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Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

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    Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

    Does mick get to wear a dress...

    Please pretty please
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

      I'm away to hide.................. don't tell Mick........................................

      Edit - ABSOLUTELY Pingu. A pretty pink one with yellow and white frills.


        Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

        Anyone got a bunny costume

        I'm away to bed, if I can stop the dripping
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

          RunningCourage;1429072 wrote: I totally get that Molls... I thinks we are just all finding our own way through/out having been caught by the demon drink.

          JC - you're right re how does someone know someone is a real alkie - I think some do wear it more on their sleeves than others ... BUT I also think we live in a culture whereby an "alkie" (for lack of a better word right now) is deemed someone who needs a drink first think in the morning, who LOOKS the part of an alcoholic and is seen to be drunk. I work in an industry that positively celebrates in every way it can, alcohol. It is SO easy to embrace it as others might embrace munching their way through a large choccie bar. I've worked in theatre bars and watched a scriptwriter wash down 3 bottles of red in little under 90mins... maybe it was 2 hours. Still... no one appeared to be saying anything. Perhaps some do to the imbiber, privately, those who are close to them. But the public persona, the public recognition of the person who drinks is more often NOT about them as a drinker but them as a PERSON - the writer, the doctor, the technician, the actor, the quantity banana surveyor, et al.

          And the difficulty is that this is how it should be - we should be valuing the person, NOT that they are an alcoholic. Alcoholism is an illness they have, but it is not who they are essentially. YET, if nothing is said, if society keeps embracing the person with the addiction without recognition of the addiction, then all it does is support the addiction. ESPECIALLY in our culture where drink is something you are EXPECTED to do. (There's a lovely wee actress I know who i think is t-total... even I want to go up to her and say "why are you?"). At times it seems as if everything is stacked in such a way that we all must drink, worship drink, enjoy drink, believe drink is the elixir of everything that is good... and with it some of us suffer but others can't help because they want to celebrate what is killing another...

          Sorry - I know what I am trying to get at but this post is rambling on... Essentially I agree with you JC, we don't necessarily know who is having a problem / suffering with the affliction of addiction. NO ONE (I reckon) at my work would ever think I had a problem. That I liked a drink, yes. That I looked forward to getting drunk alone, no. That I was actually suffering at work, maybe some would've thought i might have a hangover, or was tired, or was ill - but everyday?!... prolly not.
          Don't worry about breaking up the party.

          3 bottles of red in 90 mins.............light weight.

          I know what you mean. Certain industries have certain images. Crikey I worked in a wine merchants and they thought I had depression until I came clean (peculiar
          choice of word).

          Drinking will always be with us, alcoholism needs to be recognized as a disease and treated as we would diabetes, but because of the stigma and mental images still have I can't see it happening soon.

          This is good stuff, Runners.

          Anyway problem is I'm not about to stand in the middle of Noocastle and start shouting that I'm an alkie and there is help out there if you want it...............because I'm a big fat scaredy cat of being stereotyped.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

            I got a tiger costume... and a penguin costume.... who would be the white rabbit...? You Pingu - and we'll give you a snotty hanky too.

            Zenny can be the cheshire cat though! "Who's mad? Why, I'm mad, you're mad, we're all mad!" :H


              Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

              Molls is coming as the invisible man.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                JackieClaire;1429094 wrote: Molls is coming as the invisible man.
                :H :H :H


                  Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                  I've gotta go go to bed, lovelies, I'm fair jigged.

                  Great craic tonight.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                    Night Jackie....


                      Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                      Nighters peeps (actually I'm still wide awake... still lolloping about :H)


                        Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                        Check this out RC

              [/video]](1) Loca the Pug singing......'The pug that couldn't run' - YouTube


                          Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                          :H :H :H Am gonna wake up my flatmates laughing so loud!


                            Army Thread, Tuesday the 18th and it's almost frikken Chrimbo again!!!!

                            RunningCourage;1429115 wrote: :H :H :H Am gonna wake up my flatmates laughing so loud!
                            Det posted it on the Daily Thread...I couldn't quit laughing either :H

