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9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

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    9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

    Good morning. Sleep fairy left me stranded at about4.30 am.
    So I am up with a cup of coffee having a quiet read and a play on the laptop

    Just read the race report from yesterday and I am runner of the week. Only problem is the photo looks awful.

    However,I am dead proud mainly because the race is 9 am on a Saturday morning and in the old drinking days running at that time on a Saturday would be out of the question:H

    Have a great Sunday:thanks:

    9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

    Morning anon and all to come. Sleep fairy left me again too and i can't get back asleep so having a coffee also and surfing on the lappie. Well done on your race results you are an amazing women with a busy family life as well i wish i had more of your energy.urgirl: Well last night coming from the bus near home i got a bad fall. I tripped over a cracked pavement or stones not sure but i landed on my face and got a bloodied and swollen nose. I called my sister and she came ove with painkillers and i put a frozen bag of veg on to take down the swelling as i had no ice. Anyway my sister is calling back at 8am and she's drivimg me to local hospital to get it checked. Don't think anything is broken but when i woke up earlier i have two black eyes and its still swollen and painful. And i was sober and have been 2 weeks today. Jeez i look awful like i have been beaten up or in the wars lol. Anyway i'll let you know how i get on in the hospital when i get back.


      9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

      :goodjob: on the run, Whizzy! Never mind the photo

      Good morning, Army

      We had a lovely night out at our favourite Thai restaurant. A good friend of mum's came to visit. He turned out to be such a treat. He might be old, but he has a young spirit.

      Nothing much planned for today. Did most of the shopping on Friday. I need to water the garden, though - the wind will be picking up in a while. Have a lovely Sunday, folksies!
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

        Oh Foxy that sounds awful. Have you got any Nurofen or similar? You need to be checked out.
        Was it Icy?
        Hope you get sorted out pronto. Well done on never giving up 2 weeks sober is great:goodjob:


          9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

          xpost Tips. Sounded like a great evening. Did you say your Mums friend was gay? So no chance of him taking her off your hands?


            9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

            X-post morning Foxy. Shite - sorry to hear abou the fall. The irony of it... Good that you're getting it checked out, though.

            The optometrist commented on my skew nose when he fitted my glasses recently. I came off my bike face 1st when I was about 12. Nobody bothered to have my broken nose fixed at the time.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

              anon;1424180 wrote: xpost Tips. Sounded like a great evening. Did you say your Mums friend was gay? So no chance of him taking her off your hands?
              LMAO - yes unfortunately he's gay, so we're stuck with her for a while :H
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                Hi Tipps Anon i have panadol solapine and ibrufen. I'm just taking the last of the ibrufen for pain. I'm hoping the hospital might give me a script for diaphane as that helps with swelling. i hope my nose goes back to normal when the swelling goes down i'm a vain gal:H. Anyway the hospital shud sort me out. Thanks for concern. i doubt i'll sleep now so i'll stay in bed till its near time to go. Just got tv on.:television: .


                  9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                  Sounds like you have plenty of painkillers:goodjob:
                  I am going back to bed now but keep us updated Foxy.


                    9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                    Morning troops

                    Foxy - hey, sorry to hear about the fall. Hope the pain and any swelling goes quickly for you and the hospital peeps do some magic handy work. And do keep us updated as to how you're doing. Great that you are 2 weeks AF.

                    mrsa - runner of the week, eh? ehehehe! Good for you. I was tinking about a run today... but the wind's fair angry... so may just try and continue with the studies...

                    Off for a gander ...


                      9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                      Good morning Our Whizzy, Foxyloxy, Tippers, Runners and where the feckity feck is every one else this fine and bright December morn.

                      Ooh Foxy, you poor love. :soothe:

                      Well the Sainted Mr JC was up at sparrows fart and has wait for it, cleaned to inside front & back winders, ironed 5 shirts, hoovered, tidied the baking stuff, fixed the blinds, cleaned all the worktops and is now on with the pantry. He can be hired out at reasonable rates but can you wait until he's done the bathroom and hoovered the stairs.

                      I have on the other hand got out of bed at 10, mooched downstairs, had a cup of coffee , a bit of natter with Molls and logged on here.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                        Hi everyone. Anyone?
                        Have DD staying and she has stolen the lappy .
                        On shagginphone.
                        Ye know in a way it's sometimes easier as it doesn't depend on feckin' Eircom wireless which is temperamental .
                        Survived SILs soir?e - It was fine. I realised it was just her and I who got drunk. Yesterday it was just her - not good at the end - tho I was cornered more than once with maudlin talk I used to buy into. I felt bad for her as her kids looked on wih annoyance :egad:
                        Jazus my eyes were opened.
                        Nowt as bad as reformed alko / smoker eh?:H


                          9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                          Glad to see you safe, Satz, blooming well done. Don't envy you one tiny bit with the maudlin on. Oh I wasn't maudlin at all............I was just a deep thinker who'd had a few drinks.

                          Just had a rather sweet phone call. Our Jenz wants her Chrimbo tree this aftie. She didn't put one up at all last year as her and her BF had just split up and she was heartbroken.

                          Warms this Mammy's heart.

                          Rightio must go climb up a Chrimbo tree.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                            Ah loverly JC. Have fun!


                              9/12/2012. Sunday Army thread

                              Don't break a leg JC...

                              Hiya Satzy, Mollers, Arsey. That it since I last posted? Sheesh...

                              Had another braai & a few dips in the pool. Around 30C today.
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

