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    Hi Polly, I'm not advocating quitting without seeing a Dr. If you are physically addicted to a alcohol. You can die from alcohol withdrawal, and the symptoms are real. I ended up in the emergency room on my second detox because if you drink enough your body becomes dependent on alcohol.

    My post was more in regards to once the physical dependence is over, and most problem drinkers don't become physically dependent. I was referencing the mental obsession which goes along with any addiction. The part where your brain believes "you have to drink" and "you will always be an alcoholic". That negative information is the reason why so many struggle to become happily sober.



      i understand what your saying exactly,im just saying we are told so many things as youve said,that can make somebody feel brainwashed into believing they cant quit or there is no hope
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



        Hi SC:

        Not certain what The Cow's problem is but as usual, you always things with grace and compassion.

        I have likened my drinking to my seemingly effortless ability 15 years ago to quit smoking. Believe me when I say that I absolutely LOVED to smoke. Did so for nearly 20 years. But it was killing me physically for obvious reasons. I tried many many times to quit and I even did the hypno Tape.

        When I got pregnant with my first baby, that was what pushed my head into the I DON'T SMOKE anymore space and I simply NEVER looked back. I didn't miss it. I didn't want it. I can be in a group of smokers no and be almost oblivious of it. I am still shocked by this believe it or not!

        I Have no doubt that my Final decision to quit was the PRODUCT of all those failed attempts and my mind slowly reprogramming itself....even though I truly had NO IDEA that that was what I was doing at the time.

        So what seemed like an effortless, overnight quit to many of my friends was actually just the final result of any years of rehypnotising myself, so to speak.

        I think I am doing the same thing with AL.
        As far as continuing to stay in the groups of people trying to quit...well, I think it's a double edged sword.

        Reading, thinking, looking at and about people's success, failures I think cements our own determination and the clear vision of ourselves as a NON Drinker. It gives us tools that many may not have found out there on our own. Also gives us many any different perpesptives and of course, the big one- helps us feel less lonely on this journey...

        But I can also see how continuing to engage with groups can also for some (myself included) almost keep me mired in my confused head about drinking...maybe a little of the Ol' Misery Loves Comany Thinking ...

        BUt ultimately you are correct in that it all comes down to our Mindset- I know without a doubt that the though of killing my baby slowly with the poison of cigarettes tipped my decision needle clearly into the QUIT ZONE.

        I'm almost there with the AL but because of my cigarette experience, I know the difference between Needing/Wanting to stop smoking and the, " I have no desire to ever put a cigarette in my mouth again.." The two mindsets are very different.

        Wow!! Didn't mean to ramble on so.

        You just inspire me, Coach Crew!!

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



          Thanks for this thread Supercrew. I agree completely and believe my success this time around is due to slowly 'reprogramming' my perspective as Kradle so aptly put it.

          We all have the capacity to do this, we just need to wrap our heads around a different way of thinking about AL.
          AF since 6JUN2012



            Supercrew, that is exactly how I finally quit. After 10 years of daily drinking and passing out I decided it was enough and I was no longer a drinker. I don't even entertain the thought of drinking. I never thought I could quit but the last episode I had was horrible and I knew it had to be done. Something in my head clicked and it's been almost two years now without a drink. The mind is very powerful and we can quit if we really want to. I came from a long line of alcoholics and just thought oh well it's in my genes. Is it easy? Not always, but I know in my head I don't drink and I don't let anyone or any situations change that. Last night was my company Xmas party and they are all big drinkers. I didn't go, I don't like being around drinkers and they don't understand why I don't just have 1 drink.

            You are who you believe you are. I am no longer a drinker and I have no doubt about that decision.

            Thanks SC I always love your posts!
            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



              Thank you Pixie, Kradle and Red!

              When I decided to quit drinking I basically felt like a came out of a trance. The whole way I looked at the world changed. Just like a switch went off. But I blame myself for keeping that switch on for so long after I realized that I was a person who could not control my intake once I got started.

              And that was the whole point of my post. The decision starts with you. And if you are activiely seeking a solution to your alcohol problem, focus on what you want and take action everyday towards it. It can be done.



