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School shooting in USA

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    School shooting in USA

    This whole thing is doing my head in any way Jujia and Cradle I wish i could just hug you ..I am Australian we have experienced gun related massacres the link is how we dealt with it

    Gun politics in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I think gun related violence is out of controll in the US and other places Guns suck they are designed for one thing to Kill or wound ..this archaic American 2nd amendment is just that OLD and out of date ..the right to defend ..WTF havent we all matured from civil wars ( then again no looking at the middle east) so I have the right to shoot some one if they look like they are going to punch me..Sorry very upset what I am saying is I hate guns and there is no justification for their exisintence on this planet..they kill animals children and adults and any thing with flowing blood..they are EVIL!!!
    I know its a complex issue but FFS why do we tolerate them

    To Americans you are grate but to justify freedom on the right to own a gun to defend yourself is shit logic!!! and sucks..responsible gun owners is a miss nomer your society is awash with them wether this guy was mentally ill or on drugs or in a protracted domestic dispute is irrelevant the fact that he can steal or order a gun or borrow his dad gun its seems to be as easy as getting a Pizza is a problem to be looked at I hope this horrible unspeakable event changes your gun laws


      School shooting in USA

      bettygirl;1427226 wrote: and i think that guns should be at least as hard to get as a driver's are considered lethal weapons, why aren't weapons? ARRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
      I'm not sure where you are located, but I would say that they are about the same measure of difficult to get, but it probably varies by state. They do a background check with every purchase. Felons cannot own them at all, assuming by "assault weapon" you mean hand guns - since that what was used in the school shooting. There was no automatic weapon involved in the shootings. As far as a handgun purchase, there is a long form to that has to be filled out, and then the wait ensues . . . Rifles are easier to get. Felons can own them. The school shooter left the one he brought in the car.

      Anything from a hammer to a piano wire qualifies as a lethal weapon if it is used to kill.

      Again, I'm not sure what you mean by "assault weapons," but as a person who does keep firearms - specifically for the purpose of home protection - I find your implication that I am somehow to blame to be . . . It would be the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me (what were you thinking?), except that I think you really are ignorant on the subject, so I'm not going to bother being offended.

      What I am very sure of is that there is no gun law that is going to be enacted that is going to address what happened yesterday. I can't think of a law that would address that specific situation.

      Even worse, the school likely already had security in place that prevented strange adults from wandering the hallways. He was a teacher's son. He was known. The thing that might have prevented this would have been successful treatment of the shooter's mental illness. I read yesterday that he has been diagnosed with, among other things, a personality disorder (pretty much untreatable anyway). One "family friend" said that the shooter couldn't stand people, and said that he was kind of a sociopath. It is entirely likely that "successful treatment" was never in the cards for him anyway (genetics can be a real bitch).

      So, this incredibly horrible thing happened. There is no one to blame but the shooter, who is dead. There is nothing we can do to prevent it from happening again, no matter what happens with legislation. So what now?

      Consider that 50,000 children died of hunger yesterday. :l

      *edited to add: I shouldn't assume reports are correct. Apparently the shooter's mother was not a school employee at all, and it appears that the shooter actually broke a window to get inside the school.

      You are here:


        School shooting in USA


        I agree.

        I grew up around guns, we have them in our home now, too, and doing something like this was/is never, ever, a consideration. Also, I taught school in a rural area where the boys would hunt before school, drive to school with their guns in their trucks, and that's where they stayed. There was never a problem. Guns were respected; their purpose was to put food on those kids' tables.

        Mental illness is the problem. I wish treatment was easier to get, and affordable.

        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          School shooting in USA

          May peace and love fall upon the victims of this horrible crime........
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            School shooting in USA

            IAD;1427428 wrote: May peace and love fall upon the victims of this horrible crime........
            Amen thoughts and prayers to the families, friends and those here affected by this tragedy.

            I wonder what pharmaceuticals he was packing in his disturbed brain.
            Psalms 119:45

            ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

            St. Francis of Assisi

            I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



              School shooting in USA

              Makes me feel so humble...thoughts with the parents and families of those poor children. I just don't understand life or people sometimes.


