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Army Thread 12/12/12

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    Army Thread 12/12/12

    mollyka;1425680 wrote: Wud 'deep heat' or summat not rub on better:H
    but ye cannae lick it aff... just sayin like...


      Army Thread 12/12/12

      Morning tabs, mario, molly, whizzy, Jackie, mick and all to come

      Great to hear that you're feeling better mario.


        Army Thread 12/12/12

        unless ye want a burnt tongue :H

        x-post - hi Rec's :hiya:


          Army Thread 12/12/12

          mollyka;1425680 wrote: Wud 'deep heat' or summat not rub on better:H
          Gawd I'm slow this morning. :l

          one word, just one word from you RC and I'll unravel yer hat
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 12/12/12

            mollyka;1425641 wrote: Sorry arsey on fone - hence ---- oh nutting :-) they are all eternal students where I work ! Mad I tell ya!! Only joking wud love to have a posse of degrees - a piano and a speech and drama diploma don't really sound de same :-( MUST GET UP! laters x
            anon;1425660 wrote:
            Sounds brilliant to me:goodjob:
            I have loads of paper qualifications but not your wisdom, wit and way of writing stuff on these threads

            Good morning Army Hope you are well.

            Aching all over from a tough day in the hills yesterday.

            Now for a read back
            On the subject of qualifications, I personally think that exam passing is a hugely overrated skill. It's obviously very important to grow up being able to read and write,
            but after that things like being a kind and decent person with good social and communication skills are more important than passing exams. Just because a person has passed lots of exams it doesn't necessarily mean that they will be good at their job. Like whizzy, I have lots of qualifications (both academic and professional) and I would happily have traded them all in in exchange for a decent upbringing by two half-competent parents. P3 said she just wanted her children to be happy, and if they turn out to be brainy that's a bonus. I think she's got exactly the right approach.

            I suppose what I'm saying in a roundabout sort of way is that you haven't missed out on a great deal by not going to university, molly. As whizzy said, you have many much more important attributes.


              Army Thread 12/12/12

              RunningCourage;1425683 wrote: unless ye want a burnt tongue :H

              x-post - hi Rec's :hiya:
              Hi arsey...I did greet you earlier...wasn't ignoring you!


                Army Thread 12/12/12

                Sorry about that rant back's just a subject I feel strongly about.


                  Army Thread 12/12/12

                  I do agree Reccie.

                  I think culturally we are brought up i such a way that we need to qualify who we are in the worksphere by our competency in academia. It's utter BS. I have to work with State schools a lot in my job and the secondary/high schools are truly really stuck with the new curriculum which is all about being more 'child-centred' and letting them take more of a lead in their learning... and then comes S3 and S4 and WHAM BAM it's exam time.... and absolutely everything is funneled through the narrow lens of exams.

                  And not all kids or adults are made in exactly the same way or have the same attributes towards learning in the way our culture currently demands.

                  I'm fortunate inasmuch as I quite like learning stuff - especially around the area of my study (what gets on my goat is that I have so little time for it and i get stressed and blah blah blah, but that's for me to work out!).

                  And you are so spot on about finding, realising, knowing the real true values in life - just as P3 says about her young 'un - it's what my mum keeps iterating to me "do what you want to do, as long as you are happy"

                  (she then puts a clause in that says "as long as you don't join the British Army/RAF/Marines" :H)

                  So, yeah... just wanted to say "I agree"...

                  As you were troopsters


                    Army Thread 12/12/12

                    Oh Reccie, so agree.

                    I hated my Grammar school from the day I walked in wearing my huge (you'll grow into it) uniform to the day of my last 'O' level (physics) when I hit the ground running straight into a job. Oh the 70s you could pick and choose.

                    Fast forward a few decades and I am enjoying learning. I'm now certified. Ooh and I'm getting more certified next year.

                    Now then my kids loved school from the day the stepped into reception class 'til the day they left 6th form, same with Uni. A few emotional probs with friends etc but that would have happened at work.

