditation for Life
              . (I have a signed copy!)
              So, there’s a bit of reading for you.

              As you get a little further n the track, have a go of Pema Chodron
              . She’s a Canadian (I think) nun. Have a look at : Start Where You are

              So, a few basic Buddhism books, and some meditation. This is purely introductory stuff, but you need a bit of a grounding before delving into other books etc. It can become very confusing. And beginners can make lots of assumptions that are a little off track.

              Finally I will leave you with one of the teachings of Buddha. I don’t think any other religion has anything quite like this in any of their writings:
              Next post, I’ll put up the Buddha’s words on Loving Kindness (metta).
              If you like I and others can put up a topic and write a little about it and get comments. What format do you think it should take?
              Louise, reckon we/you should put this as a thread in holistic? It’ll get off this page by tonigh otherwise, and hardly anyone will see it. Fran

              Kalama Sutta
              Do not believe in anything (simply)
              because you have heard it.

              Do not believe in traditions because they
              have been handed down for many generations.

              Do not believe in anything because it is
              spoken and rumoured by many.

              Do not believe in anything (simply) because
              it is found written in your religious books.

              Do not believe in anything merely on the authority
              of your teachers and elders.

              But after observation and analysis
              when you find that anything agrees with reason
              and is conductive to the good and benefit of one and all
              then accept it and live up to it.
              (Anguttara Nikaya Vol. 1, 188-193 P.T.S. Ed.)


                JUST A THOUGHT..

                Oh Rags...that is beautiful. That appeals to me - the long lapsed Anglican (wonder what a lapsed Anglican actually is!!??)

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  JUST A THOUGHT..

                  Well this has really blown me away... I honestly didn't think I would get this sort of response... Seems as if there are quite a few of us out there searching for something meaningful, and by the looks of things we may have someone who is more than willing to show the way.....Rags, thank you so much for that post...I am going to print out that list of books and make my way through them...

                  As I don't want this thread to disappear by tomorrow, anyone who wishes to keep tabs on its progress will be able to keep up to date by visiting the HOLISTIC HEALING BOARD...

                  Once again, thank you all for your interest...

                  Love, Louise xxx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    JUST A THOUGHT..


                    The only 3 sites I regularly access are MWO and


                      JUST A THOUGHT..

                      Yes, this is interesting.

                      I have always been interested in learning about Buddhism but have always been "too busy".

                      Hah! How ironic!

                      Now, I have a list of books and a website to explore.

                      How timeous and wonderful.

                      Thanks Irish for starting this thread and thanks others for the info.


                        JUST A THOUGHT..

                        What's the third tawny??
                        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                          JUST A THOUGHT..

                          I was wondering that too.

                          Could be the site.


                            JUST A THOUGHT..

                            Now that was funny Bluebell, I actually clicked on that link, won't say what came up though, might spoil the surprise for the others...BUT TAWNY, I NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD VISIT A SITE LIKE THAT, SHAME ON YOU....
                            A F F L..
                            Alcohol Free For Life


                              JUST A THOUGHT..

                              I too am interested.

