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Army Thread 14/12/12

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    Army Thread 14/12/12

    I must be getting old. I've lost track of who I've sent Christmas cards to so far, so someone is prolly gonna end up getting two cards from me and some other poor bugger wont get a card at all. :upset:


      Army Thread 14/12/12

      Efternoon all :hiya:

      Eggzum is dun. It wis 'ard. And i got back my second essay with the most atrocious / horrendous / embarrassing mark. But it's done. Just need to debate whether I want to to continue with studies at the mo'

      Mrsa - how'd the ECG go?

      Was reading all your morning's conversations just afore i went into the exam, so at least i was ina good mood when i went in.

      Has anyone been PM's by Foxy? Hmmm... am worried too.

      Home now... went and bought myself some AF beers as a congratulations. Tell you what though, having done the exam and this being the end of term... Rick the Dick was cracking his whip. Arse that he is.

      Qwestywoo - ya'right?!


        Army Thread 14/12/12

        x-post hey recs...

        Thanks for the christmas cards. One would've been enough - ten was overkill though, mate. But thanks anyhoo!


          Army Thread 14/12/12

          evening guys, hope ur exam went well running, sure it did
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread 14/12/12

            foxy is doing ok shes still got a bit of swelling
            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
            Audrey Hepburn


              Army Thread 14/12/12

              Yipee...............back in the land of the hub arrived...just connected it all up..with the help of veejay in Delhi :H:H:H:H back on line again...
              Reccy thanks for help...modem and router are now replaced with the superhub which is really fast
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Army Thread 14/12/12

                Mick;1426941 wrote: Yipee...............back in the land of the hub arrived...just connected it all up..with the help of veejay in Delhi :H:H:H:H back on line again...
                Reccy thanks for help...modem and router are now replaced with the superhub which is really fast
                Wreccie is brilliant and well done VJ:goodjob:
                Attached to a moblle ECG machine here so not able to get to the running club do. Every cloud does have a siver lining.


                  Army Thread 14/12/12

                  mrsa...hope all is hanky panky tonight..machine will go daft
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Army Thread 14/12/12

                    littlepinkcat;1426937 wrote: foxy is doing ok shes still got a bit of swelling
                    Ah thanks Pinky! I hope you are doing ok too:goodjob:


                      Army Thread 14/12/12

                      Mick;1426948 wrote: mrsa...hope all is hanky panky tonight..machine will go daft
                      It is a thought though!


                        Army Thread 14/12/12

                        Mick;1426941 wrote: Yipee...............back in the land of the hub arrived...just connected it all up..with the help of veejay in Delhi :H:H:H:H back on line again...
                        Reccy thanks for help...modem and router are now replaced with the superhub which is really fast
                        Oh dear... here we go... ol' loud mouth is back. We'll never get a moments peace now...


                        (missed ya really)


                          Army Thread 14/12/12

                          Mick;1426941 wrote: Yipee...............back in the land of the hub arrived...just connected it all up..with the help of veejay in Delhi :H:H:H:H back on line again...
                          Reccy thanks for help...modem and router are now replaced with the superhub which is really fast
                          Oh...I didn't do anything. I've just e-mailed you with my thoughts, but if the new kit solved the problem, that's great!

                          Edit: My thoughts were based on the assumption that you had already installed the new equipment, so were incorrect!


                            Army Thread 14/12/12

                            Going out for annual sit and look like a pretty wife while everyone around me gets drunk..times like this I really miss it...
                            Mind you I've got a cleavage and a half on display courtesy of a new ultimate push up bra....
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army Thread 14/12/12

                              pingu1997;1426958 wrote: Going out for annual sit and look like a pretty wife while everyone around me gets drunk..times like this I really miss it...
                              Mind you I've got a cleavage and a half on display courtesy of a new ultimate push up bra....
                              May we have photographic evidence please?

                              Evening all.


                                Army Thread 14/12/12

                                pingu twill be them all get shedded and make arses of themselves :H:H...lets take bets how many cleavage lechers there are after a few wets

                                ..........yep here I am rabsy..your mouth of the month title might now be in jeopardy!!!:H:H:H
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

