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9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

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    9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

    tiptronic_ct;1424271 wrote: Don't break a leg JC...

    Hiya Satzy, Mollers, Arsey. That it since I last posted? Sheesh...

    Had another braai & a few dips in the pool. Around 30C today.
    0 C here


      9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

      Afternoon Guys, in the Uni finishing off me essay

      tiptronic_ct;1424177 wrote: :goodjob: on the run, Whizzy! Never mind the photo

      Good morning, Army

      We had a lovely night out at our favourite Thai restaurant. A good friend of mum's came to visit. He turned out to be such a treat. He might be old, but he has a young spirit.

      Nothing much planned for today. Did most of the shopping on Friday. I need to water the garden, though - the wind will be picking up in a while. Have a lovely Sunday, folksies!
      sounds like a lovely night tippers

      Firefox;1424174 wrote: Morning anon and all to come. Sleep fairy left me again too and i can't get back asleep so having a coffee also and surfing on the lappie. Well done on your race results you are an amazing women with a busy family life as well i wish i had more of your energy.urgirl: Well last night coming from the bus near home i got a bad fall. I tripped over a cracked pavement or stones not sure but i landed on my face and got a bloodied and swollen nose. I called my sister and she came ove with painkillers and i put a frozen bag of veg on to take down the swelling as i had no ice. Anyway my sister is calling back at 8am and she's drivimg me to local hospital to get it checked. Don't think anything is broken but when i woke up earlier i have two black eyes and its still swollen and painful. And i was sober and have been 2 weeks today. Jeez i look awful like i have been beaten up or in the wars lol. Anyway i'll let you know how i get on in the hospital when i get back.
      aww foxy hope u feel better soon

      anon;1424170 wrote:
      Good morning. Sleep fairy left me stranded at about4.30 am.
      So I am up with a cup of coffee having a quiet read and a play on the laptop

      Just read the race report from yesterday and I am runner of the week. Only problem is the photo looks awful.

      However,I am dead proud mainly because the race is 9 am on a Saturday morning and in the old drinking days running at that time on a Saturday would be out of the question:H

      Have a great Sunday:thanks:
      well done mrs a and im sure u looked grand
      I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
      Audrey Hepburn


        9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

        JackieClaire;1424262 wrote: Oh I wasn't maudlin at all............I was just a deep thinker who'd had a few drinks.
        :H :H

        Yeah.... and then I'd forget what I was being maudlin about and putting on that piercing "searching" face as if i was in deep thought :H :H Fecking bullshit. A wis tipsyrooed.

        Did a run. Haven't run for 3 weeks. So feeling good - thought i might have lost me running mojo. Cold though. And windy.

        Off for lunch. Catch youse laters.


          9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

          Afternoon all. Feeling tired as not much sleep but just slobbing around today

          Thank you for positive feedback re my running Army. You probably realize what an achievement it is given the aul drink problem.

          Could not have done it without you here:thanks:


            9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

            mollyka;1424309 wrote: Amazin the difference an 'L' can make - if you were 'sobbing' around we'd all be on Ryanair to sort you out:H

            Just staying sober can be an achievement Whizzy - so to do what you're doing --- wow:goodjob::l
            Looking at flights to Dublin really expensive from Liverpool so will travel to Manchester the night before stay at bewleys on airport catch 6. 30 flight 6th April if someone can get me from metro hotel at dublin airport and get me to Malahide for 9 30, PLEASE
            Return flight on Sunday at 6 pm

            Mr A better now and baby Grace doing great.


              9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

              Hi all, just another quick hello from me, Still not feeling good, not in the humour for anything, Have to go back to doc,s tomorrow so hopefully she will have something good for me to stop this constant pain.

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                Aw sucks being sick and in pain. Good luck tomorrow PPQ


                  9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                  mario;1424322 wrote: Hi all, just another quick hello from me, Still not feeling good, not in the humour for anything, Have to go back to doc,s tomorrow so hopefully she will have something good for me to stop this constant pain.
                  So sorry Mario. Yoy are really going through it at the moment:l


                    9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                    Hey Mario, sorry you're not feeling ticketyboo. Good luck tomorrow mate. Hope things get much better real soon.


                      9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                      Thank you Molly:thanks:
                      I will book tomorrow!
                      Yes Mario insist they do some thorough investigations this has been going on too long:l

                      Off to our walking club annual dinner in half an hour.

                      Have a great sober evening Army


                        9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                        Well, evening check in - man have I been busy today !!!

                        Christmas shopping - spent a mint - OMG and barely scratched the surface !!!

                        Came home - and put the Christmas tree to rights - kids did it yesterday - cute but not for public viewing lol

                        But started to feel soooooo ill - major headache and feeling sick -I think the al is still leaving my system - but I had tagliatelle with tomato and mascarpone sauce (my fave) with garlic bread and Chinese bits, with toffee cheesecake for afters !!! Om nom nom nom - food porn

                        Anyway the headaches lifted and I'm going to make a sperm model with son nr 2 for science at school - yep, you heard that right !!! But, I'm full, sober and more determined than ever to fight this feckin beast !!!

                        It's not gonna rob me of my health, time, money or family time any more !!!!

                        I hope you're all well army
                        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                          9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                          Quest for the key;1424406 wrote: Well, evening check in - man have I been busy today !!!

                          Christmas shopping - spent a mint - OMG and barely scratched the surface !!!

                          Came home - and put the Christmas tree to rights - kids did it yesterday - cute but not for public viewing lol

                          But started to feel soooooo ill - major headache and feeling sick -I think the al is still leaving my system - but I had tagliatelle with tomato and mascarpone sauce (my fave) with garlic bread and Chinese bits, with toffee cheesecake for afters !!! Om nom nom nom - food porn

                          Anyway the headaches lifted and I'm going to make a sperm model with son nr 2 for science at school - yep, you heard that right !!! But, I'm full, sober and more determined than ever to fight this feckin beast !!!

                          It's not gonna rob me of my health, time, money or family time any more !!!!

                          I hope you're all well army
                          Well bloody done. Drink loads of water and enjoy your model making:H


                            9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                            Quest for the key;1424406 wrote: Well, evening check in - man have I been busy today !!!

                            Christmas shopping - spent a mint - OMG and barely scratched the surface !!!

                            Came home - and put the Christmas tree to rights - kids did it yesterday - cute but not for public viewing lol

                            But started to feel soooooo ill - major headache and feeling sick -I think the al is still leaving my system - but I had tagliatelle with tomato and mascarpone sauce (my fave) with garlic bread and Chinese bits, with toffee cheesecake for afters !!! Om nom nom nom - food porn

                            Anyway the headaches lifted and I'm going to make a sperm model
                            with son nr 2 for science at school - yep, you heard that right !!! But, I'm full, sober and more determined than ever to fight this feckin beast !!!

                            It's not gonna rob me of my health, time, money or family time any more !!!!

                            I hope you're all well army
                            :hiya: questy...ehm... WTF's a sperm model?!?!?! you mean like the whale? yeah? Hope so...


                              9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                              Oh Arsey I never thought of a whale!
                              You are very clever.
                              Right off to dinner


                                9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                                anon;1424413 wrote: Oh Arsey I never thought of a whale!
                                You are very clever.
                                Right off to dinner
                                So what were YOU thinking of mrsa?!

