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Army Thread Saturday 15th December

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    Army Thread Saturday 15th December

    satz123;1427312 wrote: Aw Zen it will GREAT ! Intsead of chatting on line with us alkos you get to meet lots of real ones - dysfunctional alkos F2F:H:H:H

    I have a feeling you will have a ball ! I want to go with you :l
    Me too! Me too! Me too!

    .... sorry, got overexcited there...


      Army Thread Saturday 15th December

      satz123;1427305 wrote: I'm here waiting for me boiled eggs ( loose term) :H
      Mr S couldn't turn on the new cooker up to last week. It's afancy inductiion hob. Gentle touch does it.
      I tried to 'learn' him but no ooooooooooooooooooo !

      DD had to show him & voila - he can now do it.
      I tell ye them two are thick as thieves & will melt me head on this trip. I'll be invisible 'till me and young Satz get together :h
      Awww feck.... priceless!!!!! Lovely new hob and no fucker can work it!!!! :H:H:H


        Army Thread Saturday 15th December

        Mick;1427306 wrote: Bloody hell theres defo some pee the beds on here today...morning all.....howaryiz?
        Speak for yersel young Mick! No pee in this bed! (Achully I did pee it once when I was a kid and the embarrassment still remains. Enough to gird the loins of the pee-iest person that was.)

        How is yer gob?


          Army Thread Saturday 15th December

          RunningCourage;1427311 wrote: JESUS! That's like full on Activities Week when I wis at skool. So is Timmy the mutt at re-hab... and do you get to go on a trip to Current Island or wherever it was that was near where Aunt Fanny (:H) stayed and every bad geezer happened to land. Which was very fortuitous as the Famous Five wouldn't have been famous had they not had any adventures.

          Reckon George had sexuality issues though.

          But then maybe I looked a bit too deeply into Enid Blyton's books....

          I did BRILLIANTLY at the bowling. Lost. Spectacularly.
          I have a funny fucking feeling that I will be guffawing (daintily) at all the out of towners. I can just imagine it... "Oh Lewk! A Palm Tree!" *groan* Ach well, as long as they are decent folk and they don't try to pinch my shit we'll get along fine I am sure!!! :H

          I doubt that it will be too Blytonish though. According to Intake Lady the therapists will have us in tatters before we know what hit us. Think it will be a quiet Christmas! lol....

          I'm shite at bowling too. I did win once... years ago... I was so shocked I went out and got rip roaring drunk. C'mon! What a GREAT excuse to get drunk! Lets face it!


            Army Thread Saturday 15th December

            Nuttin' wrong with Mick's gob:H:H

            Ok I'm away to remove every bit of bodily hair God gave me ( why ?) and dye the gray on what's left.
            RC & Mick keep it clean !

            Later Gaters


              Army Thread Saturday 15th December

              satz123;1427312 wrote: Aw Zen it will GREAT ! Intsead of chatting on line with us alkos you get to meet lots of real ones - dysfunctional alkos F2F

              I have a feeling you will have a ball ! I want to go with you :l
              Face to Face Alkos R Us! :H

              I'll prolly be teaching them how to cook as part of OUR rehabilitation heee. And I'm bringing me cards and some board games. Some of the peeps will be from out of town but, me, I live about a mile away from the place we'll be staying in... so I can ship all sorts of shit in there. I would like to bring a TV and DVD player for my bedroom but that might be pushing my luck. :H Seriously though, I can provide stuff for our quad (there are four to a unit) so we can have activities at night. We get "sent home" at 4.00pm so WTF am I meant to do with no laptop or phone? :wow:


                Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                RunningCourage;1427313 wrote: Me too! Me too! Me too!

                .... sorry, got overexcited there...
                You would love it I reckon. They have one building for art, music and phsychodrama (my word) therapy. I shall be a budding musician, artist and drama queen by the time I emerge!


                  Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                  satz123;1427317 wrote: Nuttin' wrong with Mick's gob:H:H

                  Ok I'm away to remove every bit of bodily hair God gave me ( why ?) and dye the gray on what's left.
                  RC & Mick keep it clean !

