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Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

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    Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

    Wish I could be of more help, hun.

    You're answering some of your own questions. Like about the preconceptions of age.

    If it's good advice they could be in their pram.

    I a bit excited for you in that English type way of being excited.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

      Got to go and feed.

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

        JackieClaire;1425418 wrote: Wish I could be of more help, hun.

        You're answering some of your own questions. Like about the preconceptions of age.

        If it's good advice they could be in their pram.

        I a bit excited for you in that English type way of being excited.
        :H:H:H Stiff upper lip and all that! Ra ra old chap!

        I already know the ages of the staff... they're mostly in their 30s. That's OK with me. I just hope I don't end up sharing with all teens. I mean, shite, I won't have you lot to talk to, I won't have my phone 'cept to call me Ma overseas. Guess I better pack up all those frikken addiction and self help books... do a rehab Santa Claus... I have two bloody boxes of addiction books and I'm sure they won't mind me smuggling THAT in!


          Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

          I be here...

          No books? Crikey. What you supposed to do with them, distill them and make paper vodka? A wee book distilling cottage industry in yer room?



            Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

            Evening Troops - well Molls and Zennifer at least.

            Zens - Molls giving you mucho sound advice? Bet she is. I kinda wish (in a bit of a mushy peas sort of way) that we could all join you, whether we need to or not, just to kinda go "hey, army's here and at the ready."

            How you feeling about it all just now zen?


              Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

              Hiya Arsey! I have a parcel ready to go out to you tomorrow...

              Yep, Molls has been great. :h I've been picked her brains for two days now. Her and the poor intake woman. I'm sure both of them want to tell me to go and eff off before long!

              How was the birthday pairty?

              Gawd, it would be GREAT if we could all go........... hah hah.......


                Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                mollyka;1425460 wrote: This connection is doing my head in, may just give in and go to bed. Hope you're feeling good in yourself, it's easy for me to say at the other end so to speak, but If I'd known beforehand what it'd be like, I'd have achully been excited about going in - honest - it was just..... special - really!
                Gonna go to bed, have to wrap pressies and send cards and shit in the morning so need an early start. Talk tomorrow, and as I say, don't be afraid to ask me anything - I'm sure there's loads of peeps who've been to American versions which may be more pertinent tho - mebbe put it out there?
                Nighters love xxx
                Nighty night Mollers... and thank you.... :l:l:l

                I'll see you on the morrow.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                  mollyka;1425460 wrote: This connection is doing my head in, may just give in and go to bed. Hope you're feeling good in yourself, it's easy for me to say at the other end so to speak, but If I'd known beforehand what it'd be like, I'd have achully been excited about going in - honest - it was just..... special - really!
                  Zenners :l:l hope you can get to the right decision for you to be happy,
                  Jazus Molls ! I want to go :stomper:
                  Sounds almost 'great' ( if I'm not being flippant about your situation at the time)
                  I still have the details from last January when we first 'met' on here!
                  Reckon if the shit ever hits the fan in my life I'll be gone !!!


                    Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                    Let's have an Army application to go! Mind you we'd prolly cause absolute sober havoc...

                    Pairty was fine zenny. Good that there was bowling to focus on. Helped a lot. And i proudly lost! Am glad these two days are over though.


                      Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                      RunningCourage;1425467 wrote: Let's have an Army application to go! Mind you we'd prolly cause absolute sober havoc...

                      Pairty was fine zenny. Good that there was bowling to focus on. Helped a lot. And i proudly lost! Am glad these two days are over though.
                      :l:l It's just so hard Runners to be starting out on AF journey at this time of year. I'm an ol wan - but you are young so, whether we like it or not , there must be severe pressure on you ?
                      Just do your best Runners - 2013 will be Year of the Skivers


                        Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                        Thank you satz. :l It is hard cos although I know i abused AL and all the diagnosis stuff about AL dependence fitted me to a T, no one knows. If i said to anyone out there tonight "I have a REAL problem with AL" they'd be like, "och, no you don't, you don't drink half as much as others" No...

                        Not in public.

                        But I did have a problem.

                        And their ages are so close to mine. Not that I want to be their age, but being young, we don't see, don't recognise, find it easier to dismiss the unseen realities of the damage abusive intake of AL can do.

                        It is hard out there. Nice n easy here with the Army, but out there... whole other ballgame!

                        So glad youse are here. :l


                          Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                          The Year of the Skivers... lol Al Stewart.

                          Ach well, if I go into rehab I'll no need to miss Satz when she's down under. Silver linings and all that jazz.

                          Yep, I would have to say... me at Arsey's age I was a right eejit. Kudos to him for getting it sorted in a timely fashion.

                          Have you started packing Satz?


                            Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                            RunningCourage;1425469 wrote: Thank you satz. :l It is hard cos although I know i abused AL and all the diagnosis stuff about AL dependence fitted me to a T, no one knows. If i said to anyone out there tonight "I have a REAL problem with AL" they'd be like, "och, no you don't, you don't drink half as much as others" No...

                            Not in public.

                            But I did have a problem.

                            And their ages are so close to mine. Not that I want to be their age, but being young, we don't see, don't recognise, find it easier to dismiss the unseen realities of the damage abusive intake of AL can do.

                            It is hard out there. Nice n easy here with the Army, but out there... whole other ballgame!

                            So glad youse are here. :l
                            Like I said... he's getting it sorted...

                            Seriously though Arsey, most addicts hide their consumption. I spoke to a 29 year old guy for well over an hour today... he did 4 months inpatient rehab 2 years ago... and nobody had a clue until he went in. Some of us function quite well.................... UNTIL WE CAN'T.

                            I have a great sense of relief tbh... to be coming clean with myself and others... it is much easier than putting a plaster on it and pretending all is well when it isn't. And the one thing I took away from talking to him and Mollers today is that honesty is very important. Being self deluded ain't getting nobody anywhere... easier to kick the denial into touch and just face it head on... less painful at the end of the day.

                            Therein ends my feckin sermon. I hate it when I start to sound preachy.


                              Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                              RunningCourage;1425469 wrote: Thank you satz. :l It is hard cos although I know i abused AL and all the diagnosis stuff about AL dependence fitted me to a T, no one knows. If i said to anyone out there tonight "I have a REAL problem with AL" they'd be like, "och, no you don't, you don't drink half as much as others" No...

                              Not in public.

                              But I did have a problem.

                              And their ages are so close to mine. Not that I want to be their age, but being young, we don't see, don't recognise, find it easier to dismiss the unseen realities of the damage abusive intake of AL can do.

                              It is hard out there. Nice n easy here with the Army, but out there... whole other ballgame!

                              So glad youse are here. :l
                              I can relate to EVERYTHING you say here - especially the part about no-one knowing the real problem ! The drinking at home after a night out -- oh yes.


                                Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

                                RunningCourage;1425469 wrote:
                                It is hard out there. Nice n easy here with the Army, but out there... whole other ballgame!
                                Oh and by the way... it's not just you that feels that way. Our very own Mollers had a BIG case of shyness. Jackie too. Me and Satz... we're just brazen hussies... So don't feel alone. I see what you are feeling and have done for weeks now and I also see it in other people. It's not my particular issue but I do recognize it. You're going to be fine. Once your synapses snap back into place from coming off the grog...