                Just what I needed to hear Supercrew. Love reading your posts!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!



                  daisy45;1424573 wrote: Just what I needed to hear Supercrew. Love reading your posts!
                  Thanks Daisy! It's nice to know everyone doesn't think of me as a "Dr. Phil, salesman, charlatan"! :H



                    You are so correct in this view. It is about changing your mind. I had a very stressful day today and had to deal with a situation I had been dreading for weeks and when it was over I sat down and not once did alcohol come into my mind. This is because I have clearly said weeks ago 'I do not drink alcohol anymore' . A few weeks of practice have removed 23 years of 'gonna have a drink tonight cos I deserve it'. That thinking has been erased and replaced with ' phew, that is over, now I can move on'.

                    If I was to speak to a friend about the event I am sure they would say ' I bet you will enjoy a glass of wine tonight' ....... The social go to for every ill....... I no longer hear this message and pity them for it.



                      kuya;1424588 wrote: You are so correct in this view. It is about changing your mind. I had a very stressful day today and had to deal with a situation I had been dreading for weeks and when it was over I sat down and not once did alcohol come into my mind. This is because I have clearly said weeks ago 'I do not drink alcohol anymore' . A few weeks of practice have removed 23 years of 'gonna have a drink tonight cos I deserve it'. That thinking has been erased and replaced with ' phew, that is over, now I can move on'.

                      If I was to speak to a friend about the event I am sure they would say ' I bet you will enjoy a glass of wine tonight' ....... The social go to for every ill....... I no longer hear this message and pity them for it.
                      Great message Kuya! It's funny, because even some of the people closest to me don't get it. I was shopping in the Costco today for Christmas gifts for some of my clients, and many of them are drinkers, so I buy booze for them. As I was deciding what kind to buy and strolling through the liquor section my wife of all people made a comment about how my mouth must be watering. I said, "why, I am a non-drinker." Even though I believe I am a non-drinker and will never drink again, she still sees me for what I used to be, and being she has been with me for over 20 years, and she knows I don't drink, but she can't see the mental change I have made. What's the secret? There is no secret, believe alcohol brings you more pain than pleasure and you can make a mental shift.




                        I, too, think you are entirely correct.

                        Thanks for your concise summary of the brainwashing which occurs in our current Western culture, and thanks for the brief outline of how to reverse one's acceptance of that type of thinking.

                        There really ARE many, many people in this world who simply do not like alcohol and do not wish to drink it...they simply don't happen to live in my neck of the woods!

                        Changing my own mind has not been easy, but it HAS been possible. I think the CDs available on this website have helped me. FFP
                        . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery



                          Supercrew, I am trying to take your advice, it sounds good. Having tried aa, seen a psychiatrist who suggested I just have a little drink now and then, I have decided the only person who can help is me. I am also reading Rational recovery by Jack Trimpey, which also says the answer is within your own head.



                            RR has worked for many paula. And the reality is you are not sick or diseased, you are just letting your subconscious thoughts dictate your actions.

                            I was thinking about starting another thread on an idea I had last night when I was pondering my success and why I drank for so long. I realized that when I started drinking one of the things it did for me was give me confidence. I was more outgoing, I did things that I would not normally do, I was the life of the party. I wouldn't say I lack confidence at other times when I wasn't drinking, but I wasn't as confident as I was under the influence.

                            Well confidence is a very strong emotion, and I think I craved that confident feeling. I feared on the subconscious level that I would lose my confidence if I gave up drinking. I am not sure this is the same for everyone, but for me I think I found my answer of why I was hooked for such a long time. Alcohol = Confidence in my mind, and I feared losing confidence. Let me know if you think that makes any sense.



                              It certainly does make sense, while I am a fairly confident person I found alcohol made me more so,at least for a while. But once the booze is out of my system I would find my confidence lacking, for the simple reason that guilt at my behaviour would override all other emotion. I would be happy if you started another thread, I need all the help I can get. Thank you.



                                Paula ..... I am gobsmacked that a psychiatrist would suggest a drink now and then. Once that off switch is gone it is gone.

                                I don't know how your drinking was but I NEVER drank a drink, I always drank to get really buzzed. I could hold it well, never a fall down or a blackout drinker, no hangovers but A drink? What for?

                                Now I am sober it is the knowledge that I am that sort of drinker that will keep me sober. People drivel on about social drinkers I think it is a bunch of twaddle. Alcohol is an intoxicant and people want to get intoxicated. The fact that a 50 kg person can do that on 3 wines and I need 2 bottles is more about constitution than moderation.

                                I don't believe moderate drinking ever existed only the financial constraints.

                                The hypnosis is that 'normal' people can drink. Normal healthy people don't ingest poison, brainwashed people do.

