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Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

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    Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

    Zenstyle;1425471 wrote: The Year of the Skivers... lol Al Stewart.

    Ach well, if I go into rehab I'll no need to miss Satz when she's down under. Silver linings and all that jazz.

    Yep, I would have to say... me at Arsey's age I was a right eejit. Kudos to him for getting it sorted in a timely fashion.

    Have you started packing Satz?
    Few knickers fecked into a case so far !!
    Aw and that was sweet about not having to miss me Zenners - ditto here if you are on the funny farm :H
    Wish I could bring the young feller and go with you :l


      Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

      Thank you ya pair of hussies :H

      Yeah... I do hope me synapses ping back into being wild and happy - and sober. They once were. When I was a bairn.

      Right i need to get my beauty sleep. I may be younger but i got wrinkles a dried prune would be proud of. Need to take care of the skin :H


        Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

        ok lovlies it's WAY past my zzzz time!
        Loved the chats.
        Runners don't beat yerself up too much:l You will get there - I KNOW it !
        Zenners - if it were me - I'd do it !!!
        take care and I will miss you sooo much if you go orf for 4 weeks :h
        Wonder will you be allowed cards ? I lurve sending cards I do !


          Army Thread Tuesday 11th December

          I'm gonna do it Satz. Foregone conclusion. Mollers, Jacks and the poor intake woman would prolly stab me otherwise!

          Get a good night's sleep yous two. See you on the morrow. And thanks for being here... and being yourselves. Soppy time OVER now!!!! Gaaaaack!