                School shooting in USA

                i am ignorant of types of guns, but does it really matter what type of gun killed 20 babies?
                i definitely agree that there needs to be easier access to mental health in this country. it ties into alcohol treatment as well...if access were easier or oh my gosh, FREE, there might be hope for healing in people's lives, and we would see a hell of a lot less of this type of madness played out. if you are offended by what i said, maybe it hit home.


                  School shooting in USA

                  i am ignorant of types of guns because i don't invite that kind of energy into my life. i choose non-violence. if you are offended by my ignorance on the subject, well, that isn't my problem.

                  peace love and light to all those affected by this calamity.


                    School shooting in USA

                    I guess betty .....ignorance is bliss...It is better to help society than to ignore it....
                    Just how I feel....
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      School shooting in USA

                      GUN LAWS

                      No guns are NOT hard to get in this country. 40% are purchased with NO background check. The NRA is a predominant political power. Gutless politicians.

                      Drunk driving was basically ignored until the acquisition of lobbying power of M.A.D.D.
                      At some point we as citizens are going to say ENOUGH of this gun violence and stand up for assault weapons bans etc.

                      This kid's mother had guns as a HOBBY, and her need for a Bushmaster .223 rifle designed for law enforcement and the military was WHAT? And the irresponsibility of allowing access of this WEAPON to a troubled (at best) 20 year old.

                      In terms of gun violence the US is the joke of the civilized world. Un freaking believable


                        School shooting in USA

                        i'm not ignorant in all realms, but guns, yes. i choose to be because like i said, i don;t invite that sort of energy into my life.

                        ann carolina, it is so sad and so shameful. americans act like infants who want what they want when they want it, never considering the possible outcomes. we are the infants of the world...i hope that someday, we will all catch up. :l


                          School shooting in USA

                          I hugged and kissed my girls a little extra today as I dropped them off at school. And I tried my best not to erupt in sobs on my drive home.

                          The US can have all the gun laws, metal detectors, security in the world, but if we do not address the mental heal crisis in the united states, it will continue. We need to get these people into treatment and not have them go into the ER, pump them full of meds (which they will be non-compliant with because they will not be able to afford to renew the prescription when it runs out) and send them on their way. Illegal weapons are a huge issue, but in this case, he took them from his mother who had purchased them legally. He was a sick, sick young man who did not get the help he should have. We as a nation are grief-stricken. But it should also make us angry that the mentally ill in our midst are stigmatized so many times, instead of getting them help. Many times in order for these types of people to get help they have to commit a crime and go through the penal system. It's ridiculous. This issue needs to be tackled head on. I certainly hope this is a wake-up call to Washington. It is a horrible shame that so many beautiful children and adults had to be killed to bring this to the forefront. It is heartbreaking. And trying to explain this to our kids so they are not terrified to go to school....I pray for the souls of those we lost and for our world.
                          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                            School shooting in USA

                            Spot on Wagoneer, plus clips need to be banned immediately. Two things. Can we do it? We'll see.
                            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                              School shooting in USA

                              We need to take better stock of our mental health patients in this country. To much confidentiality breeds those with real zygotic problems. They that need help........need to be weeded out ! Guns have killed many..........but with these people they will kill by any means...... Let's pay attention to these zygotic people......make sure their taking their meds and or are in the proper institutions. !
                              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                              Dr. Seuss


                                School shooting in USA

                                Just want to add my prayers for the families of these children and teachers who were killed.

                                I also support banning guns and dont care who i offend by that statement, what if it were your family member? and agree that yes the United States is the most uncivilized of the industrialized countries.

                                And yes we need to address mental health in this country, I live in San Francisco and see mentally ill people everyday living on the street with little access to care. But I do know that even though mental health is one issue I also know that you cannot kill as many people with a knife in a few minutes as with a gun.

                                I don't normally get into politics on this forum but I feel this is a time that we all need to start making our voices heard to change our gun control laws.

                                I wonder what it will take before the US stops accepting these atrocities as acceptable.

                                I'm praying for peace and love to all,

