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    What if I told everyone here who has a drinking problem that you have been hypnotised?

    You have been hypnotised negatively to believe that you have to have alcohol and you love the poisonous substance. You were hypnotised at the start to believe that drinking is great and everyone does it, so when you became of age, or even earlier for some you had to have it. The more you drank, even if you felt like crap you continued because drinking is what people do.

    The media hypnotised you daily that drinking makes you cool and makes you have fun, and no party or outing can happen without it.

    Then when you realized you had a problem you have again been hypnotised to believe that quitting drinking is the hardest thing in the world, and you have been negatively programmed to believe that even if you quit drinking you will still be an alcoholic, in fact some programs even make you repeat it daily , "I am an alcoholic", and the best way to get help is to go to a place where everyone believes they have this incurable ailment and they want you to go 90 times in 90 days and listen to stories of failure and continue to repeat daily that "I am an alcoholic". You are told that most if not all people fail/relapse because that what alcoholics do and they tell you that you have no power and the only true fix is spiritual, and yet you will always have to live with the label "alcoholic".

    Now this isn't a bash on AA because it has helped millions of people, but it's more of a bash on the drinking culture and the rehab culture of this world. If you say something enough you will eventually believe it. I have found that even staying on these types of forums, even though they offer up support and suggestions on how to quit or moderate your drinking might even be unhealthy, because it keeps you believing that this is a really hard thing to beat. The only thing you need to do is to change your subconscious mind and deprogram yourself to believe that you are a healthy person and if you quit drinking you will no longer have a drinking problem.

    I know this might be an unpopular post for many, but if you honestly want to quit drinking you hold the answer in your head. Do you want to have this problem next month, or in 6 months, or in a year or in 10 years? Quit believing you have a problem and just quit and don't look back, replace your bad habit with a good habit. Do worry about whether others approve, it's your life and sobriety is the key to happiness, and continuing to believe you have a major problem other than keeping the poison away from your lips will only keep you in the unhappy place you are today.

    So snap out of the negative hypnosis of alcohol and the negative message rehab tells you that you are diseased, and just start leading a sober healthy life, and good things will happen.


    Great post thanks it takes time and practice but not impossible. Its a tough world we live in and al is all around us and still heavily advertised but to see beyond the hype and the glamour it protrays is the key. Al is not a fun glam passtime for most people it is a poison and the most widley used legal drug.



      Thanks for the reply Firefox! But I think it is even deeper than that. If all you get is negative messages/programming regarding ho hard it is to quit, and how you aren't normal, and you have a disease, people start believing this programming. The more you believe that you can't quit on your own the more failure becomes your reality.

      I had a very hard time quitting for a long time, but that was because I subconsciously didn't want to quit. My wife wanted me to quit. When I finally came to my breaking point and decided that I wanted to quit I had and even harder time, because I believed that I was an alcoholic, and quitting alcohol for an alcoholic is nearly impossible to do on your own...or so I was programmed. But once I realized that the only thing keeping me drinking was me, and I could just not pick up the bottle my outlook changed. I was able to change my subconscious mind, without drugs, or 12 steps or rehab. And looking back it wasn't even as hard as I was making it out to be at the time. I even relapsed, why? Because that's what you do as an least that's what I was told. I haven't relapsed since once I realized that this problem I had was really all in my mind, and really the only think I had to do was believe that I didn't want to drink anymore, and I made that decision everyday. 2 years have passed and I don't even think about drinking anymore. Why can I do that? Because I believe that I am a non-drinker, I believe I love sobriety, and I believe I love being healthy.



        I have seen your posts are nothing more than a dr phill salesman ..what we need here is a real quitter ..your hype is just that hype!!!! a success coach what a wanker!!!!! try and believe you are a wanker



          Yep you hit the nail on the head. I think thats AA and some rehab programmes have a low record of success and relapsing as we are told we are and an alcoholic for life and its odat. I'm not knocking AA and rehab but Allan Carr and Jason Vale have the better aproach in that we can choose to drink if we want but we don't and are non drinkers who don't want or enjoy al in our lifes. Its taken me a long time to get it too andi have slipped many times but some where in my mind i wanted to drink when i was stressed or any excuse and just get a buzz or high or similar and i also thinking i could drink now and then. I'm quiting al for me and my health and want to live the rest of my life in a better way and not be thinking and or struggling with al odat. Its going to take a bit longer as i have friends and family who drink but the day will come i hope where i'm less influenzed by al and i'm trying to get new hobbies etc to keep focused. It is a bit tough for me still but doable. I abused al for years so i know i have work to do but i'm less depressed the longer i don't drink. Al is a depressant and makes it worse. Thanks for your reply it may help other s struggling. Well done suoercrew on 2 years.:thumbsup



            Living12;1424184 wrote: I have seen your posts are nothing more than a dr phill salesman ..what we need here is a real quitter ..your hype is just that hype

            You can read my story in the story section. I am 44 years old, had been drinking since I was 15. In the final years I was drinking about 18 beers a day and half a bottle of vodka a night. I am a salesman in real life, but I'm not selling anyhting here. Just hoping maybe someone will hear my message and realize that I found my way out. And I have been studying alcohol and drinking problems since I first got serious about quitting. I have a dui, I have wrecked cars, I have end up in jails, I have ruined relationships, got kicked out of schools and almost lost jobs.

            I am better looking than Dr. Phil.:H

            My message is be positive, it can be done, I am proof of it. The forums need some positive reinforcement, and I felt the need to post what I was thinking. Sorry if I offended you.



              I'm guessing a "wanker" isn't a good thing?



                You are a wanker and full of yourself



                  Thanks Firefox! I appreciate the warm words. My depression which I thought I had for 10 years disappeared about three months after I quit for good. I stay happy everyday, and I love life!



                    Living12;1424192 wrote: You are a wanker and full of yourself
                    I am very pleased with myself. It's a great feeling to know that I control my own destiny and I get to decide how my life turns out.

                    I don't know your situation, but you sound a little bittter. Lighten up. If you don't like my message feel free to ignore me...I'm just trying to help some of the people who are struggling.



                      Get over ya self Im not bitter I can smell a charlatan a mile away you sell rubbish you are nothing but a cheap salesman in my opinion ...people need real advice not snake oil believers



                        Living12;1424197 wrote: Get over ya self Im not bitter I can smell a charlatan a mile away you sell rubbish you are nothing but a cheap salesman in my opinion ...people need real advice not snake oil believers
                        What am I selling?

                        My beliefs and my experiences? My information is free, and there is nothing fake or phony about it.

                        But the reality is you are basically what I was talking about in my first post. You are a negative message. You are part of the problem that keeps people from realizing the answer is between your ears. The challenge is as big or as small as you make it.

                        But there is no reason to attack me.



                          You are a salesman a faker I am not negative I am not part of the problem you are,,, your over rated trumped up ego is the problem stop talking down to people as though you know all .. good night and oh congats on 2 years sober and your overrated ego know it all attitude



                            How long have you been completely sober Liv12?



                              could be true,i never tried to quit because i always thought id have a seizure or something,as ive read that,i didnt
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

