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Sleepy head

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    Sleepy head

    I'm wondering if there's anyone here like me who has never had a shortage of sleep. I have always been able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but that's not a good thing. I was sleeping away my days, and it was a result of "the night before"! Ughh... What a waste!

    For me, alcohol would make me sleep so much more ie the next day (and day after and... day after).

    I'm only on my third day AF but am really looking forward to having a standard 8 hours sleep at night, without an afternoon nap.

    Anyone else?

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Sleepy head

    ME!!! Yes, I am always sleepy the day after, I need a nap, and my energy isn't there. Many, if not most of my free Fridays have been spent sleeping. I have also noticed my heart rate seems higher the day after, and walking up the stairs leaves me tired out, when normally it does not. I want to DO something FUN on my free days, not sleep it off!
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      Sleepy head

      I don't sleep worth a crap when I drink a lot or even the day after...I get horrible pounding in my chest, it's awful!!! then I can only sleep if I get wasted all over again. alcohol sucks donkey in so many ways. sorry, that wasn't very eloquent.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Sleepy head

        I slept badly after drinking any amount - it doesn't help really - you enver get to REM sleep (pass out sleep does not count!).

        Not drinking is a great way to actually get better sleep, even if it is less. You will wake up feeling refreshed and better for it.

        Good luck


        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Sleepy head

          Hi DooDoo. When i was day 3 AF i was knackered all the time. Like you i can sleep anywhere anytime. But its not a good sleep where you wake up refreshed. Now, i am sleeping so much better. I used to wake up all the time throughout the nite worrying. But after 29 days AF i sleep like a baby for 8 hrs. I actually wake in a fairly good mood. But that could be because i also take anti depressants! Keep going and give it time. B


            Sleepy head


            Hi DooDoo,

            I'm afraid I've never been a good sleeper so I envy you - however, having said that, I'm sleeping so much better without alcohol - I actually know what a night's sleep is! For two weeks I felt like I had so much energy it was brilliant - now I'm feeling really tired - don't really know why, though I read some other postings that said they'd found tiredness a problem initially but that it passed once the body readjusted.

            Congratulations, by the way, on 3 days af! - How are you finding the supps/tapes/kudzu - or what tools have you found are working for you?? Whatever it is, keep it up - you're well on your way!

            So, sleep tight and talk soon!
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              Sleepy head

              Yes, my sleep patterns were much the same as most of you on here.. When I was drinking, if I didn't pass out in the chair, then I would go to bed drunk, at about 11pm, wouldn't get up next day till about 10am, ( unless I was working, ouch.. ) By the afternoon I just had to have a 2 hour sleep..

              Now, I rarely go to bed before midnight, I read till about 12.30am, and I wake up, and get up full of energy at about 7.30 or 8.00am, and I feel as if I have had a really good nights sleep..
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                Sleepy head

                8 hours is a dream right sleep pattern stinks! I am feeling better, but uniterrupted sleep for 6 hours would be a blessing...

