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Army Thread Saturday 15th December

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    Army Thread Saturday 15th December

    Morning guys, my my its busy in the army this morning, waiting in for me new cooker curtuesy of me mother (reckon she was feeling a bit guilty about getting me nowt 4 me birthday, so she went all out for crimbo). My car is not right something wrong with the brakes or tyres I reckon, going to the garage monday morning keep ya fingers crossed for a good quality cheap , very, very cheap repair
    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
    Audrey Hepburn


      Army Thread Saturday 15th December

      Got Zanex from Doc for Mr S - he is a nightmare on a flight to Greece for feck's sake.
      I think we will both need them :H
      Fierce nervy he is and the doc says that transfers to me as I am normally quite calm.

      Anyone ever taken Zanex ??


        Army Thread Saturday 15th December

        aye I think thats best Molls, marning, hows u and the joeys?
        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
        Audrey Hepburn


          Army Thread Saturday 15th December

          mollyka;1427292 wrote: Bloody great pressie from your Mum Pinky! Meant to say the other day but was on the shagginfone havin a tantrum. Are you still not talking to her?
          You see I am ver ver very grateful for the cooker, but there is a lot of water under the bridge and I forgave her for all the crap, caus eshes me mam its just we cant get on it just doesn't work, but I have been thinking about maybe getting her a wee something and a card explaining I do love her and maybe take it slow, she will only shit on me again, she owes me 900 pounds so the cooker is just being taken off that really, but I am grateful and i got nowt for me birthday so it makes up for that, but I am not sure about talking to her, it never goes well, its best like this really as we don't argue and that
          I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
          Audrey Hepburn


            Army Thread Saturday 15th December


            WTF am I doing awake and this un-frikken-Gawdly-forsaken hour?

            Good morning. I think.


              Army Thread Saturday 15th December

              GET A CUPPAJOE ON ZEN!!! :yay: Let's go play!


                Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                Ohhh... Gawd, youz are chatty today!!!!!! :H

                What the heck am I gonna do without yiz for a month?

                OK, me first then youz... Me mate wot lives next door has pinched a nerve in her neck. I was over there administering to her when I was supposed to be over here typing to youz yesterday. It kinda happened suddenish as these things do. I'm hoping the Zenny cure will get her on the straight and narrow and she won't need to go to the Doc in the morn (our proper morn). That's prolly what leaves me awake... I may need to be chauffering her soonish. Almost this time last year she was chauffering me to take Sean in to get put to permanent beddy byes. I fuckin hate Chrimbo and I am bloody glad I won't be putting a tree up this year. Wonder how they celebrate in rehab? Hahaha. Guess a glass of wine is out of the question!

                Arsey... tell yer Ma to look out for a parcel.

                Mollers... BLACK.

                Mario.... big darn hugs... you are sounding much better!!! :l

                Jacks... Where's me beanie? I need it for rehab.

                Satz... Is the kitchen sink in there too?

                Tiptronic_ct.... really? An adult movie? What did yer mother have to say about THAT?! :H

                Yoo hooo and hugs Tabbers and Pinkypoo

                (Please tell me I didn't miss anyone..............)


                  Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                  I'm here waiting for me boiled eggs ( loose term) :H
                  Mr S couldn't turn on the new cooker up to last week. It's afancy inductiion hob. Gentle touch does it.
                  I tried to 'learn' him but no ooooooooooooooooooo !

                  DD had to show him & voila - he can now do it.
                  I tell ye them two are thick as thieves & will melt me head on this trip. I'll be invisible 'till me and young Satz get together :h


                    Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                    Bloody hell theres defo some pee the beds on here today...morning all.....howaryiz?
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                      RunningCourage;1427300 wrote: GET A CUPPAJOE ON ZEN!!! :yay: Let's go play!
                      Hee hee! Whatcha want to do? I need to get in practice.

                      They have *activities* on the weekends in the rehab facility. I will be going to play mini-golf (gaaack), bowling (how did you do the other night by the way?), deep sea fishing (they said "only if you have sea legs", I DIDN'T say "5 fookin Atlantic crossings me!"... will leave that for future discussions round the campfire when we're all suitably bored), picnics, the beach. Basically sounds like the Famous Five Go To Rehab.