                  Later Gaters

                  Make sure you pluck what you need to pluck and dye the rest. Getting the hairs mixed up is not a viable option! :l


                    Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                    Zenstyle;1427321 wrote: You would love it I reckon. They have one building for art, music and phsychodrama (my word) therapy. I shall be a budding musician, artist and drama queen by the time I emerge!
                    Bloody hell. It sounds awesome.

                    Mick and me could dress up as dames :H ...

                    What;s that Mick? Oh. You already dress as a dame? Well I never...


                      Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                      Right, it is saturday. No plans. So gonna do my namesake, and be inspired by mrsa and go for run. Just a wee one.

                      Back laters.


                        Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                        Morning army. Its busy this morning. My laptop was giving me grief the last few days it kept freazing and losing internet connection. I don't have internet on my pone which is old anyway. The swelling on my nose and face is going down but still purple and flakey. Pain isn't as bad. Zen that rehab sounds like a holiday camp lol most over here have u doin chores and lots of therapy. Molly your oufit sounds lovely enjoy your crimbo party. Jc thanks for the lovely card it arrived during the week. For religious reasons i don't celebrate xmas so the 2 3 years i don't put up a tree or decorations or send cards so sorry i can't send you one. I'll explain more later. Satz enjoy your trip wish i was heading some where. Its cold here so still in bed. Not much planned for today just try and catch up on cleaning. Pinky you are right to take it slow with your mum. It might work out better that. Sorry i can't mention everyone i'm still a bit tired have a good saturday whatever your plans.


                          Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                          Hello Foxy! Glad I caught you afore I disappear... I was wondering how your nose was doing. You had to go in yesterday didn't you? Did they x-ray it?

                          I'm trying to make the rehab sound fun but the reality is I will prolly be fucking MISERABLE! It's a shite load of therapy, daily AA meetings, daily group meetings, one-on-one therapy meetings at minimum once a week (when they see you can take more it can go to daily argh), psychiatrist meet one-on-one once a week... it's not all fun at all. I was just trying to make light of it. Truth be told, I'm shit scared...


                            Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                            Hiya Zenster......kinell...sounds like an oliday camp you are going to....wot happened to up at 5, bedpacks made, go for a run followed closely by a room inspection that has to be done a million times over with some Knob screaming in your ear...quick march , slow march, salute to the right ,the front ,the left ,about turn.................oops fink I am in the wrong camp :H:H
                            Hamish s gob sounds better than mine...crunched on an oat cluster last night...forgot there was no tooth there...lots of red stuff and its giving me gyp today...

                            Molls your outfit sounds ace........but with wellies????:H

                            Rabsy..your post..quote...What;s that Mick? Oh. You already dress as a dame? Well I never...

                            those last three words....hmmm methinks he protesteth too loudly!!!

                            FF...glad you are getting better..........I had a swelling..was really pleased withe meself :H:

                            Satzy...Ok I'm away to remove every bit of bodily hair God gave me ( why ?) and dye the gray on what's left.
                            Nae pics please :H:H

                            shit had to repost..the emoticon cops got me !!!
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                              Mick... you weren't around for my epic gob ordeal earlier this year. Recap (pun intended)... Bone graft, two implants, molar extraction, two root canals, 3 tooth bridge, crown... and to top the whole lot off I got feckin Dry Socket (that was when I quit smoking... so something good came out of THAT trauma...) I can relate to the gob shite! (hee hee) And my dentist is an ex boyfriend. Actually, he is now an ex dentist also after all the pain I had inflicted on me. (

                              Have you seen this? One of my faves! Steve Martin....

                    [/video]][HD] Dentist! - Little Shop of Horrors - YouTube


                                Army Thread Saturday 15th December

                                p.s. Mick... I was trying to make light of it. It's going to be bloody purgatory. It won't help that I'm probably the oldest wan in there and the young uns will be looking at me going "thank feck I sorted it out when I did"...

                                Anyway... it is what it is. It'll be all right one way or another. I trust the people I've met that work there. I've even met my therapist (she is TOUGH!). So...... nothing ventured nothing gained.