                    Had they chosen not to go to Uni and it was always their choice as long as they didn't work in something that sucks the soul like the tax office or banking. I'd have been OK.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread 12/12/12

                      mollyka;1425700 wrote: eerrmmm - MrBear - nearly let that one by --- are you implying by your comment that Zenners goin to rehab was a surprise but my rather amazingly bizarre 'do' was somewhat commonplace??:H

                      Oops! :H See what I mean about the importance of having good social and communication skills?!!!

                      mollyka;1425700 wrote:
                      That is a lovely lovely post Reccie. If I had a degree or two I'd absolutely agree with you - and it's not a HUGE regret - but just sort of 'hmffff' sort of a one, just knew I coulda done better and hold my head up higher among a load of awfully educated peeps at work but..... 'twas all my own fault, the opportunities were there.
                      Other than that, I agree with every word you've written. AND I find people who struggle with addiction, have a wisdom and gentleness that isn't that evident in the general public. I pride myself on being able to pick out a recoverin alkie just by having one quick chat - they're different --- and shedloads nicer ----- well, most of them
                      Possibly people who do have degrees tend to undervalue them a little while people who don't have one tend to overestimate their importance. Just a thought, molly, I don't really know.


                        Army Thread 12/12/12

                        RunningCourage;1425704 wrote: I do agree Reccie.

                        I think culturally we are brought up i such a way that we need to qualify who we are in the worksphere by our competency in academia. It's utter BS.
                        Definitely agree with the BS comment. Well, I agree with all of what you said, but particularly the BS comment.

                        RunningCourage;1425704 wrote:
                        I'm fortunate inasmuch as I quite like learning stuff - especially around the area of my study (what gets on my goat is that I have so little time for it and i get stressed and blah blah blah, but that's for me to work out!).
                        I think learning should be fun and I've said for a long time that there's nothing like an exam to kill off your interest in a subject.


                          Army Thread 12/12/12

                          JackieClaire;1425710 wrote: Oh Reccie, so agree.

                          I hated my Grammar school from the day I walked in wearing my huge (you'll grow into it) uniform to the day of my last 'O' level (physics) when I hit the ground running straight into a job. Oh the 70s you could pick and choose.

                          Fast forward a few decades and I am enjoying learning. I'm now certified. Ooh and I'm getting more certified next year.

                          Now then my kids loved school from the day the stepped into reception class 'til the day they left 6th form, same with Uni. A few emotional probs with friends etc but that would have happened at work.

                          Had they chosen not to go to Uni and it was always their choice as long as they didn't work in something that sucks the soul like the tax office or banking. I'd have been OK.
                          As I said to arsey a moment ago, learning should be fun Jackie, so I'm glad you're enjoying yourself learning now. We all learn faster if we're doing something we enjoy. Good luck with becoming more certified!

                          If your kids were happy at school and at uni, then you and Mr JC have obviously done a very good job of bringing them up. The proof of the pudding...and all that.


                            Army Thread 12/12/12

                            mollyka;1425715 wrote: Aaaarrrgghhh - nother big post lost into Neverland!!! AAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH - anyway - in a nutshell, I agree - do wish Joey'd get his finger out and do summat tho!

                            Quite pleased with my slight touch of eccentricity tbh. Joe did ask 'did she forget the other side' ---- that's ok
                            When I saw how little work Adam did to get an honours degree, my blood ran cold - ffs - back in the day you used to have to swot an stuff -
                            Off down to see Jamie - 6 months old today!! So happy he'll never see his Granny drinking ---- a gift beyond price!
                            Does no one want to be my friend?? Only addies I have are Jackies, Sheilas and Micks - everyone else got deleted!!!!
                            Laters gaters!!!
                            Blimey, has it been 6 months already?


                              Army Thread 12/12/12

                              6 months, good grief. :shocked:

                              Ta Reccy, we did our best. I doubt the issues about my drinking will never go away but I'm open and honest and willing to talk about with them about it.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 12/12/12

                                I luvd skool....speshully from the outside
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