                      Much more sedate in the week. Art, music, horses and the gym. That's much more do-able. They said... quote.... "bring your guitar... the young folk are excellent musicians, we're in awe, and they'll teach you a thing or two". They can teach me a thing or 500 as I haven't picked my guitar up in earnest in years.............


                        Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                        Marning Zenners, u thought any more baout the detox place?
                        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                        Audrey Hepburn


                          Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                          mollyka;1427303 wrote: Well - was it a good phone call
                          Fraid I'm outta here - need to keep the public reading:H Mebbe talk laters Zen! How do you feel bout next week? And hows Hamish?
                          Not idle questions - I'll be checkin in on the shagginfone laters !!
                          :H Naw, the phone call turned into a nurse call!!!

                          I'm feeling all right about it. I'm just realizing some things... like I can't take my credit card, can I? And I guess cash for a month is out of the question. I took off my beloved 12 year old diamond studs tonight and left them with me mate wot lives next door. Fuckitt... in the words of Gloria... We Will Survive!

                          Hamish is doing great. I think the second vet is on the right tracks. Thank God I didn't listen to the ones saying "yank his teeth"... :upset: I am waiting for the results from his tests to come in next week. Once I know what's causing it, hopefully it can be dealt with. But he's a perky wee bugger today after his cleaning! His big bro has nice shiny gnashers too... all the better to bite the wee one's butt with....


                            Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                            littlepinkcat;1427308 wrote: Marning Zenners, u thought any more baout the detox place?
                            Yes Pinky hon, I have. I almost have it down to a fine science now! Gawd. Where did my impetuousness go? I was meant to go in Monday but have to wait to get Hamish's results and get him started on whatever he needs so I can get my roomie on the job. I'm looking at Wednesday now. The rehab don't mind. Nobody goes in over Chrimbo and New Year so they are hardly busy. I will prolly be laughing my arse off on 2nd-5th January when they all come piling in! :H:H:H


                              Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                              Zenstyle;1427307 wrote: Hee hee! Whatcha want to do? I need to get in practice.

                              They have *activities* on the weekends in the rehab facility. I will be going to play mini-golf (gaaack), bowling (how did you do the other night by the way?), deep sea fishing (they said "only if you have sea legs", I DIDN'T say "5 fookin Atlantic crossings me!"... will leave that for future discussions round the campfire when we're all suitably bored), picnics, the beach. Basically sounds like the Famous Five Go To Rehab.

                              Much more sedate in the week. Art, music, horses and the gym. That's much more do-able. They said... quote.... "bring your guitar... the young folk are excellent musicians, we're in awe, and they'll teach you a thing or two". They can teach me a thing or 500 as I haven't picked my guitar up in earnest in years.............
                              JESUS! That's like full on Activities Week when I wis at skool. So is Timmy the mutt at re-hab... and do you get to go on a trip to Current Island or wherever it was that was near where Aunt Fanny (:H) stayed and every bad geezer happened to land. Which was very fortuitous as the Famous Five wouldn't have been famous had they not had any adventures.

                              Reckon George had sexuality issues though.

                              But then maybe I looked a bit too deeply into Enid Blyton's books....

                              I did BRILLIANTLY at the bowling. Lost. Spectacularly.


                                Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                                Zenstyle;1427307 wrote: Hee hee! Whatcha want to do? I need to get in practice.

                                They have *activities* on the weekends in the rehab facility. I will be going to play mini-golf (gaaack), bowling (how did you do the other night by the way?), deep sea fishing (they said "only if you have sea legs", I DIDN'T say "5 fookin Atlantic crossings me!"... will leave that for future discussions round the campfire when we're all suitably bored), picnics, the beach. Basically sounds like the Famous Five Go To Rehab.

                                Much more sedate in the week. Art, music, horses and the gym. That's much more do-able. They said... quote.... "bring your guitar... the young folk are excellent musicians, we're in awe, and they'll teach you a thing or two". They can teach me a thing or 500 as I haven't picked my guitar up in earnest in years.............
                                Aw Zen it will GREAT ! Intsead of chatting on line with us alkos you get to meet lots of real ones - dysfunctional alkos F2F:H:H:H

                                I have a feeling you will have a ball ! I want to go with you :l

