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Army Thread Monday 10th December

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    Army Thread Monday 10th December

    mollyka;1424941 wrote: Internet treacling here ---- I'm dead happy for you both - Arsey and Questy - these are all much more than just not picking up a drink, these are really important decisions in the early days that'll stand to you --- well done:goodjob:
    We tormented Benjy a while back to get a lappy Questers - mebbe Mr Questers will crack open his wallet for one for you for crimbo now he's saving so much on the grog???
    :H:H ah we've got a lappy, 2 desktops and me work lappy - but the kids rule the roost - and I'm a lazy shit and can't be arsed getting me lappy out of its bag lol !!!

    (And me fones a bit more private )
    Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


      Army Thread Monday 10th December

      RunningCourage;1424919 wrote: Zen - love your avatar. Reccie, and i love yours too.
      Quest for the key;1424934 wrote:
      Reccy - lurvin the hat:h
      Thanks arsey and questie. The credit must go to zenny, who was the one that found it for me. And I think zenners' new avatar is pretty cool too!


        Army Thread Monday 10th December

        Mick;1424907 wrote: Hi all still on the poxy fone.....cant wok puter out. ....worked ok yesterday but won't now...both lappy and main puter can pick up any site, xcept mwo search.for mwo ,finds it,click on it but wont find the site..times out...tried google and firefox..switched modem off but no joy..any help?
        Mick...don't know what version of windows you're using, but try this. Open up a command prompt window - the exact steps depend on the version of windows - something like Start>Run and type CMD and then hit the Enter key. A black window will appear with a flashing cursor. Then type IPCONFIG/FLUSHDNS (no spaces) and hit the Enter key again. Then see if you can access MWO.


          Army Thread Monday 10th December

          Just watching shocking film - The Bay - omg !!!
          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


            Army Thread Monday 10th December

            I'm still playing.

            Thanks Molls and questy for your Stella posts. Means a lot. I need these to keep trucking cos tonight was a "why fecking bother, eh?" kinda night.

            Reccie - what the feckers is IPCONFIG/FLUSHDNS?!!


              Army Thread Monday 10th December

              mollyka;1424978 wrote: Ready for the job's christmas party on Sat. --- funnily enough I'm looking forward to it
              :H :H


                Army Thread Monday 10th December

                News just in.

                Jenz might have a broken rib but they will only x-ray if it was a suspected punctured lung. It's not.Send home with goody bag of painkillers. Mr JC's just gone to pick her up. She's insisting on staying in her own flat so tin of Heinz tomato soup and white bread has been sent.

                Orff to read back
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Monday 10th December

                  This penguin wants a Santy Hat :stomper:
                  Yiz all have one


                    Army Thread Monday 10th December

                    mollyka;1424986 wrote: Xpost Arsey!

                    Was just thinkin about you achully when I wrote that I'm looking forward to Sat. night - sorta surprised myself tbh. I think what it is is that my expectations are different now. At the beginning when I started getting sober a few years back, I used to go to stuff like that and want to enjoy it in the same way and to the same extent as I did - just not drinking. It's just 'different' now - my expectations are different - I'm more comfortable in my own skin, I don't feel I have to 'amuse' everyone. I was always the one with the clever retorts, the 'funniest' stories - making people laugh --- and I'm truly not talking about bein the drunken clown --- Just that I was very outgoing with a few jars on me.
                    Now I'm happy to sit and listen, and let others take the lead. Even at home it's like that now. Joe used to be the one who 'sat back' while I took centre stage - now he contributes more and I'm comfortable - even with quiet or silent moments - I don't have to fill every second with 'noise' ---- does that make any sense I wonder??
                    Ah Mollers that is truly lovely :l
                    You don't miss being the soul of the party ? Maybe you were just covering up timidness with the ol jar. I often think that was me too - now I can relax !!


                      Army Thread Monday 10th December

                      mollyka;1424990 wrote: Ah the poor wee lamb:l
                      What happened to her?
                      Think she was lifting crates at work. Geez this equality business can really hurt.

                      RC I'm delighted the package arrived. Yes we are 'real'. Loved that.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Monday 10th December

                        Go on Satz give it a good google, there's loads of really cute ones.

                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Monday 10th December

                          Self praise no praise but I don't care

                          Had a family 'do' in a pub last night. Drinks & a meal - 15 of us.
                          I did the arranging so :
                          Made it 5 pm start so we were done & dusted by 10. I enjoyed it thoroughly. As you said Molls - once there is food I can cope.
                          Drove home the drunken Mr S and was up for Jim John at sparra fart this morning.
                          I am very proud of myself folks !


                            Army Thread Monday 10th December

                            satz123;1425000 wrote: BTW
                            Had a family 'do' in a pub last night. Drinks & a meal - 15 of us.
                            I did the arranging so :
                            Made it 5 pm start so we were done & dusted by 10. I enjoyed it thoroughly. As you said Molls - once there is food I can cope.
                            Drove home the drunken Mr S and was up for Jim John at sparra fart this morning.
                            I am very proud of myself folks !
                            Way to fecking go, girl friend. :clapclap::clapclap:
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Monday 10th December

                              Aye Molls it makes sense. I think though I'm still trying to get to grips with who I am sober - like sober all the time, which i think is different from being sober during the day anticipating a drink, sorry DRINKS, in the evening.

                              It partly depends on who I am with. Some folks I feel more inhibited by, or a voice in my heid starts comparing me with them (I do this a lot and it is something I really need to work hard at stopping), and some folks I feel very comfortable to be with and so find it easier to relax and amuse or jest with them.

                              It's slow progress with me... i'm just learning.... wondering who the sober me is going to turn out to be...


                                Army Thread Monday 10th December

                                ps only 5 sleeps to go till I fly to see young Satz :yay:

