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    Nicelife, See you are in Australia. I have a grandson killing himself with drugs. He is ONLY 13 yo. Do u have a plan for Christmas? I am dreading it!! It is so much harder for us alkies at this time.



      SKendall - so very sorry for your loss.
      I really appreciate this post and it has come at a timely juncture for me - I do not wnat it to be my children that have to go thru what this family has - it is so sad that some of us are so aware of the reprecussions but are still struggling.
      Sorry your family has to face this, thoughts and prayers are with you....
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        I AM STUNNED

        I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine how you must feel right now, but please know that my heart goes out to yours:h.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          I AM STUNNED


          What sad, sad news for you. Please covey my condolence to the family.


            I AM STUNNED

            She leaves behind an adult daughter, a son in college and a son in high school who are all absolutely devastated.
            That is so sad, I have tears in my eyes. It's so close to my heart not to hurt my daughter and my mom. It is for that reason that I haven't completely self destructed in the past through all the pain I've had to endure, and it is today the main reason I stopped in August and have really tried to not fall into another episode. I was really ripped out of my mind one night and apparently someone had called me. They left me a message that slapped me hard the next day that said, 'someone will be completely devastated if something happens to you'. That was the first day in August of this year that I said no more and started posting here I believe about day 7. I can't really remember the exact details of my first post without looking back. I have slipped several times since that time, but have tried very hard more for them and especially my daughter because she has to make it through this life a long time. Wow, this really has me sobbing as I am so sad today with all I am going though and I can't reach for a bottle to try and escape.

            I truly understand this message, Skendall. Sometimes someone posts something here and it just sinks in soooooo deep.

            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


              I AM STUNNED


              I am so, so sorry.



                I AM STUNNED

                Hey Boozer - my plan is to protect my sobriety no matter what. It is number one on my Christmas gift list - something just for me but THE thing that will benefit all those I love the most!!!

                Get yourself a plan and really, truly think about what it is you want in your life more. Booze or another type of life. I know it is really hard to get a decent chunk of AF time under your belt but once you've got that you may see how much different your life can be.

                If it is any consolation at all, my first quit which lasted over 6 years was started on December 8th. I knew that if I could get through a family Christmas I could get through anything. I got tricked into thinking I could moderate so tried that scenario - biggest mistake in my life. I'm now well and truly AF and intend to live the rest of my life this way!

                Best of luck Boozer. If I can do this, absolutely anyone can!!! Dig deep my friend!
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  I AM STUNNED

                  Thank you all, you're such a comfort. It was great to be able to post here and have so much understanding. Apparently, she had encountered internal bleeding and then it all shut down.

                  Part of the probnlem was my stepson tried to interfere with her physicians and they are both so stubborn and she stopped going to her drs thinking they were breaching her confidentiality. Well, guess what happens when "I'll show you" takes place. She and I were so alike, birthdays one day apart, sons with the same birthday, love of cooking and gardening.

                  Fortunately, my memories of her don't include boozey memories, so I feel very fortunate, she was always a bright light in my life and I will miss her dearly. Hubs couldn't resist an "I told you so". I simply said that she had a physical and mental compulsion for alcohol and couldn't get from under it.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    I AM STUNNED

                    I forgot, her name is Jeanine. I love the msgs of empathy, but I am also sending a strong message.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      I AM STUNNED

                      Sorry for your loss SK, but I'm glad you have good memories of her.


                        I AM STUNNED

                        SK - message recieved loud and clear - today I am back on day 2 for the goodness knows how many times and this is poignant for me - I do not want to be Jeanine - I am so glad you have such good memories of her, and you respect her enough to hold her as a warning to me.....:thanks:
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          I AM STUNNED

                          message received SK
                          RIP Jeanine...
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            I AM STUNNED

                            Indeed SK....

                            Peace to Jeanine!
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              I AM STUNNED

                              You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                I AM STUNNED


