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Feeling very nervous.....

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    Feeling very nervous.....

    I am soooo very happy for you! You're on your way my dear!
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Feeling very nervous.....

      You brought tears to my eyes. All of us that have children have been exactly where you are...feel like a bad parent, hung-over..AGAIN, and still craving alcohol. It is the absolute worst. There is no sympathy with this disease either, everyone...except those that know, act like this is just a simple choice..drink/don't drink. It is HARD, BUT think God unlike some other diseases, we can heal. Give your baby extra love and get those meds that you need. This is a hard task and almost impossible to do alone. I will be thinking of you!!!!


        Feeling very nervous.....

        Go Bluebell - you are a wonderful, strong person and mother....

        This is such a huge step - congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

        With much love

        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Feeling very nervous.....

          I had my bloods taken this morning.

          I'm still "high" from unlocking the beasts cage!

          BUT, there I was sitting in the waiting room, not a care in the world, when WHAM! I was frozen to the spot.

          I had casually glanced down at the forms the doctor had given me to pass on to the blood people and there it was in black and white ........

          Reason for Test/s: ALCOHOL ABUSE.

          I don't know why seeing that written down hit me like a punch in the head.

          But do you know what?

          After initially feeling soooooooooo embarrassed because the nurse would know exactly why I was there (oh the shame!), I thought stuff it! Who cares? Another surge of power went through me as I shook off the initial reaction! I felt quite empowered walking in there.

          Anyway, I saw her read the form and I gave her a look as if to say "oh well, now you know" and she was so lovely. She gave my shoulder a pat and said, "believe me, you are not alone". I just felt so not worried about anything anymore. I can't put into words the feeling I have that now my worsest, worsest, worsest secret is out and I am getting the proper help I need.

          Thank you all so so much for your kindness, love and support. I certainly wouldn't have done it without the boot up the bum. I came soooo close to just brushing it off.... yet again.

          THANK YOU ALL :h


            Feeling very nervous.....

            Ohhh BB. I just want to give you a big hug! (although just give me a minute to collect myself, cos I'm still laughing my head off from the bitch thread)

            That nurse sounds perrrfect.

            You know, I think that *stuff it-who cares* attitude is something I'm starting to adopt too. I think it comes with maturing and age too. And damn, doesn't it feel good!

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Feeling very nervous.....

              Hugs to you's amazing how many people have issues with alcohol - it's a bit like when I was first diagnosed with depression - then every second person seemed to have it!

              So pleased things went smoothly - sounds almost like you were at my doctor's office!!!

              Oh the lovely Oz docs

              Love cashy
              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Feeling very nervous.....

                Thanks guys!

                OMG! Cashy... it could have been the same docs! We live in the SAME state!!!

                Doo - I am trying really hard to think of something realllllllly bitchy to add to The Bitch thread but I'm feeling sooo unbitchy at the moment.

                Hugs back at ya.


                  Feeling very nervous.....

                  Congrats Bluebell

                  I came in late to your posts but wow - how compelling!!!

                  I remember your posts about arranging you 6 year olds birthday - what a long way you have come in a few days -

                  I feel so happy for you. It is so nice for me not to have to rush the kids to bed - read the story 10times too fast, shouting and irritated because I want to open a bottle of wine - WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT.

                  Now I see the sunshine, I walk slower and feel that I am entitled to a place in this world just like any other and damned if I am going to hide away at home drinking on my own.

                  I have better things to do - like talk to people like you for one.

                  Oh and like you - my husband doesn't believe I will give up - we used to be big drinking partners before the kids - I have changed he has not.

                  Keep us posted!!

                  Love S


                    Feeling very nervous.....

                    Thank you so much Serenity.

                    I am really excited about starting the treatment on Tuesday. Although I probably already have started in a sense by having to write down, every time I pour a glass of wine, what I am thinking at that moment. That's actually quite a hard thing to do because it is such a habit I don't know if I'm thinking anything in particular except "gimme the wine".

                    I'm so looking foward to getting my life back and enjoying the days and evening with a clear head. I am so looking forward to sharing those lovely days and evenings, clear-headed with my children and husband. We move house in a few weeks and it is going to be a fabulous new start all round.

                    My husband is going to quit with me but not do the meds. Well....we will have to see how that goes. If he does struggle, at least I have paved the way for him to see the same doc without any of the worries I had.

                    Thanks again and I will update here on Tuesday.



                      Feeling very nervous.....

                      Might well have been the same Doctor BB!!!

                      PM me some time and i'll give you my home e-mail

                      Lotsa love

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

