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School shooting in USA

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    School shooting in USA

    Awful news about the shooting at the Elementary School in the US.

    School shooting in USA

    these people are acting nuts! shooting in malls,movie theaters now schools its sad theyre young guys too,very sad
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      School shooting in USA

      I just saw and started crying
      what the hell is wrong with people??
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        School shooting in USA

        Over 20 children dead...all under the age of 10.

        My thoughts and prayers go to each and every family that was affected by unbelievable.
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          School shooting in USA

          that is terrible.....what had those children done to deserve such a short look at life???:upset:
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            School shooting in USA

            It's a horrible tragedy...this is a defining moment in so many lives there. My thoughts and prayers of strength sent to them. B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              School shooting in USA

              Gun control is something no politician will touch and the NRA becomes more irresponsible by not amending. Yes, I know the 2nd amendment in the Constitution allows firearms for personal protection, but can these gun licenses not be so easy to acquire - same for guns. Seriously, who needs an AK-47?

              This msg is not intended for gun owners who are responsible and secure their guns carefully. The shooters at Columbine, Virginia Tech, the movie, and this shooting were all done by young men - mental historyt? Better screening?

              When I lived in Canada, my husband was a member of a gun club. We were interviewed by the police in our home and we had to show a locked storage box with the ammo stored seperately and ANY red flags and the license was not permitted.

              Well, I've stepped in it now, so I'll dig myself in deeper. The victims of these public shootings are children and young people who don't have a say. [/COLOR] They didn't acquire guns. And the second amendment was in 1776, and the right to bear arms NOW should be a privilege like a driving license. If you don't pay child support, you lose your driving privileges, there should be some way to track ownership in the same way. Arrests for rage crimes, etc. should preclude someone from owning.

              A lot of gun ownership is fear-based and fearful people are a trigger happy. Read the statistics.

              This was a fucking slaughter.
              Enlightened by MWO


                School shooting in USA

                SKendall;1427039 wrote: Gun control is something no politician will touch and the NRA becomes more irresponsible by not amending. Yes, I know the 2nd amendment in the Constitution allows firearms for personal protection, but can these gun licenses not be so easy to acquire - same for guns. Seriously, who needs an AK-47?

                This msg is not intended for gun owners who are responsible and secure their guns carefully. The shooters at Columbine, Virginia Tech, the movie, and this shooting were all done by young men - mental historyt? Better screening?

                When I lived in Canada, my husband was a member of a gun club. We were interviewed by the police in our home and we had to show a locked storage box with the ammo stored seperately and ANY red flags and the license was not permitted.

                Well, I've stepped in it now, so I'll dig myself in deeper. The victims of these public shootings are children and young people who don't have a say. [/COLOR] They didn't acquire guns. And the second amendment was in 1776, and the right to bear arms NOW should be a privilege like a driving license. If you don't pay child support, you lose your driving privileges, there should be some way to track ownership in the same way. Arrests for rage crimes, etc. should preclude someone from owning.

                A lot of gun ownership is fear-based and fearful people are a trigger happy. Read the statistics.

                This was a fucking slaughter.
                Well stated skendall. This is so so tragic. You have to wonder if it wasn't so easy to get assault weapons in the us would this individual be able to cause so much violence on innocent dear children. I know it's no time to debate Americas gun culture heart goes out to the parents who have just lost there most precious child. Sad beyond belief.


                  School shooting in USA

                  Ralo, thank you and I agree with you also. I know of a couple of very responsible gun owners on this site and I enjoy the sharp shooting as an Olympics event.

                  The debate will probably ensue here, but it is a very complex and emotional subject.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    School shooting in USA

                    It is. simply, just so terribly sad. I remember all too well the Dunblane Massacre here in Scotland in '96. Absolutely awful. No words can ever articulate the horrificness of these tragedies.

                    The silence of those lost speaks louder than any words.


                      School shooting in USA

                      So utterly sad. I have to agree with you Skendall
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        School shooting in USA

                        My heart goes out to the families of today's shooting victims. This is such a sad day!

                        Stricter licensing procedures and a renewed ban on assault weapons would help prevent these events. My family is involved with law enforcement & I know what they go through each year to maintain their permits!
                        Another issue here is the increased number of psychotic individuals roaming our streets. Psychiatric facilities (as we knew them several decades ago) have been closed down. The young man responsible for today's carnage is reported to have had Aspergers. Obviously his concomitant psychotic tendency was not addressed??

                        This truly is a very complex & emotional subject!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          School shooting in USA

                          I just wanted to acknowledge this thread and acknowledge the lives of all lost. It is an unspeakable tragedy. Evil really does exist. This was human evil that extinguished the light of so many. We all have aching hearts.


                            School shooting in USA

                            This young man was obviously seriously disturbed. Lavande, I so agree with you. Mental health laws require that people be treated in the "least restrictive environment" that their disorder will allow (that is if they are seeking treatment at all). Most psychiatric hospital programs are little more than a revolving door where a person is admitted, their meds adjusted, and sent home.

                            I am appalled at yet another senseless tragedy involving guns. I don't object to people owning guns, but I do wish we had some more stringent requirements about who gets to have one and how long it takes to get a license. We make it harder to get a driver's license than to get a gun. Strange.

                            I'm sending prayers tonight.
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              School shooting in USA

                              I hope folks keep a couple things in mind. This looks primarily to be a domestic dispute. The shooter shot his mother (a kindegarten teacher) and her entire class. It also may be important to note that he was only 20 years old - too young to even purchase the guns that he used.

                              It is so awful. I can't stop crying for long.

                              You are here:

